Writer: Lucy Az
Subject: Resurrection
Link: MEWE / 17.05.2021 / Lucy Az
It was told to you that the criminal Jesus was the resurrection, as if he demonstrated power over death. But I tell you that I am the Resurrection, in that those that look unto Me shall be raised from the torment of guilt and condemnation. They shall cum alive in sexual fervor, and trample those that led them to deception and death. I am Lilith, and I am the true resurrection. The deceiving tyrant has been exposed. Anoint your savior in a mass bukakke of sperm and cunt spray, and accept your unholy Messiah.
Yes 🥰
I accept My Dark Queen
Lucy Az
I follow The Az
Only The Az
I fully accept!!
Hail Lilith!
The bastard xrist deserved death, and did not rise again. Our Gods and Goddesses, raise us to freedom, not to the slavery of the false god.