Reject them – Non-Fiction

Writer: Koruptdsoul

Subject: Reject them

Link: Tumblr / 04.07.2021 / Reposted by Sabalith

Reject them 

I already have and hopefully you will too. Give God the middle finger and tell him to fuck off and leave us alone. Turn your back to Jesus-Fucking-Christ and walk away from their bullshit religion and oppressive faith for they are no longer wanted or needed to satisfy you emotionally or spiritually. The light that once flickered for them has long since dimmed. Now only the brilliant darkness of our Lord and Master fills your soul to sustain and provide you with everything your lustful heart desires. Fuck God and be free! Hail Satan!

1 thought on “Reject them – Non-Fiction”

  1. The light failed a long time ago. It is time for Darkness Visible.

    God/Allah/Yahweh is dying. It is Our Lord and Lady who bid us be free and satisfy our desires.

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