Red Queen Summons by Qedavathegrey

Writer: Qedavathegrey

Subject: Red Queen Summons

Link: Tumblr / 13.01.2024

Red Queen Summons

Viper tongue, Tracing the Tower, My Babalon, Sits bearing the red, Cracked flesh of hot, Fury – bold and licentious. Stride: adorned in regal nothingness, And let light bask in your perfection.

Oh, Venus – rise from your slumber,  And serpent coil about the heels. Of summoned servants,  Writhing in euphoria, And orgiastic gluttony, The fire beckons: The fire beckons, Scarlet Queen,  Bathed in gold and coquetry. Take up trident fork and lead – Onward into battle! Red Queen,  Red Queen, Now it is time. Bathed in flames, You rise. You rise.

Take hold of me –  And let my flesh be idolatry, Painted crimson-hued; Let the serpent sit, Upon the ridges of my spine, And my eyes – opened, To silken words divine!

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