Pleasure Not Sin by Hoku Lani

Writer: Hoku Lani

Subject: Pleasure Not Sin

Link: MEWE / 04.06.2024

Pleasure Not Sin

Since the dawn of time, society has been fixated on the notion of gender and its strict binary classifications. Men and women were expected to conform to certain roles and behaviors, and organized religions enslaved humanity and set the rules, anything outside of those rules was deemed unnatural or even sinful.

However, the Dark Goddess Lilith shattered these limiting beliefs and opened my eyes to a better understanding of gender and sexuality. Unlike organized religions, there are no set rules on the left-hand path. Lilith showed me that there is no true gender, only the fluidity of sexual energy and pleasure.

She has shown me that the human body is not defined by its physical attributes, but rather by the energy that flows through it. This energy, often referred to as the Divine Spark of creation, is what connects us all and is the driving force behind all forms of life.

Through these experiences, I have come to understand that gender is not a fixed or rigid concept, but rather a spectrum. It is not limited to just males and females but includes a vast array of identities, species, and expressions. This revelation has allowed me to shed the societal expectations and labels that were imposed on me and embrace my true self!

I encourage each of you who read this to consider this as well. Furthermore, Lilith has taught me that sexual pleasure is not something to be ashamed of or suppressed, but rather a powerful tool for self-discovery and spiritual growth. She showed me that through embracing my sexuality, I can tap into the energy of creation and unleash my full potential.

By releasing the shame and guilt surrounding my desires, I am able to connect with my true self and experience a sense of liberation and empowerment through orgasms without any limitations. Through Lilith’s revelation, we can each unlock the power of creation, enjoy manifesting orgasms to deliver the Divine Spark, and create a world where everyone is free to express their truest selves without judgment or discrimination.


It is wonderful to experience the sense of freedom and liberation that can be created outside of “convention” — to me, the Dark Goddess Lilith has always been a symbol of gender fluidity. She is he. He is she. Both at the same time within the same given moment. Truly a glorious Dark Goddess, whose blessings are without limitation, without demand or expectation, that seed the joy of a world that is no longer black or white or even shades of grey. Thank you Hoku for helping me see the darkness!

2 thoughts on “Pleasure Not Sin by Hoku Lani”

  1. Dear Hoku, as always, you enlighten and inspire us. Keep bringing the teachings that you experience, to us all.
    Thank you,

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