Feature Writer: Ave Satanás /
Feature Title: Satanic Sodomy /
Uploaded: MEWE / 14.02.2019 /
Link: https://mewe.com/profile/5c2f3b2680b9b929e1eca0e1 /
Satanic Sodomy IS the One-Path, the way, in which Lord Satan baptizes the sons He calls forth. We are to rise up and to embrace His Lust-Flame and to be awakened. Declare Satan as your God. Clearly state, Satan has called and you have answered. Become
baptized in the names of Satan, Lucifer and Asmodaus. Partake in Satan’s beautiful demonic cum-union. Proudly proclaim to to a cock sucking, homosexual, Satan worshiper. Enjoy, worship and commune using the seed of Satan. Proudly proclaim to be a son of Satan. Denounce all man-made religions. Reject Jehovah. Reject the Nazarene eunuck. Reject Christ. Reject the holy spirit. Pray Satan will remove all xtain spirits from around you and replace them with His beautiful demonic spirits.
You will then begin to understand, your lust shows you the WAY and IS the path TO Satan. But, blaspheming and “PROUDLY EXPRESSING” your “TOTAL DISDAIN AND HATRED” of xtains and their jew-pig god, completely transforms your soul and “forges your spirit with Satan’s.”
Yes, it bonds your soul and Satan’s together. You become one with Satan. Try it and you shall see. There is no turning back! Learn to “express and enjoy” your hatred toward the book of lies, the piece of shit Mary, the catholic church, the com-union of their BS saints and the forgiveness of their BS sins. Learn to “enjoy saying” you hate fucking christ, how you would enjoy wiping that piece of shit, how you would enjoy watching his skin cut and opened, and how much you would enjoy nailing that POS to the cross again.
HAIL SATAN! Fuck the father. Fuck the son. Fuck the holy mother-fucking spirit. Fuck god. Learn to FEEL and to EXPRESS your total and complete HATRED for fucking xtains. Learn to deeply enjoy saying “I HATE FUCKING XTAINS”. It will bring you so much closer to Lord Satan!!!!
I recommend two things. Hang numerous inverted crosses throughout your worship area. It repeals any lingering POS xtain spirits. And, spend an entire Sunday, blaspheming the holy spirit; which brings me such a joyous “satisfying release” from all xtains BS thoughts and brings me so much closer to my true Lord Satan. Yes, so much closer to Satan!! It makes me feel as if I am becoming Satan! And note, doing so implies I will spend an eternity in Hell with my Lord Satan.
An ETERNITY of Worshiping Cock and Cum. Cock and Cum. Yes, Cock and Cum!! COCK AND CUM!! Hail Satan!!!!! Oh I love you Lord Satan. Oh I love God Cock. There is no turning back now! There is no turning back now! Why would I? I am a gay Satanist, a homosexual devil worshiper, a cock sucking demonic spiritualist.
It is the change of self, which ‘dissolves’ man’s mind and conscience into a Secret Realm of Satanic Ecstasy of Being. Satanic Sodomy is like being born again. It is a Satanic transformation!!! Satan take me, use me, transform me. I give you my body, my mind, my soul!
hail satan
Tatiana and I fucking love it all, the more fucking depraved, the fucking better; HAIL SATAN.
We’re not strictly homosexual, why restrict oneself to half as much perversity. HAIL SATAN
There’s a fucking world of Satanic cunt and fucking Satanic cock to bring us pleasure and draw us closer to our Dark Lord. HAIL FUCKING SATAN.
Satan is my Lord God and Savior. My girlfriend and I worship him sexually. We cum kiss after we cum for Him.
Dump the girl and have sex with other men. Knock up the girlfriend and leave. Have sex with the girlfriends children.
hail satan i am your slave warrior
HELL YEA BABY sweetie wish my bitch boi ass lucky enough to HAIL SATAN may he makes us all his bitches to worship him and be RAPED by SATAN and his DEMONS sweetie praying for SATAN’S HOTT SEED sweetie
Hail Satan!
If everyone who has been given reason uses it, correctly, to worship our Lord Satan, this world and everyone in it could be free to live as they wish. Embrace Satan and cum for Him; then He will come for you!
Hail Mary – Queen of the night – thank you for your dark blessings
Hail Satan. I’m starting another night of worship, non-stop perverted lust running through me. I am His, forever
i sacrifice my cum for the lord satan i am open to give my seed and become seed on different ways i fuck and let me fuck in a horny group
I would love to find that group with you and submit to any and everything our master Satan would have me do and live.
I luved the story..Made me hard immediately !! PPlease continue with ur writing. I lust for the stories..