Writer: Skullmaime
Subject: Satan Inside
Link: Tumblr / 08.09.2021 / Reposted by SatanicRebel666
Satan Inside
Satan is always inside of me. I am rotten to the core with Satan’s evil. You should act on Satan’s commands. Be part of Satan’s plan it is an evil plan for world domination. Do evil for Satan. Every abortion you have gives you favor with Satan. Satan rewards evil. Satan give me hell’s evil for I am evil and evil reigns. Shed blood for Satan. Cum for Satan. Piss for Satan. Eat cum for Satan. Drink piss for Satan. Drink blood for Satan. Destroy families for Satan. Satan is eternal. Satan is almighty. Satan is forever. Hail Satan.
This is wonderful. I want to hear more from you. Satan encourages every crime, and loves all that is ungodly.
I can be contacted at dirgros @ ProtonMail. com
Satan reward us, blessing darkness