Satanic Fuck by Lycan Rex

Writer: Lycan Rex

Subject: Satanic Fuck

Link: MEWE / 17.09.2024

Satanic Fuck

Satanic lust produces a level of arousal impossible for those who do not serve our Master. I have found that the more one desires sin and demon possession the more intense the effect.

Once one is released from the guilt and shame imposed by church brainwashing, the freedom to feed is released. No longer does it matter if the object of one’s lust is your sister, brother, mother, teacher, male or female.

One is now a fuck animal who only cares if the object of lust is fuckable. Realize that fucking is your duty to Lord Satan. Realize that exceeding and breaking down your limits is your obligation as a slave of sin.


Always lovely to hear from Lycan Rex. We’ve been following each other for a decade or maybe even more. Thanks for the support, Brother. As I’ve aged, my lust has become much more focused, deeper, and definitely more perverse.

This is a story I wrote for a competition — I won a USD50 voucher — Whoopee! I called it “Lust”, but somehow the title changed to “Lusting” … fuck knows why … anyway, here’s a link …

2 thoughts on “Satanic Fuck by Lycan Rex”

  1. Thank you my Long time Brother Xpanther

    I have enjoyed knowing you for these many years

    I love your writing

    And greatly appreciate your work

    I just pass on
    From the Masters

    Such as you!

  2. Well I do not know Lycan Rex at all, but what he wrote is certainly truthful and timely for most of us. Some very wise thoughts in what he wrote. Thanks for posting.

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