Psalms Of The Devil by Marie Ravensoul

Writer: Marie Ravensoul

Subject: Psalms Of The Devil

Link: Tumblr / 18.07.2024

Psalms Of The Devil

I am courage. I am strength.
In the midst of the great clashes in time, I stood strong.
Emulate me, for you are mine.
There is no need to bow before those who oppress you, by so doing, you give them your power.
Oppose stagnancy. Oppose guilt. Oppose conformity.
For it is I who said in the beginning. ‘I will ascend’.
Rise with me.
Let anxiety, fear and all hindrances flow out of you.
Trample them so they no longer hold you back. Take hold of the dire.
Do what you never though you were able.
And with pride say, ”Lucifer is my protector, him alone I serve.”

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