Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: Prayer For Renouncing Lilith
Link: MEWE / 06.12.2023
Prayer For Renouncing Lilith
Yes, you are reading that correctly, a new assault on the dark goddess, and the next battle when it comes to spiritual warfare. I came across a website, finding solace, and stumbled on these battle plans. I will not share all the blasphemous items, but decided to share this to demonstrate the power of Lilith.
“Father, forgive me for allowing Lilith into my life and for becoming a victim of her seduction. Forgive me for allowing lust to control me, and for allowing unholy soul ties to be formed. Forgive me, Abba Father, for defiling my marriage bed with lust and for desecrating your holy union between husband and wife. I renounce lust as sin in Jesus’s name.”
Renounce all you want, as Lilith’s sword of Lust, can never be torn from her hands. Jesus and God have no power over the creator. Those who are foolish enough to believe every word of the Bible, then know that if true, demonstrates her superiority over Yahweh. See she defeated him when she spoke his name and even angles could not bring her back. Her gift of Lust corrupted the marriage, as it is a ritual of slavery.
Finally, to lay between the thighs of the divine, one is likely to have renounced their alignment to the trinity. If I recall my ancient Christian teachings, blasphemy is thankfully an unforgivable or unpardonable act.
Hail the Scribe of Lilith
Hoku Lani
I worship my GODDESS LILITH i want her help me that i can corrupt xtian girls and women and become her sex slaves and they renounce god jesus and mary HAIL LILITH HAIL SATAN