Writer: Satanworshipper
Subject: Satanic Meditation
Link: Email LS666 / 15.08.2022
Satanic Meditation
I’ve begun Satanic meditation every morning upon rising. I prepare by sitting naked in my darkened worship space facing a six-foot inverted cross. I put a large inverted crucifix around my neck. I place bibles underneath each of my feet and stacks of bibles underneath my elbows to form a makeshift throne. I tear a page out of one of the bibles and shove it deep into my ass. I then eat several small pieces of another bible page.
Finally, I turn on some dark, ominous, Demonic music in the background. And then it’s time to start meditating. I close my eyes and begin silently repeating short mantras in my mind, over and over and over. This morning’s mantra was “Merge with Satan.”
Other mantras I use are: “Satan is Real,” “I love Satan,” “Worship Satan,” “Satan is God,” etc.
You can use whatever mantra you want. Meditation sessions usually last fifteen to twenty minutes, but today being a Saturday, I meditated for about an hour. My sessions always bring me closer to the Dark Lord. The more I meditate, the more I feel like I’m merging with Him.
I highly recommend this practice, Ave Satanas.