Writer: Daily Grimoire
Subject: Satan means “The Truth”
Link: Tumblr / 13.05.2021 / Reposted by Daily Grimoire
Satan means “The Truth”
Satan means “The Truth” in Vedic Sanskrit*, mankind’s original language. Check out these blogs …
Satanisgod.org | Joyofsatan.org | Blacksforsatan.org | mirror.spiritualsatanism.org
* Vedic Sanskrit was an ancient language of Indo-Aryan subgroup of the Indo-European language family. It is attested in the Vedas and related literature compiled over the period of the mid-2nd to mid-1st millennium BCE. It was orally preserved, predating the advent of writing by several centuries. Extensive ancient literature in the Vedic Sanskrit language has survived into the modern era, and this has been a major source of information for reconstructing Proto-Indo-European and Proto-Indo-Iranian history. In the pre-historic era, Proto-Indo-Iranian split into Proto-Iranian and Proto-Indo-Aryan and the two languages evolved independently of each other.
I am not quite sure why this is being said in my inbox lol, I don’t speak about Satan on my blog, but since we’re here… Satan is an egregore created by Christians who feared the idea of the Pagan Horned God so intensely that they demonized the horned god into an evil being who wants to wreak havoc on the world and eternally burn souls – by fear-mongering, they created the actual spirit of Satan. Satan would not have been a being if it wasn’t for the hundreds of years of fear-mongering put into the idea of it. Satan and Lucifer are two separate beings. Lucifer I will defend the idea of, Satan is a no go. As I said, an egregore. Now that doesn’t mean Satan is any less real than Lucifer or any other ‘deity’, but he’s a very large egregore that was created specifically in the image of the Christian Satan… you probably know that Christians don’t have a very kind image of Satan.
Lucifer, aka, Enki, on the other hand, would technically be correct. Enki is a part of the Anunnaki (Sumerian). In his story, the Anunnaki came to Earth before the homo sapien evolution and the top-god Enlil enslaved humans to get the Anunnaki their food and goods. The Anunnaki began interbreeding with humans, making them more intelligent. Enki knew it was wrong to continue enslaving the humans, the humans began revolting, so Enki joined them and formed an army with some of the Anunnaki. Enlil formed his own army, and the two sides fought. This war ended when Enlil left Earth with his army and left Enki and his army here on Earth. Enki taught humans the ways of civilization, magic, harvest, astrology, etc. Therefore, Enki is the truth or light-bringer. Do you see the similarities?
In Christianity, it was Lucifer and Michael who fought. Michael being the chief angel, and Lucifer being the one who went against god, in this case, Enlil (which literally means chief or lord), and Enki fought. Lucifer and his army “lost” and were “cast down” as fallen angels while Michael and his army stayed in heaven, in this case, Enlil left Earth and went “into the heavens”, and Enki and his army were just left on Earth. This was just another way Christianity stole stories from other cultures to fear monger their followers into submission. To recap,
Satan = Devil = Egregore = The actual version of the Christian Satan
Not a good thing to mess with. I don’t say this about many things, but it’s literally an egregore created specifically in the image of how Christians want him to be seen.
Lucifer = Enki = Prometheus
The deities who fight for actual truth and the benefit of mankind. Also, Sumerian is the oldest written language… we have tablets in Sumerian that date back to 3200 BC… and that’s just from what we could find… Sanskrit is ONE of the oldest language that is still used, not the oldest or “original” language. Humans did not originate in that location. We have zero way of knowing what the first language was. All we know is what we can find, and so far the oldest written language is Sumerian. I have documented proof and viable resources for this if anybody wants proof. I got this information from an experienced “old ways” mentor and my own personal reading. Feel free to get the mentors links by messaging me directly if you want to hear it directly from an experienced practitioner instead of researching.