Prayer To Lord Lucifer For Abundance by Arabellas-inferno

Writer: arabellas-inferno

Subject: Prayer To Lord Lucifer For Abundance

Link: Tumblr / 02.03.2024

Prayer To Lord Lucifer For Abundance


Oh radiant Lucifer, bearer of enlightenment,

In the depths of your wisdom, I seek abundance,

Grant me the strength to overcome obstacles,

And the clarity to seize opportunities that come my way.


May your fiery essence ignite the flames of prosperity within me,

Illuminate my path with the wealth of knowledge and understanding,

Guide my actions, so they align with the flow of abundance,

And lead me towards success in all endeavors.


As I journey through the realms of existence,

May your divine presence surround me,

Empowering me to manifest my desires,

And to share the blessings of abundance with others.


With reverence and gratitude, I offer this prayer,

To you, Lord Lucifer, embodiment of divine light,

May your blessings rain down upon me,

And may abundance flourish in every aspect of my life. Ave Satanas.

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