Satan Spoke To Me Through Porn by Mick – Non-Fiction

Writer: Mick

Subject: Satan Spoke To Me Through Porn

Link: Comments LS666 / 05.08.2023

Note from XP: I wanted to add in my personal favs from this era — titles like Sex Bizarre and Transexual Climax

Satan Spoke To Me Through Porn

SatanWorshipper hit the nail right on the head when he said, “I didn’t know it at the time, but Satan was clearly calling me. In any event, porn was created by Satan to corrupt souls and bring them to Him.”

Looking back now I can see that Satan first spoke to me when I would browse through the old Playboys from the 60s and 70s when I was a kid. I had found a secret stash and would sneak away for a peak. When the 80s came along I was off to college and old enough to buy my own porn magazines and rent the (then new) porn VHS tapes. I can still remember stroking to Deep Throat, Traci, Ginger, Christy, Sharon, Amber, and so many more stars of the day (Traci will forever be my porn queen).

I was raised Christian but always had many questions as things just didn’t add up and make sense the more I’d try to accept the bastard. My prayers never seemed to go anywhere. On the other hand, porn never seemed to disappoint. I knew I could count on feeling great each time I’d get a new issue of Club, Genesis, Penthouse, Gallery, Family Taboo Letters, or whatever. And those letters magazines (smaller black and white books with lots of stories) are where I first discovered my love of incest, piss play, and more. Yes, Satan was truly calling to me (even if I didn’t know it at the time).

Slowly, over the last 40 years or so Satan has called to me, corrupted me (spelled opened my eyes to true freedom and truth) and now He is the guiding force in my life as I seek to do His will and corrupt others. The Internet has brought porn into the mainstream in ways I never had way back then. This makes it so much more accessible to be used by Satan to corrupt others. Every time someone turns away from their Christian (or Muslim or whatever) upbringing it is another mail in the body of the lying bastard. When I think of this I smile as Satan has helped me to come to hate the lying father, son, and shitty ghost. I curse and blaspheme them whenever I can.

Father Satan and Mother Lilith have shown me both love and freedom from shame and guilt, Now those things I could never understand before are becoming more clear when I look at the world thru satanic eyes. I wish I had listened so much sooner (but no sense dwelling on the past). My mission now is to indulge my satanic side whenever and however Satan may allow me. And to help others do the same.

Hail Satan and thanks to all of you for all that you do, say, post, and share to do our Father’s work. We truly are Legion and I’m so happy to have you all as part of my satanic family.

4 thoughts on “Satan Spoke To Me Through Porn by Mick – Non-Fiction”

  1. Hmmmmm, While watching the Exorcist in a dark theater, I got a stiffy when the Demon with the huge cock was shown, I wanted to fuck Linda Blair from then on……and would have ‘serviced’ the Demon if giving the chance.
    I praise Satan for my conversion

    1. I wonder how many went home and used their crucifix as a sex toy after seeing what Linda could do with one? Best use for an otherwise worthless object I’d say.

  2. There is one, in particular, that really gets me hottttt for Satan: I Googled “sluts riding Satan’s huge cock ” then, clicked on the Lucy Ravenblood link; then, the one below it with the slut getting penetrated by 3 cocks in Satan’s name: FUCKING HOTTT!!!



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