Satan Wants You To Be Free by HerHappiness966

Writer: HerHappiness966

Subject: Satan Wants You To Be Free

Link: LS666 Email / 11.06.2024

Satan Wants You To Be Free

Accept who you are. Fuck, being judged.

Even though she should, she won’t. And even though she won’t, she should. She doesn’t need what they think would help. All the ninety-nine percent, who fit into the category of the society they built, couldn’t care to understand this. And, if they even did, and tried, would they have to be humored for their attempt by her?

She sees them come and go, the Samaritans of life. You’re born. You grow up. Get married and have a family. You do your best or what’s needed to supply for them. Yeah, that’s great I see that.

Now strip away your fun adolescent experience and your journey into finding self. Take away your meaningful relationships and the ability to have a spouse. Take your desire to have your legacy tree branch. Strip away your true self, to try to fit in, just to exist.

Now realize you have no ambition to attain life’s riches. You choose to hate because of one’s pronouns, color, race, or freedom to kneel when the red-blooded citizens’ blind eyes can’t see the freedom they adore is the same freedom that angers them.

I speak in truth, when everyone I see, I feel and understand. So when I say to whomever the racist, the falsely accused, the patriots, the woman who is pro-choice, believers and abiding citizens — too many to name but I say truly I understand you.

Even when cleaning dirt out from my eyes. Down and out kicked and sworn on by all of them, it is funny how united they are, when something they don’t understand, is right before them. But I used to say, “I want to be like any of you”. But life is not our own. Just like the ghouls now she is her own, she is disappearing like a ghost.


It’s the greatest of joys — to finally accept who you are without feeling the need to be accepted — that you exist in time and space for yourself — not for a false promise of eternal life in exchange for freedom and life (here and now).

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