Feature Writer: RoscoeRanger

Feature Title: RESTLESS SPIRIT 3

Published: 15.02.2025

Story Codes: Erotic Fiction

Synopsis: A house sitter is drawn into Lydia’s spectral seductions.

Restless Spirit 3

Lydia couldn’t believe how well things were going. She’d expected to have a much harder time ensnaring the wife, but as soon as she’d looked inside of her head, she’d found a sexual hunger absolutely aching to be released, and it had taken her very little effort to release it. Before she knew it, Lydia had helped Isabella indulge in her every repressed desire. Whether with Lydia or her husband, she was the picture of depravity, down for whatever was asked of her.

She had hold of them both now. It would be so easy to skip to the end, take everything she’d been longing to reclaim for so long. As she watched them go at each other night after night, she found it hard not to do exactly that, to lose control the way she’d made the both of them do. But no, she held on. It would be more fun, more satisfying, to find the exact right person for the next step. And if she could make the wife submit, she had no doubt she could do the same to whoever else fell into her orbit.

And with the couple’s help, it wouldn’t be too long before she had her chance.

As Emma pulled down the drive, she couldn’t help but let out a whistle. The Maps view hadn’t done the house justice, either in size or quality. What had been a distant shot of a fairly rundown-looking place was clearly out-of-date; the house in front of her now looked brand-new. The shutters and doors were pristine, it was clear a fresh coat of paint had been applied to the exterior, and the yard, while still a bit unkempt, was a lot better than the tall grasses she expected. The whole vibe of the place was uplifting, making her feel far less anxiety than she’d had when first emailing the owner to ask about the job.

Honestly, it wasn’t a job she’d wanted to take at all, but she was desperate for extra work at this point. As far as side jobs went, getting paid to stay in a spooky old house for a few nights was on the upper end of the scale. So the fact that the place didn’t look like a murder house anymore was a welcome bonus. She was getting ahead of herself, though; she didn’t have the job yet, just an interview.

Emma parked about halfway down the drive, giving herself a chance to psych herself up a bit more as she approached the front door. She was qualified to watch a house, no doubt, but who wasn’t? What she needed was to make a good impression, make this couple like her. To that end, she hoped her outfit could work in her favor. She’d gone for a pair of dark yoga pants and a v-neck. Something casual enough that showed off her body without being too obvious about it. The pants certainly hugged her ass tightly, giving her a bit more of a bubble than she might otherwise have, and the top showed off a good bit of her chest. Fortunately, she could get away with it, her breasts small enough to not create a wild amount of cleavage. She’d put the most effort into her hair, taming her usually wild curls into a brunette cascade down her back. The goal was cute enough for the husband to notice, but not so sexy that the wife felt intimidated.

Of course, when the door opened, any worries of the wife feeling intimidated by Emma were quickly put aside.

“Oh, hey there, you must be Emma! I’m Isabella, but feel free to call me Izzy. Please, come in!”

“Uh, th-thanks,” Emma stumbled out, a bit taken aback. Given the house, she’d expected someone a lot older than the Latin bombshell she found herself face-to-face with now. The woman’s smile showed bright teeth and full, pouty lips painted with a complementary shade of red, and her eyes give a sense of warmth and inherent seduction. Her black hair was held back in a ponytail, but it was vibrant and luscious all the same.

And her outfit left even less to the imagination than Emma’s own. She was wearing a surprisingly small pair of jean shorts, showing off her smooth, golden legs, and the top she wore, well… Emma didn’t own any top with a neckline as deep as the one Izzy was wearing, never mind how well her breasts filled it out.

“You okay, Emma?”

“Huh?” Emma shook out of her revelry. “Yeah, sorry, just… bit of a drive getting here.”

“I know, it’s really out here, huh?” Izzy agreed, turning to lead Emma into the house. “We went back and forth on moving this far outside the city, but the price was just too good to pass up. It’s a fixer-upper for sure, but we’re getting there.”

“It… looks really nice,” Emma said, not looking at the house at all, but Izzy’s backside. The jean shorts showed off even more from behind, clearly no match for the swell of her ass. Her rear peeked out a tantalizing amount on each side, leaving Emma mesmerized as they walked. She could swear the woman was swaying her hips far more than she needed to as well.

“My husband will be down in a minute, but we can go ahead and get started.” Izzy looked back, and Emma worried she was a moment too late snapping her attention back up. Izzy just smiled, though, and Emma smiled back.

“Actually, uh… would it be possible to use your bathroom?”

“Of course, second door on the left,” Isabella said, pointing down the hall. “I’ll be here in the living room, but can I get you a drink first?”

“Water would be great,” Emma said, hurrying down the hall. She found the bathroom easily enough and shut herself in before leaning on the sink and looking at herself in the mirror.

“You need to calm it down, girl, lord,” she admonished, taking a few extra breaths. “Yeah, she’s a lot younger than you expected, and way hotter, but what the fuck? This is a job interview, not a date. Why are you getting so flustered?”

Of course, she knew exactly why, as it’d been a particularly long dry spell. Her long hours and struggle to stay afloat recently meant she hadn’t had a date, man or woman, in ages. Hell, she barely had time to pleasure herself. Even then, it was a poor substitute for the real thing, and Izzy was most certainly the real thing, the most gorgeous woman Emma had seen in a while.

Her husband Alex, as she soon learned, wasn’t hard on the eyes, either. He wasn’t wearing anything as revealing as his wife, but his outfit was a snug fit, leaving nothing of his nice physique to the imagination. As she’d hoped, her outfit clearly drew looks from him, but what she hadn’t expected was for those looks to be so distracting. She could feel herself heat up under his gaze, and she was surprised just how much she enjoyed it.

“So does that sound alright, Emma?”

“Hmm?” Emma replied, snapping out of her reverie and glancing back at Izzy. God, how much time had passed by with her just daydreaming.

“Are you okay just staying the night?”

“I, um… yeah!” Emma said, briefly flustered by the invitation. “Yeah, that would be fine.”

“Excellent!” Izzy said, flashing Emma a million-dollar smile as she stood up. “Really, it makes the most sense. Early as we’re leaving, there’s no reason for you to drive home and back if you don’t have to. I’ll go make sure the guest bedroom is all set.”

“You don’t have to trouble yourself,” Emma started, but Izzy waved her off.

“Trust me, it’s no bother!”

“She loves hosting, don’t worry,” Alex assured, giving her a smile of his own. “Honestly, she’d probably be just as happy to stay here and take care of you as she is to go on this trip.”

“That’s kind of you to say,” Emma accepted, glancing away when Alex didn’t. He’d barely been playing it coy when his wife was sitting right there; now he was really giving her the once-over. She didn’t mind the attention, really, but she hated how much it was getting to her. Before she knew it, she was saying, with more of a suggestive tone than she’d initially intended, “I’m sure your wife and I would have a great time together.”

Alex’s smile widened. “I’m sure you would.” He continued to look at her, and now Emma kept the eye contact, smiling back. She was well past playing cute and right on to giving him fuck-me eyes right back. On some level, she didn’t know what the hell she was doing, but a voice in her head — on that was unfamiliar, but deeply convincing — was telling her to keep it up.

“All set!”

Emma snapped her gaze away as Isabella returned. She coughed slightly, hoping it wasn’t too obvious to Isabella how flustered she was. “Ready to see your room?”

“Please,” Emma answered, quickly jumping up from the couch and following Isabella. Emma couldn’t help but steal a glance back at Alex; he smiled at her, not at all bothered by his wife’s presence as he continued to look her up and down. It took effort for Emma to divert her gaze again, though she was reward with another look at Isabella’s ass, one that ended up at eye level as she followed Izzy up the stairs. All she’d have to do was lean forward and she could bury her face right in between those thick cheeks. She had no doubt her husband wouldn’t mind if she did, and god, the way she was dressed to interview the house sitter? She suspected Isabella wouldn’t mind, either.

Again, Emma shook her head. What the fuck was going on? She was used to fantasizing, but this was reaching previously unheard of levels. Yes, they were a sexy couple, and yes, they were clearly flaunting that fact, but she was here for a job. A job she needed quite badly, so she needed to get her shit together. Odds were, she was just projecting, that nothing was going on other than her own lonely, pathetically horny brain going into overdrive. Nothing was going to happen with Isabella or Alex.

Not unless they instigated it anyway.

“Here you are!” Isabella said, leading Emma into a modest guest bedroom. “It’s not much yet, but like I said, we’re in the middle of the remodel.”

“No, it’s perfect,” Emma said, taking a look around. “I didn’t bring much, so this is probably more space than I need.”

“Well, once we’re gone, you’ll have the run of the place. Don’t feel like you’ve got to stay cooped up in here.”

“I probably will tonight, at least. Don’t want to be in your way.”

“You could never, dear,” Isabella assured, giving her arm a squeeze. Her fingers lingered, tracing slightly down Emma’s arm. The younger woman found her breath catching as Izzy’s eyes stayed on her, a smile wide on her lips. The moment seemed to stretch on for ages, Emma yearning for something more to happen, and she only found herself breathing again once Isabella looked away. “We should have dinner ready in an hour. Until then, make yourself at home!”

As if the moment never happened, Isabella was gone, leaving a heated, slightly out-of-breath Emma to take a much-needed seat on the bed. Fuck, she was confused. The way they were both behaving, Emma wondered if she was even here to watch the house, or if this was some sort of twisted game the married couple liked to play. Emma’s thighs squeezed together and she felt her cheeks burn; horny as she was, she knew she wouldn’t mind if that were true.

“Wouldn’t that be fun, if they just paid you to be their nasty little plaything?”

Emma jumped, surprised by the thought that didn’t seem entirely her own. On one hand, the idea didn’t seem entirely unappealing… but she couldn’t believe she’d thought it in the first place. She looked around, a sudden overwhelming sensation that someone else was in the room with her. But she found nothing, just bare walls and an open bedroom door. She was quick to stand and close the door, but even fully cut-off, she couldn’t shake the feeling she was being watched.

Worse, she was surprised to find herself even more aroused by the possibility.

It was hours later, and Emma was again in the bed, now under the covers and staring at the ceiling. Somehow, she found herself more frustrated than ever, the rest of the evening’s events playing out in her head. After getting her stuff and preparing for whatever might come at dinner, things had just been… normal. Any sense of flirtation or possibility with either Alex or Isabella was entirely gone. They’d been entirely polite hosts, asking her about her life and interests, but without the slightest hint of the innuendo that had been a constant before.

Of course, she should be grateful for that fact. She again tried telling herself that it was all in her head, a result of her dry spell. She was horny and surprised by how hot the two were, and it had sent her imagination into overdrive. But… it couldn’t have all been in her head! Not with how thick they’d seemed to be laying it on. For them to do such an intense 180 after working her up? It was frustrating!

Emma took a deep breath, trying to re-center herself. She’d been tossing and turning for over an hour now, mind playing back through everything over and over again. It just didn’t make sense. Fuck it if it made her full of herself, there had been heat with both of them. Alex had been fucking her with his eyes, and those shorts Izzy had been wearing…

“It’ll get easier if you just get yourself off.”

That not-entirely-hers voice again, but she was more accepting of it this time. Mainly because it was right; she might be able to forget everything and get some sleep if she let herself indulge in the fantasy. It was a thought that had already occurred to her, but the insistence of the voice made it seem like a better idea. Under the covers, she lifted one of her legs, a hand tracing down her stomach slowly, stopping as it reached her panties.

Emma hesitated, her fingers teasing the edge of her underwear. As fun as the idea sounded — as fun as it would no doubt feel — the same concerns as earlier filled her head. Her room wasn’t that far away from the master bedroom, and she’d heard plenty through the walls as Izzy and Alex got ready for bed. Even if they were asleep by now, they might not stay that way if she accidentally made too much noise.

“Oh, fuck, yes.”

Emma froze, eyes going wide; as if in response to her worries, there was suddenly a noise cutting through the silence. Not just a noise, a voice. One that had said… had it really said that? And in that tone? Was her mind once again making up what she wanted to–

“Nng, yes, put it in me.”

Emma sat up in bed, stunned. The first thing she’d heard could be misinterpreted, but this? She couldn’t quite believe what she was hearing. Were Alex and Isabella…?

“God, yes, feels so fucking good, baby.”

Oh, they absolutely were. Emma looked to her bedroom door, biting her lip. She knew she should stay put, cover her ears, and pretend she wasn’t hearing Alex and Izzy having sex. She shouldn’t keep eavesdropping, and she absolutely shouldn’t want so badly to go and see. But then the voice whispered to her again.

“One little peek can’t hurt. Just to confirm.”

Just to confirm, sure. It was all simple curiosity, nothing to do with the throbbing between her clenched thighs. Emma pulled the sheets back and swung her legs over the side. She considered putting her pants on, but no, that didn’t seem right. It was just a quick peek, so she should be okay. Again, nothing to do with easy access should she find what she already knew she was going to find.

Emma opened her door and any doubt she had left was cast away. What else could that soft, rhythmic slapping sound be but flesh coming together? Their room was just a couple doors down, all it would take was a few tentative steps to get a better idea. She had some anxiety about making a noise, being caught, but that didn’t stop her feet from carrying her down the hallway. Besides, didn’t part of her want to be caught, just a little? She didn’t even realize she was holding her breath in anticipation as she neared the bedroom doorway, didn’t question that it was open wide enough for her to peek inside.

And even though it was exactly what she’d expected, Emma’s eyes went wide at what she saw through the crack in the door: Alex, thrusting into his wife, and Isabella, down on all fours and moaning as he did.

It was the display of it that stunned her. The noises had told her they were having sex, but there was no preparing her for just how brazenly they were going at it. There they were in the center of the bed, completely naked, rutting like animals. Alex was leaned close over Isabella as he pounded into her from behind, a hand gripping her hair and shoving her face down into the mattress. It did little to stifle her moans as he slammed into her over and over, the slapping of their flesh almost to the volume of the near-grunting groans he was letting out as he fucked her.

All this with the door left open, just down the hall from Emma’s room. Hell, even if the door had been closed, their volume had still been enough to get her attention. They weren’t fucking like they knew someone was in the house and they needed to hide it; they were fucking like they wanted to get caught, to put on a show.

As if in response to her line of thinking, Alex straightened up, continuing to pound into his wife as he spread her cheeks wide. Emma couldn’t see Isabella’s asshole, but it was still clear that’s what Alex was aiming for as he leaned down and spat. It was even clearer as one of his hands left her ass and, thumb first, disappeared between her cheeks. Izzy moaned even louder as her husband began to finger her ass, begging him for more.

And then Izzy turned her head and looked straight at Emma.

Emma’s instincts screamed for her to move, but she found herself glued to the spot. She realized Izzy wasn’t looking at her, not directly, instead just staring off in a daze, eyes lidded with ecstasy as her husband continued to fuck her. Besides, as dark as the hallway was, it’s not like she could see her anyway… right?

Either way, Emma continued to watch, enraptured by the look on Izzy’s face, the urgent thrusting, the moans they both let out as they went. Emma found herself desperate to moan as well, but she bit her lip, keeping quiet even as desire overwhelmed her and she slipped a hand into her already soaked panties.

She watched as Alex slipped out of his wife’s pussy, listened as Izzy hissed out a “Yes!” as he replaced his finger in her butt with his cock, rubbed her clit furiously as he watched him start to properly use her thick ass. The look on Izzy’s face was euphoric as her husband pounded into her rear again and again, and Emma was entranced by how beautiful she looked in that moment.

“Nng, god, I love you, babe,” Alex groaned as he continued to fuck her ass. “Everything is so good now. It all feels so right.”

“Mm, it does,” Izzy replied, glancing back at him with a dreamy smile. “She’s given us so much.”

Emma briefly wondered who “she” referred to, but her focus remained largely on her own clit and the breast she’d begun to fondle through her sleeping top.

“She has,” Alex agreed. “And now we can be who we always should’ve been. Take what we want whenever we want it.”

“And what is it you want? You want to fuck Lydia, don’t you?”

“And you don’t?”

“Hmm, or maybe you’re thinking of that sexy little house sitter?”

Emma barely stifled a gasp at Izzy’s mention of her; her fingers, teasing her clit, just moved faster.

“She’s definitely easy on the eyes,” Izzy continued. “And that outfit she wore to the interview? That little tease was trying to get your attention.”

“And the shorts you were wearing were so modest?” Alex grunted, giving her ass a firm slap. “Don’t act like you weren’t trying to get hers.”

“Mm, needed to know if she swung both ways, didn’t I? And I could tell she liked what she saw.” Izzy let out a giggling moan. “Probably could’ve had the slut on her knees in no time with a little effort.”

Emma’s mind filled with that image, herself down between Isabella’s thighs. It was more real than any mere fantasy should be; the smell of her filled Emma’s nose, she could feel the heat and pressure of her thighs to either side of her head, and her mouth felt wet with her juices. But most intoxicating of all, she could see Isabella looking down at her, a hand gripping her hair as she rode her face. Izzy smiled at her, gave her a wink, and said “Good girl, Emma, just like that.”

Emma collapsed against the wall, nearly biting through her lip to stifle her moan as an orgasm hit her body hot and heavy. God, it all felt so real, and more images followed: Izzy fully sat on her face, smothering her as she ate, Alex bouncing her on his lap as she rode his cock, the couple together on either side of her body, eating her holes now. It was too much, overwhelming, but also so fucking good.

“Ah, Alex, yes!” Izzy cried, orgasming herself in the other room. With the noise she was making, joined by Alex as he groaned out and shot his load across her ass and back, Emma couldn’t help but moan herself, body trembling as pleasure continued to pulse through her.

“Good girl, Emma. Just like that.”

Emma jolted, her pleasure cut short at the words from her fantasy were suddenly whispered in her ear. She spun, unsure who could possibly be there, only to find nobody at all. She looked down the dark, empty hall with confusion; she’d heard something, hadn’t she? But there was no one there, and it certainly hadn’t been Isabella or Alex. In fact, it had sounded like that not-entirely-hers voice, but… that was just in her head, wasn’t it?

“Shit,” she whispered, remembering where she was. She glanced back towards the bedroom and saw the couple was still in bed, Alex grinding his still hard cock against his wife’s messy ass. Emma was again intoxicated by the sight, temptation once again building inside her… only for her to turn and scurry back towards her room. She’d pushed her luck enough for one night, never mind whatever that voice had been.

When she was finally back in bed, Emma let out the breath she’d been holding, her mind processing everything she’d seen… everything she’d done. Her hand reached down, again finding the soaked-through mess of her panties, gasping as she brushed her still-aching pussy. God, what if she’d been caught? They’d have been mad at her for spying, wouldn’t they? Or had they wanted it? If she went back in there now, would they welcome her with open arms? Or would they punish her for being a naughty girl? Limitless possibilities filled Emma’s head as she began to masturbate again, her body desperate to explore every avenue.

But she wasn’t far enough gone to actually go back into that bedroom. Not yet. Still, for only the first night, Emma was closer to the edge than she even knew, and as she worked stifled moans out of herself, squeezing her tit through her top and fucking her own hand with a desperate fervor, she was pushing herself into freefall.

No worries, though; as Lydia watched and fingered herself in kind, she knew she’d be there to catch her.

“Hnng, could’ve sworn she was going to come in here,” Alex groaned, thrusting up into Izzy’s mouth. “Was hoping she would. Make her clean up that mess.”

“Mmmmm,” Izzy moaned, unable to speak as she worked her mouth up and down Alex’s cock. Instead, she swayed her hips back and forth, showing off the mess in question. If she hadn’t been dedicated to her work enough on her own, Alex would keep her honest, his hand holding a fistful of her hair and making sure she stayed focused on cleaning him off. He could still hardly believe how filthy the two of them had become. A month ago, Izzy barely ever went down on him; now, she was going ass-to-mouth with his load still blasted across her backside. All while someone watched them from the shadows.

Of course, he knew who they owed that to. Lydia had broken them both out of their sexual ruts, pushing them to indulge further and further in each other’s bodies alongside her ghostly form. They owed her so much, and they both wanted to do whatever it took to pay her back. Fortunately, by the smile on Lydia’s face as she phased into the room, not to mention the energy with which she was fingering herself, it seemed they were right on track.

“You two did splendidly,” Lydia praised, floating towards the bed as Izzy continued her oral worship. “God, that little slut was desperate to come in here and join you.”

“That would’ve been fun,” Alex stated again, holding Izzy tight on his cock for a moment, enjoying the sensation as she gagged on him. “You should’ve given her the push.”

“Naughty boy,” Lydia giggled, floating over the bed and sliding a hand between Isabella’s legs. “The time will come. I promise it’ll be worth the wait.”

“I trust you,” Alex said with a grunt, finally letting Izzy come up for a gasp of air. Her breathing was ragged, transitioning into a moan as Lydia’s ghostly fingers teased at her clit. That “there/not there” sensation was still hard to get used to, but it was wonderful regardless. Alex smiled at the sight of his wife’s pleasure, stroking himself in front of her face. “God knows you’ve been good to us.”

“So good, nng,” Izzy moaned, eyes rolling back in her head from Lydia’s ministrations. Her praise gained her a reward, Lydia’s fingers dipping deeper inside of her body, their ghostly nature allowing them to penetrate both her pussy and ass with a single thrust. “Oh, fuck!”

“And it’ll be even better still once I have what I need from that girl,” Lydia assured, continuing to spectrally stimulate Isabella. She leaned forward to put her mouth to work as well, but hesitated for a moment, looking to Alex. “Don’t let her moans go to waste, Alex. Make her choke on it.”

Alex obeyed, taking advantage of Izzy’s moans to again plug her throat with his cock. With a firm grip on her hair, he held her head tight against his pelvis, enjoying the feel of both her muffled moans and her throat struggling to deal with his presence. At Lydia’s command, he was deeper and more unrelenting than before, pushed to revel in the feel of his wife’s body submitting to his pleasure above all else.

Lydia reveled in it as well. She had the couple wrapped entirely around her fingers — literally, in Izzy’s case — and she nearly came just from seeing how dutifully Alex followed her commands. She reflected again on how easy it would be to just take what she yearned for now, from Isabella. To let her hands continue deeper inside of her, to fully crawl inside and make her–

Lydia shook her head, fighting the urge. She’d waited so many years for this opportunity, and she had no interest in making sure it was anything less than perfect. Besides, now that Emma was in the house, it wouldn’t take too long at all. She looked again at the blatant display of sexual depravity in front of her, Isabella trembling with bliss as Alex used her like a living sex toy, and knew she’d have Emma in the same position before too long. The way she was still fingering herself in the other room, even after several orgasms, told Lydia that she was almost there already.

And as Isabella and Alex both tremored with orgasms of their own, Lydia smiled; her time to come, in more ways than one, would be hers.


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