Writer: Koruptdsoud
Subject: Possessed
Link: Tumblr / 04.05.2021
Rise and let your unholy spirit be lifted by the grace and glory of our Mighty Lord. Do not hold anything back that may stand in the way of complete and total acceptance of his will. Let any and all impediments that may hold him back from you vanish and dissolve. Meditate and focus all your thoughts on him and feel the bliss of emptiness as you prepare to await his arrival.
Beseech him, call him and invoke him to you. Feel his infernal presence surround you and let him take control without resistance or hesitation. Be one with him, and freely submit to his all-encompassing and overwhelming power and strength as he occupies you in totality; heart, mind, body and soul.
You are him and he is you. Feel the joy and feel the love as you are forever and eternally his.