Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The content of the story is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity, such as, is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis

Feature Title: Rocket Girl

Published: 25.06.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Young Ones, Torture, Violence, NC

Synopsis: When girls in their early teens or younger find themselves pregnant, they are often recruited to become breeders in a special program to produce little girls for the Boom Boom Gun Club. The little ones become extremely close targets, with the barrel of the gun inserted into their cunt, anus, or mouth, and it cums in a burst of fire and lead. When the program is too successful, the young breeders can become targets themselves, while carrying a baby in their swollen bellies. The young girls are raised to find the level of excessive violence acceptable and are willing participants. This story is not for the timid.

Rocket Girl

I’ve been a single mom three times now, or coming up, when this one’s born. I was first invited to this special Club, and I was a bit nervous, I have to say, because as soon as I went in they wanted me to take off my clothes, and they also said they needed me to take off my oldest daughter’s clothes too, like she’s just three. Isn’t that a bit young?

But I mean hey, all the moms there like me and younger and their little daughters did it, and it wasn’t all that bad, once we got used to it. Like, if everybody’s doing it, we’re all showing ass and tits and cunt, what’s the big deal? I had no idea what it was all about, or how they found us or anything, but when we got talking, we figured it out.

Now I know these people own and run all the free pre-natal clinics for underage girls all over California, with some in Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico, too. This turns out to be a big operation, with lots of girls getting into it, being part of their amazing kiddie-breeding program.

I realize with me already being fourteen when I started, I’m lucky to be part of it, because of all the free stuff! I was what they call a late entry because they didn’t invite me to a starter meeting until I was already fourteen, and my daughter had just turned three. I was what they referred to as an early birther.

They called me that because I got myself pregnant at eleven when my dad fucked me once too often. Like, that’s what dads do with their daughters, right? It wasn’t like he’d just done it once or anything, like he was a ladies’ shoe salesman, and he had a woman’s bare feet between his knees most of the time.

He said he liked women’s legs and feet, and he had a prize of a job. He said that going to work was like going to heaven. When a woman wore a skirt, she had to get her legs up to let him try on shoes for her, and he’d get to see her panties and sometimes curls or a stray cuntlip.

Like when I was just six he’d come home and get me to stand up high on tiptoes, and make me turn and then stand higher because he said he liked the strained arch of a woman’s foot, and the way the muscles showed and the ankle looked and how the Achilles tendon stretched.

He said it was sexy to look at, and it gave him a hard-on. Then he’d get me naked on my hand and knees, pull off his pants and mount me, pushing his big stiff dick into me and giving me a long, deep fuck. And then he’d pull out so he could stick his penis in my mouth, so I’d drink his cum.

I guess he thought I liked it or something. Mom thought it was funny too, watching me swallowing my Daddy’s cum. She’d never do it, because it she said it was degrading for a woman to suck her husband’s cock, but she thought it was cute for the daughter to do it.

She said I’d never get a belly on me from drinking my Dad’s cum, and she’d take pictures of me doing it because she said it really looked so cute. When I was ten, he found this big stray dog, he said it was a standard poodle. I thought poodles were only little, but it turns out those are miniature poodles.

This one had a cock on it the size of my Dad’s, but it was even longer and was pointed on the end instead of having a wide head like Dad’s. He taught the dog to mount me just like he did, and it always gave me an amazing fuck, once I got used to having a big dog humping me instead of Dad.

He’d get Mom to take pictures, and then they started a pay site on the darknet, where they posted my pictures, me bare naked, getting it on with Dad and the poodle mounting and fucking me. They said I was a great idea and was makin’ them lots of money.

A year later I was more mature for my age and got myself seeded by my dad. When my belly started to show, Mom made me move out. She didn’t want me disgracing the family, and she was quite sensitive about that kind of stuff because just like me, she’d been an early breeder too.

Just like me, with her gonads being more mature and ready early, and fucking a lot when she was receptive to getting herself seeded, she found herself knocked up with me. That was not what she thought of as being right, and not knowing who was my real dad, she called me her little bastard.

I’d made her a grandmother when she was only twenty-four, because I was like that too, I mean having a mature body for being just an eleven-year-old. She thinks it was her brother, Uncle Bob, who’s a year older than her, that knocked her up when she was still just eleven.

But anyway, she didn’t get herself selected for the Boom Boom Gun Club’s breeding program as I did since she didn’t know anything about pre-natal clinics, but instead, she got herself married to Dad, who worked at the store where she bought her shoes. She let him fuck her in the back of the store and made him marry her to get more.

She said she could see him growing a woody in his pants when he took her shoes off. She’d wear a loose blouse that showed off her tits, even giving nipple peeks when she leaned forward, ‘cause she wore no bra, and she told me she wouldn’t let him into her panties a second time until he married her, but I don’t believe her.

Things were not going so well for us once I was living on my own, and just to complicate things, I got gang raped by guys in the kitchen at McDonald’s where I worked, so I had a second daughter who’s now months old, and things are getting worse because now I’m eight and a half months pregnant, from the rape.

I had no idea who was the dad because four guys did me that same night, and now I found myself a single mother with two girls, and another in the oven, with no job, and so you can guess I was really happy for the invitation to become one of their regular breeders.

I was desperate, so saying no to the Boom Boom Gun Club was not an option. It turns out they needed lots of girls to produce babies for them. I didn’t learn everything about the Gun Club right away, because they don’t need you learning about it too fast.

Like if they knew what happened there, girls would leave right away, scared to stay if they knew the truth about the place. It takes time to get used to such radical stuff, which is why they make sure slowly is how it happens for us. It did for me, and it worked.

They get us jobs at the fast-food operations where we work in the back so nobody can see most of us are too young to work, and they own the franchises, so they don’t need to report us for taxes and shit. They bought up a bunch of slum tenement buildings and give us free rent there if we sign on as breeders for them.

We waitresses have to give them half our wages to cover their costs, but then everything’s free, so we can raise our babies with free childcare at the tenements. There are four of us, Moms in each room, so it’s a bit cramped, but we don’t have to care about anything.

Many of the girls in the breeding program are only eleven or twelve and haven’t had any babies yet, and they’re all well along, at least six months and showing, but that doesn’t stop us from workin’ bare naked in high-heeled shoes when they use us as waitresses, working for free serving food and drinks and stuff at their Club.

That’s so cool, because the guys always get hard-ons, and even pull out their big dicks and jack off while watching us. Some even ejaculate. Who’d ever guess guys would get off on seeing bare-naked young girls in high heels who were so pregnant and so young?

They even give us special pills at the clinic, which we take while we’re pregnant, and almost all of our kids come a couple of weeks early, and always turn out to be girls. Isn’t that amazing? But that’s not exactly what the Boom Boom Gun Club is all about, you know.

Quite a few of the new mothers are thirteen and some only twelve, but they treat us all the same. Nobody ever gets discriminated against or anything, not even chinks or niggers. They have a few rules, and we all have to obey them like we always stay at the apartment when we’re not working.

We always have to be bare naked when we’re there, which at first seemed a bit weird, but I’m used to it by now. We also need to keep our legs together when we’re around guys, like not get ourselves fucked by strangers, they’re really strict about that.

After all, they don’t want us getting’ disease in our cunts that could affect our babies, or get ourselves seeded by some unproven dudes whose semen isn’t up to scratch. Being bare-naked is a firm rule, and they know if we are because some of the members make surprise visits to the tenements.

They come to see how we’re doing, to fuck us, or give us what they call sexual satisfaction, and we have to fuck them even if they come in the middle of the night, which they usually do, but the truth is they can show up anytime when they feel the need for a fresh piece of ass.

As soon as the baby we’re carrying is born, there are guys, they call themselves studs, that come to the tenement to these wild sex parties we have, I’m pretty sure the idea is to get us pregnant again as quickly as possible. That’s okay by me, ‘cause the sex is absolutely freakin’ crazy, it’s so good.

They try to make us have another baby every ten months if we can, and that’s what usually happens. They like us to have as many little girl kids as possible. They really like cunts, but that’s not exactly what the Boom Boom Gun Club is all about, you know.

That’s cool with me, ‘cause I love sex, and these studs they bring are real hunks. There’s a sex orgy, a real fuck-fest, every weekend, as well as the regular nightly visits. It’s really cool. Even when we get a belly on us, they still let us fuck our brains out, which I love to do with a horny stud, and the guys they bring us were all amazing hunks.

When my belly’s really big they fuck me doggy style, or the guys will lie on their backs and we get to sit on them, riding their stuff pricks. Sometimes half a dozen guys will lie on their backs, and just as many girls will do what we call cock hop, going down on one after another. That’s hot.

I was surprised when I was at my first meeting because when we were all naked, they had us be in a talent show, where we had to take turns sitting on a little stool with a bucked of warm water beside us and a razor, and we had to shave all the hair off our cunts.

We even had to shave the hairs from our ass cracks, with everybody watching. We had to be on the runway to shave, and the place was packed. That was super embarrassing, but that’s not exactly what the Boom Boom Gun Club is all about, you know.

I found that humiliating at first, but because everybody had to do it, even the eleven and twelve-year-olds who didn’t have much or even any hair down there, we soon got used to it. Then we took turns again and strutted our stuff to see which the other girls voted to be the sexiest dancer and most obscenely seductive poser.

I was embarrassed trying to get the members all turned on when it first started, but by the time it was my turn to go on the runway, I got quite excited and was really into it. I think I was good at it because guys would pull out their cocks when I got going, and before I was done I pissed on the stage, and they would start to ejaculate in the air.

A couple of the girls were experienced or whatever, and were hot dancing, spreading their legs wide and thrusting and pumping their groins and everything. I knew if I wanted to get voted the best I had to be special, so when I was dancing and got my legs apart and hips rotated I spread extra wide to give everyone a great view of my cunt.

I used my fingers to pull my pussy wide open so everybody could see right inside me! No fooling! Even with the big belly on me, I felt super-hot, but most of the girls do when they get used to being bare naked and watched by all those horny guys and everything.

Sex is really about a lot more than just regular fucking, you know. They loved me pulling my cunt open, and when I pissed for them, that did it, I was voted as the best cunt at the meeting, and when we ate they treated me special. I got an extra hotdog and an extra scoop of ice cream.

After the new moms had all performed in the cunt show, they needed all of our little daughters who were old enough to walk to strut their stuff too, so everybody could see their little cunts as they’d seen ours as we did our thing. It was sort of neat, and I thought some of the little girls, especially the ones already five or older, were kind of sexy.

That was a surprise. I never thought of little kids as being hot before. That started to change my thinking. Little girls don’t have any idea what it’s all about, and just being told to dance, pose, wag their asses, thrust their hips, and show everybody their cuntlets is all they need to get going.

They also have to spread open their bum holes with their fingers, and even take a shit on the stage, if they can. They do lots of really stupid stuff just because they’re told to, but when the guys in the audience cheer them on, they’ll get into it, even though they’re just a few years old.

The little girls go on barefoot, and get so excited they get right up on their tiptoes most of the time, which looks sexy, like my Dad said. Who’d have guessed little girls could turn people on? It’s all about getting the members and their cocks excited, and they sure know what they want to see.

The members like to see that, but that’s not exactly what the Boom Boom Gun Club is all about, you know. Some of the little kids bend over so far they almost fall over, and they reach back to spread their butt cheeks and everything, so everybody can see their cute little bum holes as well as their hairless little cunnies.

It’s sorta stupid, I guess, having a public cunt and shitting bum show, but I’ve gotta admit that when I figured it out it turned me on. Every week there were about twenty new young moms and their kids, and another twenty or so pregnant girls eleven or twelve. Every week we have to do the same thing, and now I look forward to it.

I’m always practicing new ways of flashing my cunt at the audience and making it look sexy, to impress the other girls who all get to vote. They won’t let you vote for yourself, which makes it a bit tougher, but I did win at the cunt flashing shows a few times. They don’t need us moms to shit at the show, but don’t mind if we do.

After, we Moms had done our thing at the meeting and had the vote, our little kids had to do their thing, as I mentioned, and by the third party I attended I found myself masturbating from just watching the playful naked nymphs before they were done, even while I was watching my own daughters’ dirty dance.

Isn’t that shameful? I have to tell you I thought so at first, but as things progressed, I just found it more interesting and exciting. When girls and their kids have been there for three months, they move us up to be at the intermediate meetings. We go to those every week for three months too.

For those intermediate meetings, we all get to wear spike-heeled shoes while we’re bare naked, and they make videos of everything, especially with lots of close-up shots of our cunts and even our bum holes, but that’s not exactly what the Boom Boom Gun Club is all about, as I’m sure you know.

I think they sell sexy videos on the internet or something because they tell us the really dirty stuff, we need to do when to start, and they won’t let us quit until they say so. All the girls they have here are really pretty, like me, but it turns out that although they need that, they’re mostly interested in our cunts and bum holes, not so much our pretty faces.

We all get two minutes to perform, but our little daughters have to keep going until they tell them to quit. Most of the little ones do about four to five minutes, with a mean woman telling them what dirty things to do, posing and dancing while they thrust their hips forward so their little cunnie sticks out and stuff.

She also makes them do things like stand up on their tiptoes the whole time, which they do anyway because they get so excited with everybody watching them, pull their cunnies wide open and stuff, and sticking a finger up into their bum hole and everything, and then she makes them lick it off.

The better four and five-year-old girls keep on going for almost ten minutes until they’re told to stop. Sometimes the audience screams at them to piss, and most of them know they’re supposed to do what they’re told, so they spread their legs or squat and then take a pee right there on the runway, sorta the way I do.

The mean lady has to mop it up, and she does. I’m glad she has that filthy job to do because she deserves it. After they’ve been here for a couple of weeks and know what’s going on, the mean lady puts up two little girls the same age at a time.

After they compete, they have to spank each other’s bums and cunnies until they’re all red and stuff. That part’s so hilarious! Little girls can be mean to each other when they’re allowed to be. Then they get into it and they start pulling hair and spitting on each other.

Some even start biting each other’s ears, and lips and when they get down on the ramp, they even bite each other right on the cunnie! You might not believe it, but they do! It’s amazing what they’ll do to get more cheers than the other from the audience.

They use more cameras for making videos of the children at these intermediate meetings, and I think they’re more interested in the daughters for their videos than in us moms. Who’d ever believe it? I think pictures and videos of bare-naked little girls doing their thing are more illegal than the ones of us because we’re already moms.

I guess that legally or technically we’re still just kids, being underage, so the dirty pictures and videos they make of us would be considered kiddie porn too. Like I guess it’s all so guys watching the stuff can jack off or something while they’re watching the videos and pictures of our cunts and bum holes, or of the little girls pissing and shitting.

Us Moms, have to work six days a week, twelve-hour shifts, so they get their money’s worth out of us. What’s good and shows they care is they have a special bank account at their bank for all the moms working at the fast-food places, which they own, and tell us they’ll give us the money we’ve earned when we leave.

They tell us it’s a good thing they keep our money for us, or we’d probably spend it and then it would be gone. Also, they tell us we’ll make double the interest than we’d get having our money in any other bank, so it grows faster. That just shows they have our interest in mind, and I think that’s good.

After we’ve been at the Intermediate meetings for three more months, we move up to the advanced meetings, where we get really good training. All the members of the Boom Boom Gun Club come to these, and what happens at them gets to be amazing. Maybe a better word for that would be outrageous. I’ll tell you about it.

They have these outstanding competitions, where we go three at a time onto the runway for a luring competition. They get boys from the high school to come and three of us at a time have to get on the stage naked, except of course for the sexy spike heels that make us look so much taller, like totally hot cunts.

We have to dance and posture in front of two boys each, to get them excited, if you get my drift, as we can see how it’s going because the guys are naked like us, and while we’re doing our thing to get them excited, we know what’s working because they grow their woodies and get real stiff.

Usually, their rigid cocks will even dribble if they like what we’re doing to lure them, and it makes them excited. Then we have to keep our wrists together behind our backs and try to lure them into getting it on with us, like I mean seduce them, lure them into mating with us, giving us a fuck.

I’m talking real serious copulating, like the boys mounting and fucking us right there on the runway, sometimes up the ass, in front of everybody. At the Advanced meetings, we learn how to gamble, too, betting on who wins these competitions, and these are the only ones where we’re allowed to bet on ourselves.

Now I’ve gotta remind you that most of us girls have bellies on us, some big, because, as you know, this whole thing I’m in here is about a breeding program, and we’re the breeders. Like fucking cows. I think I told you that. It’s also about producing and raising little girls.

We don’t have to do that ourselves, of course, because we do it with the help of the nursery, but I’ll get to that later. I gotta tell you about these Advanced meetings, ‘cause they’re so amazing. There are about two hundred of us Moms at these meetings, like twenty new ones each week.

The new moms are coming outta the Intermediate meetings, and twenty leaving each week that go on to the Professional meetings, which are more shows, a lot more, uh, whatever, than the ones we’re in. Those Professional meetings are all held on the runway too, with the place packed, because of the shocking things that happen.

None of the members ever want to miss it. They need to condition us to be able to take the rough stuff, like being real mean to each other and to our kids, which we do, and learn to enjoy it, and so do the members. You’d have to be in it like me to understand.

I guess the biggest thing we learn is to get excited when a girl screams, and the more and louder she screams, the more excited and aroused we get. It works. They tape a little vibrator to our clit, and then with all of us sitting and watching, and hooked up to the same switch, they torture a naked little girl.

The power to the vibrators is run by a switch that’s triggered by sound. Every time she screams, we get a sexual reward, and you won’t believe it, but we get to connect the sound of screams with pleasure. It sounds goofy, but I get turned on now when I hear a girl screaming. Her pain is our fucking gain!

It’s all to prepare us for what happens here, and I can tell you that as shocking as it is, I’m getting to get off on it just like the members all do. Whenever we lose at the luring game with the boys, after they fuck the two successful girls, that’s always up the bum.

For these shows, and that’s what they are, I should add, with us on our hands and knees on the runway, our tits and big bellies and milk-swollen tits hanging down, the girl who loses gets to perform again. That’s where it all gets really dirty, like I mean super gross stuff happens.

The two boys, their cocks still dribbling some extra cum, slap the loser on her ass, her face, tits, and cunt, and then one holds her while the other punches her big belly and her cunt. That sounds pretty rough, and the first time we see it we think it’s horrible.

After that, when we see it happen enough to a bare-naked pregnant kid in spike heels, then we all get to enjoy watching her get it and scream. I mean, after all, she’s nothin’ but just a stinkin’ loser, and nobody likes losers, right? I mean you realize when you watch her taking hard punches that the loser cunt has it comin’ to her anyway, so it’s okay.

The first couple of times I took part at this level I almost got sick at what happened, but then I realized the losing bitch deserved it, because, like I said, she’s a fucking loser. Nobody much likes losers, even if the losing cunt used to be our very best friend.

That’s just how things are, and it’s exciting seeing her getting the shit slapped and punched out of her. The funniest thing I ever saw, and all the audience laughed too, was when one of the pregnant losers was getting punched in the belly over and over so much that she had the shit beat out of her, like she took a crap, right on the runway.

That kind of rough abuse gets us ready for the next level, which is whelping night, when they get to beat the losing young bitch, the guys just keep punching the losing cunt until her water breaks, and she starts to drop her sprog. Like it happens. But that’s not the end of it, by far.

I mean no shit, the loser is beaten until she fucking whelps, right there on stage with all the members and their guests jacking off watching. I‘ve gotta tell you, it’s like crazy up there, you gotta see a naked twelve-year-old fully pregnant girl birthing while she’s being beaten by teen boys that are so excited their big stiff cocks are spurting cum.

Like these young boys are all really ejaculating and stuff, while they’re beating on the fucking loser, to make her drop her sprog, just to show you just how exciting that kind of filthy performance can be. But that’s only part of it, and not what the Club is all about.

When a little girl turns six, all the kids that have a sixth birthday that week, usually about twenty of them, get brought to this special First Blood celebration. The little girls hate it, and they scream their heads off, but when you’ve been here as long as I have, you realize that the screaming just makes things even more exciting.

What they do is they have a cherry popping night, where the little girls all get their cherry popped, using boys my age with stiff dicks to fuck the naked little kids for the first time, popping their cherry in the process. I don’t know why they wait until they turn six, because they can all scream and bleed real good before then.

I guess the really little kids aren’t thought of as being sexy enough, like naked six-year-olds, to see them getting themselves fucked or something. This Club is well organized, and they bring most of us along to get excited by the sexual violence, and I like seeing it.

But now I’m gonna tell you what this Boom Boom Gun Club is all about. Twice a week some of us pregnant cunts are selected to work in the Club for their big show, working as bare-naked waitresses and stuff, looking real sexy in our spike heels.

The first time I saw what went on I couldn’t believe what it was, but now I realize it’s totally shocking on purpose, and also pretty cool. They bring in these eleven and twelve-year-old girls, really pretty who don’t have their tits yet, so they call them pre-teens, without any cunt hair or anything.

These kids don’t have any idea about what the Boom Boom Gun Club is about. The clueless girls have had some dance lessons from the adult strippers, so they know how to move sexy and stuff, but are surprised when the guys in the audience pull out their dicks and start pumping them.

You might not want to hear this part, because they put two of them on the runway, wearing nothing but high heels in what the girls think Is a competition to see who can be the sexiest dancer. When they get near the end of the runway and have started to get into it, one of the guys has a rifle, and two guys grab her and the gun is stuck deep into her cunt to fuck her.

Now not many girls get to be eleven and not know how to ride a cock, but the cold steel of a gun is something different. They might pull the gun out of her cunt and stick it up her ass, or even into her mouth and down her throat. When that’s what happens, some of the guys start to ejaculate, because they know the gun is about to cum.

It’s pretty hot watching a couple of a dozen guys all spurting their hot cum into the air in excitement because when a gun cums, it’s with fire and lead. A bullet blasts into the girl it’s in, and her body’s not gonna stop it. Blood spurts outta her as the bullet comes out her side or belly or whatever, and by now all the guys are ejaculating like mad.

They do both of the naked young girls in heels that way, killing them one at a time. I cum too any time I get to see it. That’s why they call it the Boom Boom Gun Club. I learned the members call it something else, the CWA and I finally found out what that stands for.

Because I like the stuff they do, they made me a special girl, and I got to find out. There’s this big gravel pit outside town, and at three in the morning they load up used-up breeders, girls who’ve reached sixteen and dropped maybe up to six pups if they’ve had twins, they put them into a bus and take them out there.

All the members drive out there in cars and park in a semi-circle, their headlights pointed at this big gravel pile with the side caved in by a bulldozer, and the naked girls are turned loose between the cars and the gravel, with nowhere to run. They’re fucking trapped.

Me and two other breeders they trust were allowed to go there, because we’d seen It all, and our job was to make sure all the guys got rifles that were fully loaded and ready to use. All at once they started shooting, blasting the naked breeder girls with bullets. Honest.

It was amazing to see all these screaming fifteen- and sixteen-year-old nude girls buck with each hit, even after the cunts were down, and after a few more hits probably dead. The guys just kept shooting at the dead or dying cunts until all their bullets were used up. I was cuming the whole time. It was a fucking massacre!

I couldn’t believe how amazing it was to see all of those nude girls’ bodies with the big tits buck and heave with each blast as if it hurt, but I knew they were nothing but raw meat by now. For me, it was way more exciting than the individual show kills of the eleven-year-old cunts with a single rifle shot on the runway.

It was when we were on the way back that I heard the guys talk about the CWA, and learned it was the Cunnie Wasting Alliance. At first, they had called it the KKA, for Kunny Killing Assholeciation, but that was too fucking stupid. It turns out the Boom Boom Gun Club and this shooting thing we’d just done, and which they did at least every month, was all a part of that.

I got taken to Los Angeles for a special National CWA Show at their Convention. That was amazingly special. After we got booked into our hotel room (the handler who I was with said I was his daughter) I got taken to the factory of a big weapons manufacturer, where I got fitted for a new and outrageously powerful special weapon.

It was like rocket weapons they put on the sides of jet fighters and helicopters, only just these were smaller. This was a new super short-range rocket, because it went into my cunt, and I was to be the target! Isn’t that amazing? The head was flared just like the head of a guy’s cock, but of course a lot bigger.

In the hole where cum would be spurted from, there was a metal rod sticking out sort of like a stirring rod from a drink. It worked sorta weird, but I figured out what it was for. The end of it would go up onto my cervix, into my full uterus, and maybe tap my baby on its head. Who knows?

Anyway, I knew for sure my sprog wasn’t gonna get born, but would be taken out with me, so we’d go together. That beat the shit outta what would happen to the other girls, them younger ones like twelve-years-old who were droppin’ their fist sprog,

Like who are we foolin’, everybody, includin’ me, knows I’m gonna be killed at the big show, and it would be special because of this amazing cunt-rocket they were fitting me for. My end was going to be fucking spectacular and would likely start a whole new direction for the killing of pretty young bare-naked schoolgirl cunts.

We were taken into a private room for the fitting with a weapons technician, and I got out of my clothes, and into a pair of outrageous tip-toe spike heels. My handler held me while the technician got me fitted so the rocket stuck deep into my cunt, and sure enough, the rounded end of that little rod went up through my cervix and into my uterus.

Standing up I couldn’t see the rocket over my big bulging belly, but what’s to see? All I gotta do is dance real dirty, and my handler will take care of the rest. I’m in real good shape in that regard, because he always looks out for what’s best for the members’ entertainment, and tonight I’m it!

Like I said, the Club is all about guns, and how to use them to blow fatal holes through naked young girls, but I’m so lucky they’re expanding, so to speak, the range of the weapons they’ll use to kill a girl.

The best thing is, I get to be the first girl to take a fuckin’ rocket set off while it’s seated deep in her cunt! And I gotta do it quick, ‘cause I’m a fuckin’ full nine months pregnant. I know it’s gonna blow me apart, drivin’ itself right up inta my guts, which ain’t got the power to stop it.

Like it’s not like they need old cows like me, fifteen-years-old, hangin’ around the place takin’ up space an’ eatin’ their food when the fans love to see cunts gettin’ it, like holes blown in us with guns and stuff, gettin’ our fuckin’ guts blown out an’ spread by a brutal fuckin’ gunshot.

I’ve had my time here, an’ give them some girlie pups to raise, an’ even nursed a bunch of ‘em so they grow into sexy cunts, sexier than me! Now it’s my turn to entertain ‘em all with my fuckin’ death, at the hands of a rocket thrust up my fuckin’ cunt, blowin’ me to shit! Maybe I’ll even fuckin’ fly! I’ll swear there’s nothin’ fuckin’ like it!


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