Feature Writer: txnsal
Feature Title: Rise Up!
Link: TUMBLR / 23.12.2019 / Reposted by https://sataniclust666tx.tumblr.com/
Rise Up!
It’s time to go to war. The xian’s needs to be stopped. We claim on here that we want to bring destruction to the church of the invisible freak, the belief in their fucking comic book. They look to some bastard that we killed. Destroy them from within. Our weapons are our beautiful women, our men, and our freedom from bullshit rules.
You ask, how do I know. I used to be one. A fucking liar to a group of stupid, weak people. I had women coming to me and offering themselves to me for sex. I had leadership above me screwing women left and right, then on Sunday preaching how perfect they were and how messed up the people were. Liars.
I thought about this shit. I got out and gave myself to Satan. In Phoenix there was 5 churches, today none. I personally saw to their destruction. In it lives were lost. I don’t care. Satan’s kingdom rules.
In fact I believe that there are some weak ass xian’s on here that look and talk shit. So my challenge is to the true Satanic warriors, rise up. Let’s do what Satan wants us to do. If you’re with me, comment, like or reblog this.
Hail Satan. Hail Lilith.
Certo che dire simili balle (bugie, falsità ecc…) sei un vero campione, ma anche penoso vederti gonfiare di stupido orgoglio su cose inventate, fai pena, sei piccolissimo meno di una zecca…. vincere la battaglia non è fare una guerra violenta, ma far godere di lussuria l’avversario e coinvolgerlo positivamente nel reclutare altri adepti alla causa Satanica, la violenza fisica è l’arma di esseri stupidi, ignoranti, dei falliti in ogni cosa, mentre per vincere ci vuole intelligenza, delicatezza, lussuria. sensualità e la capacità di coinvolgere il nemico a peccare nel piacere di fare sesso blasfemo, quindi NO ALLA VIOLENZA STUPIDA E PERDENTE…. HAIL SATANA
Sure that to say such lies (lies, untruths etc …) you are a true champion, but also painful to see yourself swollen with stupid pride on invented things, you pity, you are very small less than a tick …. winning the battle is not doing a violent war, but to make the opponent enjoy lust and positively involve him in recruiting other adepts to the Satanic cause, physical violence is the weapon of stupid, ignorant beings, of failed in everything, while to win it takes intelligence, delicacy , lust. sensuality and the ability to involve the enemy to sin in the pleasure of having blasphemous sex, so NO TO STUPID AND LOSING VIOLENCE …. HAIL SATAN
Hail Black Virgin – thank you for your comments – the Google translation makes your words difficult to follow – but I get the meaning – thank you XP