Writer: adept-666fan
Subject: Prayer of devotion for Satanist
Link: TUMBLR / 31.01.2021 / Posted by adept-666fan
Prayer of devotion for Satanist
Lord Satan, Mighty One, Wisdom Incarnate, Speaker of Knowledge I ask that you bestow me your blessings. Guide me and let me serve you in the ways that you desire. Give me strength, to keep me when things get tough Bestow upon me Darkness wisdom to know what to do in all situations. Your Darkness is my Light. Inspire me and teach me. Your words are my way and life. Inspire me to encourage another and bring them to you. Satan use me, my words to bless your Darkness.
Push me to stand face things that are wrong Let me fight for your Glory. Let me manifest your Hell and all Demons. Help me, Father, to guide my brothers and show them what you have for them Help me, Father, to encourage them not to follow anyone but you and to find your way, truth and life only in you, my Lord, Master and God. Let me not forget what it was like when I first came to you, when you seduced me with your temptation and you possessed my soul, when you have me constrained with your bonds of blasphemy, sin, sodomy.
Your Blasphemy is my way, your Sin is my truth, your Sodomy is my life, oh Almighty Satan. Father of Hell, you were patient and unyielding before me. You seduced me and pulled me to you. You broke my innocence, virtue and shame. In return you gave me debauchery, sin and pride. You give me the feeling that I have to exceed myself, change my thoughts and feelings, do more and lose myself in Satan. Give me follow your in my life and eternity.
To love you and serve you teach as you. I am happy to be your servant, your slave, your property. I am proud to be your Son, Son of Satan. It is my honor to serve you, Lord Satan. Reveal to me the hidden things about you, about Unclean Spirits, about Unholy Demons. Try me, to be worthy of your affairs that you place in my heart, flesh and soul. Bestow on me your covenant, I trust in you, Satan.
Give me advice, do not act if it is not your will and act according to your will. Thank you for choosing me, my Lord and God. May me lives be devoted to you. Give me a testimony who you are and your Darkness. Let me preach to you and your Demons. Let me spread evil, sin, blasphemy, sodomy, and all that you want and need for your eternal victory. Watch over me and bless me. Lord and Mighty Satan, according to your will, use me to fight your eternal enemy in heaven. Use my thoughts, words and actions to fight with the host of heaven. In you, with you and be you I am antichrist. It is an honor to serve you, Lord Satan, to your case, to your Demons and to Hell. my homeland is in Hell. Thank you for choosing me. May me lives be devoted to you, Lord and Mighty Satan, with according to your will.