Writer: Skull Of Satan
Subject: Satanic Whores
Link: Tumblr / 30.01.2023
Satanic Whores
I talk a lot about whores. With Satan in hell, “Whore = Queen.” — I use to make whores for Satan. They fuck for Satan. What’s that mean? They are more dedicated to there whoredom. Satan rewards them. Now whore doesn’t necessarily mean prostitution. It’s an attitude. You do what ever the fuck you want. Freedom and to hell with everyone else. Become a whore for Satan and reap the benefits. Check out my rituals on YouTube #skullmayhem. Hail the Whores of Hell. Hail Satan.
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Love your YouTube videos
I need to find Female Whores like on here in my life
I need to find Female Whores like on here in my life