Feature Writer: EvilDana

Feature Title: Sadie And Justice

Published: 11.06.2023

Story Codes: Young Ones, STDs, Lesbian

Disclaimer: the characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity such as is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Sadie And Justice

Sadie Gibson and Justice Smith both are waitresses at a Hooters restaurant in Tennessee. They, with the help of a customer, have become lovers. They love their new life. No one knows about their lifestyle now. Lisa Lopez, also with the help of her ten-year-old daughter Rachel, have helped Sadie and Justice realize that they are pedophiles too. They have made love with Lisa and Rachel many times, and without their knowing, now are HIV positive. They don’t know Lisa has also been filming their lovemaking sessions and gave it to the man blackmailing her. This man has made so much money selling the videos of them.

Sadie and Justice keep working at the local Hooters restaurant, love how the men who look at them, and think they have a chance with them. None of the men know they are lesbians. They work and flirt with the men to get tips and even let the men’s hands roam some. They really like posing for pictures with families and kids that come in. No one knows, they like kids in a sexual manner, that way too.

One afternoon at work, Nikki Brown, a black waitress who has been transferred to the Hooters restaurant a while ago. She has noticed Sadie and Justice being closer than just friends. Nikki is about 5’5, 115lbs, long jet-black hair to her lower back, her skin is caramel brown tan, and she has 34c breasts. Nikki’s uniform fits her so well. Her breasts pushed the top out and the shorts pulled so far up her hips. The pantyhose she wears makes her legs shine so well. One afternoon, Nikki walks up to Sadie and stops her. She asks her.

“Hi, can I ask you a question?” Nikki asks.

“Sure, what’s on your mind?” Sadie says, stopping, turning to her, and smiles at her.

“I have noticed you and Justice together. How long have you two been dating?” Nikki asks.

“What do you mean?” Sadie asks, looking kind of shocked.

“Come on, I see you two touching, hands roaming, and even the hand holding. Look, I’m cool with it. I’m into girls too,” Nikki says smiling.

“Oh God, I didn’t know anyone could tell. Please don’t tell anyone. No one knows, see we haven’t decided to come out yet,” Sadie asks.

“Hey, it’s cool. I think you both are beautiful and make a great looking couple,” Nikki says.

“Thank you so much,” Sadie says smiling.

“How long have you known that you’re a lesbian?” Nikki asks.

“Oh, for a while, I guess. There is a customer that comes here, with her daughter. She got us into each other and discovered that we love each other,” Sadie says.

“That’s so sweet. Which customer is she,” Nikki asks.

“Lisa Lopez, I’ll point her out to you the next time she comes in. She’s beautiful and her daughter is so sweet too,” Sadie says.

“I can’t wait to see her. Thanks,” Nikki says smiling the whole time.

They walk off and continue their shift. Lisa didn’t come to the restaurant that day. A couple of days later. Sadie looks across the restaurant and sees Justice, walking Lisa and Rachel to a table. Smiling, seeing them both, in black leggings and tank tops. Sadie walks up to the table as Lisa and Rachel sit down. She and Justice, standing before them, smiling, loving seeing them again.

“Hello, how are you two doing?” Sadie asks them, smiling.

“Hi, it’s so good to see you. You’re so gorgeous as usual,” Lisa said smiling.

“I have something to tell you. There is a waitress here that wants to meet you,” Sadie says.

“Oh really, I love to meet her,” Lisa says.

“I think I can arrange that. Be right back,” Sadie says.

“Sadie walks off and sees Nikki. Walking up to her and smiling. Justice stays with Lisa and Rachel, getting their drink orders. Sadie takes Nikki’s hand and walks her to the table.

“Lisa Lopez, Rachel Lopez, I would like you two to meet Nikki Brown,” Sadie says smiling and looking so proud.

“Hello, Nikki, nice to meet you,” Lisa says smiling, reaching out, taking, and holding Nikki’s hand.

“Nice to meet you too Lisa. Sadie and Justice have told me so much about you,” Nikki says.

“Well, I hope not everything,” Lisa says giggling.

“Not everything,” Sadie says, smiling so big.

“Nice to meet you Nikki, Hope we see more of you later,” Lisa said smiling.

“I hope so too. Nice meeting you both. I got to get back to my customers,” Nikki says and turns walking off.

“Nice, do you two think Nikki, would like to come to the apartment tonight maybe,” Lisa says watching Nikki’s ass as she walks off.

“I think so,” both Justice and Sadie say almost at the same time.

“Great, why don’t you three come over after work tonight. We’ll see how she likes pussy and Rachel,” Lisa says smiling.

“Okay, see you after ten o’clock tonight,” Sadie says.

Sadie and Justice walk to Nikki telling her about Lisa, wanting all three of them to stop by tonight, after work. Nikki loved the idea, she’s interested, and wants to see Lisa again. Nikki has no idea she will be HIV positive after tonight. Little lone being with a little girl too. Sadie and Justice smiled throughout the rest of the night. They know what’s going to happen and can’t wait. Little do they know about making another video again.

Lisa and Rachel finished their meal and leave. Smiling, waving, and blowing Sadie, Justice, and Nikki a kiss, as they walked out the door. Lisa gets home and goes right to her computer and sends an email to the man blackmailing her. She tells him about Nikki and that she is coming tonight. The man emails back saying that’s great.

Later that night, about ten-thirty in the evening. Lisa and Rachel walk around the apartment nude. Smiling knowing what will be going on very soon. Rachel looks outside and tells her mom when Sadie’s car pulled into the parking lot. Lisa looks out seeing Sadie, Justice, and Nikki getting out of Sadie’s car and still in their Hooter’s uniforms. Holding their purses and walking to the door.

“Baby, go to your bedroom and wait. Let’s see if Nikki takes her clothes off. If she does and after they strip and walk back into the living room. Walk to my room and show Nikki’s ID to the camera,” Lisa said.

“Okay mom,” Rachel says.

Rachel runs off, so excited and smiling. Lisa smiles hearing the knocking on her door and walks to it. Opening the door and seeing Nikki’s reaction of her being nude.

“Hello, how was the rest of your shift? Please come in,” Lisa says, holding the door open.

“Thank you,” Sadie says, stepping in.

“Thank you,” Justice says the following.

“Thank you,” Nikki says, eyes wide at Lisa being nude.

“I’m sorry if I didn’t say or they didn’t tell you. We’re nudists. If you like all 3 of you can go to my bedroom and get more comfortable,” Lisa says, hoping Nikki takes the bait.

“Oh, thank you. Oh, how I want to take off these pantyhose,” Sadie says and starts for the bedroom.

“Me too, these have itched all night,” Justice says, following Sadie.

“Really, you mean taking everything off?” Nikki asks.

“Oh, don’t worry, it’s okay, we do it all the time too,” Sadie says and takes Nikki’s arm pulling her with them to the bedroom.

Walking into Lisa’s bedroom. Neither one of them knows, as they start taking their uniforms off, they are being filmed. The man blackmailing Lisa watching them on camera. Nikki would die if she knew a stranger was watching her now. Slowly, one at a time, each baring her all to the man watching. Sadie and Justice only think about seeing Nikki’s body as she removes her uniform, bit by bit.

“Are you two sure this is okay? Walking around naked? Just seems strange,” Nikki asks.

“Oh yes, Lisa and her daughter are nudists. Every time we come over, we do this,” Sadie says.

“You can trust Lisa. She has become a good friend to us. Rachel has too,” Justice says.

“Ok, I hope so. I’d hate to let anyone see me like this,” Nikki says.

“Ease up girl. It’s only us here, not like at work wearing that (pointing to the uniforms on the floor) we show off every night you know,” Justice says.

“That’s so true,” Sadie agrees with her.

“You’re right I guess, okay sure,” Nikki says.

They put their clothes up on a chair, with their purses, and walked out of Lisa’s bedroom. They walk back to the living room smiling. Lisa sees the three nude women, walks to her smiling. Lisa, smiling to herself, knowing they are all on video nude and have no idea, especially Nikki.

“Oh my, all three of you are so gorgeous. Nikki, I love your skin. It’s so smooth and God, I wish I could be as tan as you,” Lisa says smiling at Nikki and reaching rubbing her arm.

“Oh, thank you, I get mine naturally though,” Nikki says, and they all laugh.

“Something I need to let you know, Nikki. Sadie and Justice both already know. Rachel, my daughter, is very over affectionate. She might shock you, her hands roam a lot,” Lisa says.

“I agree, at first, I was a little uneasy about it. But she’s so sweet and innocent, I don’t mind anymore. It’s kind of nice in a way,” Sadie says, and Justice agrees with her.

“Oh, that’s okay. Thank you for saying that. I have a niece and her hands, most of the time, are glued to my boobs. I don’t say anything to her anymore. She’s five years old and so cute. I love her so much,” Nikki says.

“Oh, that’s so sweet. I’m glad you understand. I’m sure you will like being with Rachel then,” Lisa says.

Nikki didn’t catch on to what Lisa said or understood what she meant. They sit down in the living room and talk. They talk more about work, other females, and then Lisa gets some snacks and drinks. Rachel walks out of her bedroom and into Lisa’s. She gets Nikki’s purse and pulls her driver’s license out. Holding it up to the camera, smiling, and showing it off. Then putting it back in the purse and then walking back to her bedroom.

After a little while goes by, they are still talking. They hear Rachel walking into the room. Seeing Sadie, Justice, and Nikki sitting nude. She smiles walking up to them. Rachel is completely nude. Walking up to them, they each give Rachel a hug. Nikki sees Rachel give Sadie and Justice a kiss on their lips. Rachel gets to Nikki and hugs her too. Then gives her lips a kiss. Lisa sees that took Nikki for a surprise, but she doesn’t pull away.

“Oh Nikki, forgot to tell you about that too, she’s a kisser too” Lisa says.

“Oh, that’s okay. She’s so cute. I know it’s innocent. I guess it’s okay, as long as you don’t mind,” Nikki says.

“Oh yes, I don’t mind. Rachel why don’t you sit with Nikki. My two look so cute together,” Lisa said.

“Thank you, mom,” Rachel says.

Rachel sits beside Nikki on the couch. Sitting close to her. Smiling up at her and Nikki smiling down at the 10-year-old. Nikki smiles, placing her arm around Rachel’s shoulders. Sadie and Justice sit side by side, on a loveseat, holding each other, and watching. Lisa gets up and sits on the other side of Nikki.

“I am so glad you stopped in tonight,” Lisa said.

“Thank you for asking me too,” Nikki says,

Rachel turns to Nikki and lets her left-hand rub over Nikki’s belly button ring. Rachel starts playing with it with her little fingers. Nikki smiles at her as she does. Lisa takes her own left-hand and rubs it over Nikki’s upper thigh. Sadie and Justice see this and love it. They let their hands start roaming over each other and even lean into each other and start kissing.

Rachel’s hand slowly leaves the belly button pierce and moves up to Nikki’s left breasts. Cupping it lightly, then holding it, and rubbing. Making Nikki moan and gasp. Looking at Rachel’s big eyes looking up at her, as if pleading to let her. Lisa’s hand moves up to the belly button piercing and then up to Nikki’s right breasts.

“Oh, my you are so beautiful,” Lisa says softly.

“Oh God, what’s happening here. This is starting to feel weird,” Nikki asks.

“Just relax baby, enjoy the feeling,” Lisa says.

Lisa leans over and takes Nikki’s right nipple into her mouth. Ever so lightly sucking on it. Nikki gasping again but letting her. Rachel leans over and takes the left nipple into her mouth. Sadie and Justice both see this and start rubbing each other’s pussies. Soon their fingers start working with each other’s pussy. Opening their legs more and moaning.

Lisa moves up to Nikki’s mouth and kisses her so much with passion. Sitting on Nikki’s right side. She turns more to her and kisses her. Lisa lets her right hand move down to Nikki’s pussy. Rubbing the lips makes Nikki moan deeply. Lisa beaks the kiss and ever so softly whispers.

“Put your hand in Rachel’s hair and pull her to your lips. Tell her how much you love this with her. Put your hands on both of us and start feeling our bodies,” Lisa says softly.

Nikki looks at Lisa’s face and into her eyes. Nodding yes. Turning to Rachel and moving her fingers into Rachel’s long dark hair. Pulling little girl to her lips.

“Oh baby. I love this with you. “Don’t stop,” Nikki says.

Nikki kisses Rachel’s lips gently. Then, a little bit harder. Giving into the feeling now. Lowering her left hand to Rachel’s right thigh, rubbing it. Feeling Rachel’s smooth skin. She put her right hand on Lisa’s thigh and rubbed hers too. Rachel breaks the kiss and lowers her mouth to Nikki’s left breasts again. Lisa’s hand starts fingering Nikki’s pussy. Nikki leans back on the couch moaning and breathing so deeply. She looks at Sadie and Justice fingering each other and watching her.

“Oh my God. This feels so wonderful. It’s never been like this before,” Nikki moans.

“Just relax and go with it. It’s great,” Sadie says.

“Please don’t tell anyone. God I can’t stop,” Nikki moans.

“We have been doing this for a while here after work with them too. No one knows, or would guess this about us,” Justice says.

“Yes, trust us, you won’t forget this. We haven’t nor will ever forget our first time with Rachel. You’ll never forget this day,” Sadie says. Moaning so.

After a while. Rachel moves down on the floor, on her knees, looking up at Nikki. Leaning between her legs, Nikki gasps and opens her eyes so wide. Looking at Rachel move between her legs to taste her pussy. She then looks at Lisa, gasping like she is asking if it’s okay.

“Oh God, oh God, oh God,” Nikki gasps over and over.

“Relax sweetly. Rachel licks pussy so well. Relax and enjoy the best orgasm you’re about to have,” Lisa whispers.

“Oh God, that tongue. That little tongue. Oh God, yes,” Nikki moans, giving into the feeling.

Lisa sits back watching and playing with her own pussy. Sadie and Justice give in and go with it. It wasn’t long before Nikki grasps and grips Rachel’s hair tight to her pussy. Giving into it and screaming form the best orgasm ever. Sadie and Justice both tense up and have a great orgasm from each other.

Slowly they all calmed down and Nikki pulled Rachel onto her lap. Kissing her deeply and holding her. Her hands rubbed the ten-year-old body so. Nikki loves how she feels and is not embarrassed at all now. After a while, they sit together on the couch talking.

“Oh my. I can’t believe I just did that,” Nikki confesses.

“Both of us have been with Rachel too, we love it,” Sadie says.

“I’m proud to admit I feel like I’m a pedophile myself,” Justice says.

“So am I too,” Sadie says.

“Well Nikki, would you like to consider yourself a pedophile?” Lisa asks her.

“Yes, I would. That was the best feeling I have ever had,” Nikki says looking around smiling.

“Well, the one thing you must do. You must lick Rachel’s pussy. Think you can? Would you?” Lisa asks.

“Yes, I really want to,” Nikki says.

“Rachel, why don’t you take Nikki to your bedroom and let her make love to you,” Lisa says.

“Yes mom, okay,” Rachel says,

Rachel stands up and takes Nikki’s hand. Nikki stands up smiling down at the ten-year-old. They both, holding hands, walk across the living room. They walk up the hall to Rachel’s bedroom and walk in. The camera’s all in the room getting all angles. Nikki is on full display walking with Rachel to the bed.

They lay on the bed and start kissing again. Nikki letting her hands roam more freely now. So, I want this. She lays Rachel on her back and starts kissing her way down. Taking each nipple into her mouth. Rachel moaning loving it. Then Nikki moves to her bellybutton. Then lower to her pussy. Nikki looked at it and slowly leaned down rubbing her tongue over the lips.

Nikki starts licking Rachel’s pussy more and more. Getting into it. Tasting the little girls’ juices. She finds her little clitoris, starts sucking and licking it, wiggling her tongue so deep as she can. Nikki, not having any idea. She has no clue her new lover has HIV. Lisa, Sadie, and Justice walk down the hall and look in. Seeing Nikki’s body between Rachel’s legs. Lisa smiles so warmly and steps in.

“Baby, how does it feel to you,” Lisa asks Rachel.

“Oh mom, I love it so much,” Rachel says.

“Nikki, lay on your back. Let Rachel get over your face. She will love that,” Lisa says softly.

Nikki looks up smiling and moves around laying back on her back. She helps Rachel get up over her head and face. Then reaches up and holds onto her hips and then her thighs. Nikki helps Rachel to lower down on her mouth. Nikki goes back licking the little girl’s pussy. Tasting her pussy loving it and the taste so much. Nikki and Rachel get into a sixty-nine as Rachel lays over Nikki’s body. They start to moan, gasp, and then Nikki has another orgasm. They hold each other and fall asleep.

Lisa walks to her bedroom with Sadie and Justice. They lay across Lisa’s king size bed. Holding each other and giving into the feeling too. They kiss and make love. They get into a daisy chain together, moaning, breathing hard, and each having an orgasm. After laying, holding each other, kissing and falling asleep.

The next morning. Lisa wakes and gets out of bed. Leaving Sadie and Justice sleeping together in her bed. Checking on Rachel and Nikki. Seeing them holding each other sound asleep. Lisa walks into the living room and checks her email. The man that’s blackmailing her sent her an email. The email says,

“Last night everything looked so great. I’m going to post the video on a web site later, and it should have lots of views. Have Nikki admit she’s a pedophile again. I’m going to give out which restaurant they work at. I have some men wanting to know and meet them. They want to hire them to make other videos. If they go with it, they will make lots of money. Videos of all kinds. No one will know they are HIV positive now either.”

Lisa reads it knowing there is nothing she can do to stop him. They have no idea how their lives have changed so much. Nikki has no idea she’s HIV positive now. She starts hearing sounds knowing they are awake. She walks to the kitchen as Sadie and Justice walk in.

“Good morning,” Sadie says. Walking up to Lisa and giving her a kiss.

“Good morning to you,” Lisa says, kissing her back.

“Same to you too,” Justice says hugging Lisa giggling. Then kissing her.

Lisa gets the orange juice out and cereal. Placing it out on the table Nikki walks in. Still nude, smiling after the best night in a long time for her. As Nikki sits at the table with the others. Smiling too, beaming with pride too.

“So how was your night,” Sadie smiles at Nikki.

“Oh my. I never in a million years would guess I would ever do something like that. It was the best night ever. I have never had orgasms like that before. Rachel knows how to satisfy a woman,” Nikki says smiling.

“So, is it safe to say you are a certified pedophile now?” Lisa asks.

“Yes, I am a pedophile, and I am proud of it, are you,” Nikki says smiling at Sadie.

“Oh yes, I’m such a proud pedophile. I love little girls so much,” Sadie says, smiling so proud.

“Me too, I love little girls and their pussies are so sweet,” Justice says smiling.

Rachel walks in then. Smiling, walking up to Nikki kissing her. Nikki smiles and reaches around holding onto Rachel’s ass, rubbing it. Lisa sits watching this and thinking how she knows now, with Nikki admitting that it’s on video and about to go out live. People will be seeing them at Hooters and talking to them. They won’t know how anyone found out.


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