Request for more “Divine Redeemer” by Sybille The Fallen

Writer: Sybille The Fallen

Subject: Request for more “Divine Redeemer”

Link: LS666 Email / 20.01.2024 /

Request for more “Divine Redeemer

Hello xpanther, May darkness always surround you and whisper the Devil’s perversity in your ear. I adore what you have created, the true phanastic stories that please me and satisfy my dark hunger. I humbly ask you to continue “Divine Redeemer” in the unique style that is yours as it is a worthy tale be continued. Looking forward to your next story blessed in darkness. Sybille The Fallen.


Hi Sybil’s The Fallen

Thank you for writing to me. I’m happy to hear that you enjoyed “Divine Redeemer” … yes, I could follow that story up with more. Truth is always stranger than fiction … as this story is based on real events, I will have to do some more research. Unless, you have any findings of your own? You never know, right?

I have been busy over the holiday season, working on a new chapters for “Nothing Without Sin” … (a request from a friend) … it was a story I original wrote about ten years ago. There’s always more to add. A new angle. A new twist. My mind is full of scary, dark stuff. Also, I am now putting the final touches to “Emperor 2” and “Seminary For Sissies 6” … some stories take a little longer to come together.  Hail LVST. XP


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