Writer: Cernunnos Circle / Submitted by Draedus
Subject: Sacred Stimulation: Spreagadh Cernunnos
Link: Tumblr / 22.12.2022
Disclaimer: It is known that the internalization/ingestion of semen can result in the transmission of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), including HIV. As with all rituals posted here, individual considerations are to be employed and alterations to protocols may be necessary.
Sacred Stimulation: Spreagadh Cernunnos
This ceremony called the “Stimulation Of Cernunnos” or “Spreagadh Cernunnos” is used as an initiation or gifting event. It may also be called “Cernunnos Stimulatos.” Shared here is the physical part of the ceremony which may be performed in addition to any formal ritual.
The ceremony is facilitated by the Spreagadh (Stimulation) Master. The initiate or brother to be gifted for some special reason (hereafter called Initiate) is best placed spread on a suspension device/equipment (such as a sling) which when fixed represents man’s desired place in the universe — centered in balance.
The use of this device also is intended to allow full access to the initiates body as needed to perform the physical acts of the ceremony. If a purchased sling is used it may require modification to allow open access to the necessary areas of the initiate’s body and facilitate relative ease of placement for the circle brothers as they perform their functions.
If a table is used, the same theory applies. The initiate’s placement may require light restraints to assist with secure positioning. Members of the circle (typically 10 brothers are required and no less than 8) are positioned at the initiates erogenous or augmentation centers thusly:
10 man formation –
- One at each of his hands
- One at his mouth
- One at each of his nipples
- One at his penis
- One at his testicles/scrotum
- One at his anus
- One at each of his feet
8 man formation –
- One at each of his hands
- One at his mouth
- One at both his nipples
- One at his penis
- One at his testicles/scrotum
- One at his anus
- One at both of his feet
*Those at his hands orally and manually stimulate them while offering their penises to his hands for stroking alternately. *The one at his mouth stimulates it orally/manually/offers penis *Those at his nipples stimulate them orally/manually. *There are three brethren at the center of his body symbolizing the triad in form and are responsible for the highest stimulation. The Master is located at his penis. The next two most experienced are located one on his scrotum and one at his anus. Should the Circle chose these three brothers may rotate their function until the outcome is imminent – the penis is stimulated orally/manually — the testicles/scrotum are stimulated orally/manually/ – the anus is stimulated orally/manually. *Those at his feet stimulate them orally/manually.
The brothers may intermittently stroke or rub their penises on or against the the area of their assigned zone in a, “Frottage,” manner. Oral stimulation is meant to include kissing, licking and sucking.
Once commenced, all brethren proceed to stimulate the initiate simultaneously building his intensity over an extended period. The Circle’s efforts are intended to ultimately bring the initiate’s arousal to such a euphoric state as to produce a level of orgasm so deep, the initiate will be bonded uniquely to the brethren who have facilitated this great gift him – the orgasm of Cernunnos. The intent is to, “Edge,” him to an almost, “Unbearable” point thus symbolically forcing him to endure then reach, “Petit morte,” (as it were) thus being reborn through orgasm in Cernunnos.
Upon the initiate’s orgasm, The Master receives his semen in mouth then orally feeds it to each of the brethren of the circle thereby nourishing them all with his seed. It is desired that each of the brethren then ingest the initiate’s semen thereby eternally “seed bonding’ them with the new brother wherein his essence becomes a part of them. They then must return the gift.
The initiate’s ejaculation should lead to the subsequent orgasms of the Circle brothers who will have disengaged from their respective zones. As their building orgasms commence, they each will direct their ejaculations to the initiate’s mouth. This act may resemble what in Japanese styling has been called, “Bukkake.” The initiate will then ingest the seed of the brothers thereby bonding him to them.
For circles that cannot or do not support ingestion, the Master may capture the semen in his left hand. He should smell it to show respect for its potency, then with his middle left finger mark his face with the it. He then proceeds to present the semen to the brethren one by one who smell it and are then marked in the same fashion by the Master thereby seeding them with the essence of the new brother. In return the brothers will ejaculate on the initiate’s erogenous zone to which they were assigned during stimulation this anointing him from head to toe.
Where can I find brother to do this ritual with?