Possessed by Arthur

Writer: Arthur

Subject: Possessed

Link: LS666 Emails / 03.01.2023


I never got to tell you the details about how I became a Satanist — I was demon-possessed — It was fifteen months ago when I finally decided to pray to Satan and asked for him to reveal himself, if it is true that Satan chose and called me.
I prayed on the morning of a particular day, and that night, before I tried to sleep, something incredible happened — Satan and his demon attacked and possessed my body — The demons controlled my right hand and placed it on my penis. I then masturbated, as I couldn’t take back control of my body.

I could feel Satan replacing my old Christian heart with a new one. I could hear Satan telling me to say the magic words …  

“Hail Satan! Fuck God! Fuck Jesus Christ! And Fuck the Holy Spirit!”

I then whispered those words to complete the demonic possession.
Ever since that night, I have realized that all I used to believe in, is just a lie. That the Christian God is real and exists. That Jesus Christ was some kind of savior who died on the cross for my sins. And that the Holy Spirit is what is described in the Bible.
Where was God on the night that I was demon-possessed? Nowhere to be found. Only Satan and his demons were there for me. How could I not choose to be with Satan over that false Christian God? Thank you for the website as I continue to learn more and more about Satanism, worshiping the one who was there with me on that night.
Well, 2024 is just beginning … but I have been blessed with a new assignment —
Firstly, to tell the story about my friend “Maggie” from Pleasure Has No Boundaries” who disappeared three years ago — I just found out that she was caught with an underage girl and was sent to prison. For good behavior and fucking the wardens, she was released. Secondly, I contacted the girl that “Maggie” seduced — who is no longer a minor — and she wants me to tell her side of the sordid story too.

It’s going to be hot in 2024.

4 thoughts on “Possessed by Arthur”

  1. First, Arthur – that is a wonderful testimony to the power of Satan. I look forward to hearing more of your journey as time goes on. My advice is to enjoy each moment and look for Satan in the little things in the world around you (He is everywhere if you only look).

    Next, XPanther – that explains so much. I too was in direct contact with “Maggie” and then she disappeared. Thankfully, I (and I assume you) are very careful with what we say and share (gotta’ stay on the ‘legal’ side of certain lines). I am excited to hear whatever she shares with you in 2024 and I’m even more excited to hear from the (now) legal other party involved. I’m sure Satan has been working in their lives.

    1. I am the one who sent the email to XPanther. Thank you for the reply, as I didn’t expect this to be posted on this website. You are right that Satan is everywhere if I look for Him. It is really incredible how powerful Satan and his demons are.

      Yes, it is a wonderful testimony of how I became a Satanist today. As Marie Raven Soul says on her YouTube channel, being chosen by Satan is an incredible thing to know. I never would have thought that I would be where I am today. But I am happy to have left Christianity behind. All I will say is that if it wasn’t for the Covid pandemic that shut down in-person Sunday worship service for months in 2020, my journey towards becoming a Satanist wouldn’t have even started.

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