Point Blank Period by Pinkiewitchcraft

Writer: Pinkiewitchcraft

Subject: Point Blank Period

Link: Tumblr / 01.03.2024

Point Blank Period

So anyway,

Atheistic Satanists: People who see Satan as a symbol and don’t actually worship them as a literal being. Theistic Satanists: People who worship Satan as a literal being. A deity. Also known as devil-worshipers. And no, not the stereotypical kind. They are also not Christians, or “reverse Christians”. If they were Christians they wouldn’t be worshiping Satan, they’d be worshiping Christ. That’s the whole point of being a Christian. It’s in the name.

Yes. Theistic Satanists exist. Yes, we are devil-worshipers. No, atheistic Satanists are not the only type of Satanists that exist. There are different types of Satanism. Therefore there are Satanists who do worship Satan, and to deny that, and to act as if there’s only one kind of Satanism, and that all Satanists are atheistic, is to be foolish and ignorant. Stop trying to erase people you don’t like to appeal to Puritans and respectability politics. Satanism is a diverse belief system and you need to realize that and deal with it.

Theistic Satanists are just as real and valid as Atheistic Satanists. Point blank period.

1 thought on “Point Blank Period by Pinkiewitchcraft”

  1. I’m going to give you some tough love here brother.
    That you feel even for one second compelled to write a post saying that theistic Satanists are just as real as atheistic Satanists comes from a position of weakness.
    There are no such things as atheistic Satanists.
    Atheistic “Satanists” are not real Satanists.
    Only we theistic Satanists are.
    Be strong. Ignore any atheistic “Satanists” who give you attitude. Or block them. Or tell them to fuck off. Or repeat what I say here to them.
    Satan wants you to be strong. Be proud that you know He Lives and that He is Real.

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