Possession. Pros & Cons. by Hoku666 – Non-Fiction

Writer: Hoku Lani / Hoku666

Subject: Possession. Pros & Cons.

Link: Tumblr / 30.08.2023

Possession. Pros & Cons.

I wanted to share with one who occasionally reads my posts, my thoughts on possession — There are many forms of possession, and it matters not if you believe in any organized religion or spirituality, you’re a follower of the Right Hand Path or the Left Hand Path. It doesn’t matter if you an atheist, agnostic, or other. You see the entity mostly cares not about your beliefs.


Some possessions result in personal growth in love, joy, peace, and overall happiness. This possession may be empowering and teach you things you can not rationally explain. A true indicator of possession is that a man or woman is, happy, thankful, singing songs, increasingly experiencing endorphin release, and all around notices the difference.


Not all possession is like this, some result with darker results. Once filled by some entities one immediately sees the rational reasons for mass murders, numerous rapes, pillage, plunder, slavery, child abuse and killing, and of course the killing of unborn children. Occupied by this possessor One quickly sees why slavery, including selling your own daughter as a sex slave, child abuse, and bashing babies against rocks. Founded in ritual human and animal sacrifice, is it any wonder why these are listed as Cons? This type of criminal behavior should shock any moral person.

Yet what many fail to see is that the possession described above is that of The Holy Spirit and a result of following the Abrahamic God.

The possession I experience results in feelings of joy, orgasmic bliss, and helping others feel better themselves. I no longer judge others, who they love, how they love, or where they demonstrate this.


So it’s simple, persecute homosexuality, judge others, endorse the words of god, or find true pleasure and happiness by simply doing what feels good and brings you joy.

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