Writer: Satanichomo
Subject: Satanic Control
Link: Tumblr / 08.08.2023
Satanic Control
You have given yourself to Satan. You are His till the end of time. You will not escape. You have given up self control. He will destroy the idea of self. He will destroy the idea of ego. You will be part of Satan’s Domain. Evil ideas will be planted. Resistance is useless. You will no longer be of this world. But part of Satanic Hell. You are the Beast. You will think like the Beast. You will act like the Beast.
Hail Satan hail Lilith
I drive the streets at night looking for others that can’t sleep that are high, ones in search of dark perverted Acts beast of Satan beast of Lilith drive to the rest area park in the back were the lights don’t shine
All the wicked know this place girls and boys cummmmm here to make out or find others into unholy fucking wickedness were guys bring there girl friends and pump them full of satanic sperm juice finger fuck them the girls love it
They pull there tops up showing there hard nipples there young tight sweet fuck body’s you can see there heads bobing up and down there must be every fucking beast parked here some climbing in and out of other cars looking for cummmmm dripping funnnnn looking for a bigger cock or a wet juicy unholy cunt old men perverts sitting watching the action jacking off hearing boys tell there sluts to suck harder you fucking white cunt suck it make me fucking cummmm baby as he finger fucks the young bitch whore
Sometimes while she’s sucking him off another guy will jump in the car pull her shorts off and stick his serpent in her hole pump her full get out and another will jump in and pump her bald sperm filled cunt she don’t care her boy friend doesn’t care
It might be five guys banging that twat I must say I wait till last I want to suck all that satanic sperm juice out then as a gift from Satan fuck her virginity out of that really really hard tight ass mmmmm the taste of five cocks cummmmm her opening the hole to suck as much as I possibly can out
Then the reward to fuck her tight sweet fuck ass you could bounce a coin off her fucking wicked unholy ass cheeks mmmmmm
I love wearing my Satan mask with 666 in black marking pen above my cock my brain stopped working all that’s in control is the serpent the same serpent that fucked eve in the garden its buried all the way in her ass Cunt
I’m close to blowing my serpent’s head load in her ass her sweet lover watches my cock go in and out her fingering her twat her eyes roll back in her head thrashes around as I start to pump cummmmm and more fucking hard cummmmm in that tight young girl asshole it starts to squeeze out all over her ass legs cunt car seat
This is why all the unholy cummmmm here to pray for guidance from the dark master god Satan
I go back to my car waiting for more children of Satan to show up and worship to the Almighty cock and cunts
Hail Satan
Hail Lilith
fucking that bald young cunt and ass is best Ray
Yes! I will become like a beast that cares about nothing but serving our Great Lord. I will crawl through Hell and worship My Lord Lucifer, reveling in His Perverted Attention. I will gladly lose my soul to follow Him into Hell, and serve the Great Satan as a hairless and naked creature that begs to be sodomized by Him and His Demons. I will totally lose myself to Lust and swim in pools of scalding hot Demon Sperm. The Great Satan will be my Master, and I will serve Him willingly as His Eternal Sodomite! Pleasing Him sexually will be the ONLY reason I exist. I will become a pathetic worm that embraces my humble place at His Hooved Feet.
I will suck on His Great Black Cock, and orgasm repeatedly thinking about my sweet surrender to Him. I will give up Everything to become a perverted beast that delights in deviancy and evil, and worships at His Genitals. Because NOTHING is more important than serving the Dark Lord!
All hail our Mighty Lord, the Great Satan!