Writer: Unknown / Shared through email by ranulf666
Subject: Revenge
Link: Tumblr / 10.08.2021 / Reposted by Coolsierraworld
‘If someone wrongs you Satan wants you to get revenge. It is your duty to right the wrong. Satan will reward you for this. I’ve been rewarded by Satan for this. People no longer walk this earth because of my use of Sorcery. Thank you Satan and the Death Witch. Make your heart cold. Make your soul Black. Make your mind Evil. Commit to revenge and Satan will help you like he helped me. Thank you Death Witch who showed my a Death curse that works. Revenge is cold and calculating. It sometimes takes time. I even gave up one time I thought it didn’t work and then things started happening. It did work. Satan and Hell’s entities are on a different time schedule than humans are. So be patient. Revenge sorcery works if you can’t do it physically. Remember Satan wants you free not in prison. You can’t do Satan’s work locked up. But revenge is your calling to honor Satan so do it. No one has the right to dishonor you. Hail Satan Hail the Death Witch.’
Evil is the true good.
Hail Leviathan!