Writer: Destiny1961
Subject: Possession, Poppers and Penises
Link: Email / 17.01.2022
Possession, Poppers and Penises
Hello Panther, this may sound weird as it does to me, but this is me and it seems you have been talking to what’s inside me.
I have been made aware of another inside who now states we are an unholy trinity. Containing me, Destiny and one called Libby. I have been guided to write something as it comes to me I have been struggling. Due to a rough marriage, which consists of a dominating wife and no sex which has made jerking off my only outlet and then the whole hormones and sissy sex stuff. It is said the closer you get to God the more Satan will fight for your soul and well. I look back and fight with my, shall I say, demons. I started to get horny again looking at all genders and thought maybe it was time to go back into my Bible. The thoughts of lust fo any and everyone one or thing, it is time to repent I thought.
You know those damn things on the shoulder where one is good and the other evil, well its like I have destiny on one side and the other is not good, but lust. So I pick up the Bible and its not helping as I think maybe I need to go see a pastor and confess, then the pastor becomes a priest, but we know about them. I am confused as I get ready for bed and start to research a few things which leads me to a satanic hypno. I am going to prove I can fight it, and than grab my poppers. I feel them around me and call out to the Lord and ask for guidance as to what is right as I start to fade. I hear what seems to be faint giggles as I fall out to this dream, or vision.
I am walking down the street after being in a bar and realize I have just a slight bit bigger breasts from the hormones. I am slightly drunk and think I just did something wrong. I can taste semen in my mouth as I think I gave a blowjob to someone in the bathroom of the bar. I go down an alley and stop and drop to my knees.
I look up and call for my Lord to help me and guide me to where He wants me. For the first time in a long time I hear His voice, and He asks if I will do as He guides. I look down the alley and see what looks like a beat up church. On it says something to the effect the the Lord accepts all. I notice some sort of priest come up the alley and give me His hand, He tells me our lord sent Him to me. He tells me they are having a meeting of the elders and felt my pain and if I come inside I will be saved and changed. He tells me I must confess my deepest thoughts though.
I walk in with Him and sit in the vestibule as the others go into a sanctuary. They all have on robes, but not the normal color. He gives me a drink of water, which tastes funny and it like I am going on some sort of drug induced trip. He helps me into a room where the elders are and has me sit and I tell Him about my gay and sissy thoughts of serving. He asks if I believe everyone has a place and then tells me it is okay to serve as it is expected. The elders gather around and want me to take a communion before we go on.
They give me sour bread and strong wine. The room starts to bend and move as He tells me to show Him my body and the tits … I remove my top and He rubs and grabs my breasts as they all surround me and start to pray in some kind of tongues. I start to feel weird as lust starts to enter me and I get an erection and am ashamed. I am told not to be and that it is wrong for me to be ashamed of the body the Lord is giving me.
They tell me I must ask forgiveness and show I am okay with it as He slides this thing on that I have seen online. It is some sort of bra strap shaped like the pentagram and then they put a corset on my which lifts my breasts up. I sit there in a daze and start hallucinating as they help me into another room. I am given some poppers and made to take a couple hits from some sort of bong. I start to wonder what is going on as they say I am going to meet our Lord.
I have something put over my eyes and am guided into the room and am made to kneel. Then His voice changes as He tells me to do as told. I am told there are demons inside and they need to be brought out. As the others lay hands and back to tongues He asks if I accept him as my Lord and to do as He says.
There is a strong smell of sulfur and weed in the room as I accept. I can hear what seems to be the sound of men stroking, but not here, right? I feel Him reach down and draw something on the breasts which feel like a pentagram and on the other maybe a brimstone symbol. I am told it is okay to be both sexes and serve as such as its like where He holds my head is getting warm. I am starting to lose my thoughts except for thoughts of sex and lust as He tells me to let go. Then it feels like He draws an inverted cross on my forehead as He calls the deacons over to baptize me.
I am now kneeling and wobbly as I feel His finger open my lips and I stick my tongue out as he calls for the demons to join us. Then more chanting as I hear the baptism words and feel goo hit my face and go in my mouth and down on my breasts. It is in fact the taste of semen as I call for my Lord to help me.
He then tells me he is there as I have committed myself and the head deacon holds my head and tells me to open my eyes as he removes what is covering them. I open to see His erect cock in my tace and the room is set up demonic, yet I am not in control. I look at His eyes and open my mouth and He slides His cock down my throat and starts to fuck my face. I have cum dripping down me as He slides all the way down and explodes. I start to wobble more as I am stood up.
I am brought to the head priest who removes his robe and his eyes are blank. I lean over to lick his cock as he tells me I have accepted my place and am now his. He calls and the others start to stroke and shoot on my cheeks.and spread them so the semen is between them as if using it as lube.
He stands me up and licks my sticky boobs and kisses me and it is like a drug. He then walks behind me as I stare up at a huge inverted cross and his voice changes and he starts to shake. He is now being possessed by Satan himself and he slides his cock between my cheeks and up and down in the mess as he tells me who he is and that he is going to take what I promised. He molests my wet sticky breasts and rubs the mess on my face all over and he laughs.
He then holds me tight as his cock is against my hole and grabs my tits and chants as I feel him call for the demon inside. He asks how his daughter is and if she is ready to take control and I answer but its not me.As he slides his cock up and down and molests my tits I am getting horny. He tells me to accept him and tells the deacons to give it to me and they hand me the bong.
I take a big hit and then a bottle of poppers and a big hit as well as he tells me I am a good servant. He tell me to let go as I start to fade and melt in his arm and I feel his cock enter me. He licks my cummy cheek and turns my head and we kiss as I am no longer in control. He slides out to the head then shoves deep as I moan.
He pounds me a few times and then pulls out. I am standing there wobbly as he sits and calls for me, or rather my demons and we get in his lap and slide down onto his cock and ride him. He tells me it is my choice to which path and I find myself riding him harder and harder til he kisses me and holds me tight and explodes. He tells me we are welcome in his house in any form and then leaves me for the others to enjoy.
so proud of you…you inspire me..to give away my soul…so i may enjoy what you went through…you are my hero…as is Lilith…Lucy AZ…and Hoku…we are all priveleged to have a brother like you..and such wonderful instruction and guidance..from the Priestesses..bless our family in darkness..hail Lilith
When Father and Mother call out to you, it is through Love. There is no judgment only freedom and then you become one with the incestuous family.
Your wife has shown you the way, Lilith smiles Dow as Lucifer lovingly rapes your soul.
“Goddam, you’re so huge.” She wasn’t even looking now, just gripping the sheets with both hands clasped. Eyes shut, head bowed like she was praying.
Maybe she is, just not to God. She’s praying to my cock right now. That’s a delicious thought.