DISCLAIMER: The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity such as is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults. The following is fiction. The content of the story is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. All Rights Reserved © 2023 LITTLESALLY666.
STORY CODES: Black Magic, Witchcraft, Sapphic, Transformation, Shemale, Androgyny, Satanic, Abuse, Corruption, Evil, Devil Worship, NC, WS, Sexual Sin, Sex Demons, Orgy, BDSM, Young, Incest, Rape, Drug Use.
CREATED: 07.01.2022 / REVISITED: 08.09.2023
Pleasure Has No Boundaries 10
A white wedding is on the cards. A virgin bride. A beautiful church ceremony. Maggie, whilst still connected to the church, counseled the young Ben and Sally Chow in their matrimonial duties — now the time is approaching when they will tie the knot. But not everything is as it seems. Maggie has been scheming as usual and is up to no good. In tow, she has the husband-to-be, Ben, at her beck and call.
- Maggie (39) – our protagonist. Christian, Sunday school teacher, bi, shoulder-length hair, slim build, small tits/AB-cup, very attractive
- Kris (49) – Maggie’s secret lover, Satanist, connected to the 14K triads and child trafficking, pedophile, petite, A-cup, shaven, short hair, slim build
- Ben Chow (28) – a couple in counseling (with Maggie), nerdy-looking, virgin
- Sally Chow (24) – a couple in counseling (with Maggie), small, petite, A-cup, virgin
- Sue Chow – Sally’s older sister, lives in New Zealand, with two young children Tiffany (6) and Tabee (3)
- Ginny (13) – Maggie’s daughter, a quiet and brooding, dancer, A-cup
- Friar Mario (60) – parish priest at Maggie’s church
- Sister Louise (32) – sadist, attractive nun, pedophile
- Sister Lee Chin (18) – young novitiate nun from the Safe Haven Orphanage
- Hannah (23) – Maggie’s younger sister, highly religious, adapt student, cute like a china-doll, used to love Korean dramas and the violin
- Brandon (28) – one of Ben’s closest friends
- Zhou (27) – Ben’s associate, a mainlander, working at the Sheraton Hotel Tsim Ska Tsui
- Denise, Jo, and Heidi (9) – Orphans at the Safe Haven Orphanage
- The Cat, The Snake, The Goat, The Dog, The Pig, The Bat – androgynous witches
The happy day had finally arrived.
Sally Chow was so excited. Her jaw hurt from smiling so much and she found it difficult to concentrate for very long on anything. There was so much ahead. So much to be done. She wanted everything to be perfect. Yes, it was all about to “come true” — the idealized wedding of her childhood dreams, the church ceremony, and their vows of everlasting love.
Sally sat in front of the dressing mirror as she combed her long flowing black hair. She tried on the veil for the twentieth time. She was beautiful. She was so elegant. She was radiant today (more than any other day she could remember). Her young face was spotless; as was her chastity. She had saved herself for this day … saved herself for her knight-in-shining-armor… Ben Chow (they shared the same surname, but were unrelated) … saved herself for their marriage and their life together under God.
Her mother, Juliet, had reported back that the ‘Church of the Saints’ looked absolutely amazing. It had been decorated in all white. Pure virgin white. From the white floral arrangements that formed a magnificent arch at the grand chapel entry; to the white mini bouquets that decorated the end of every pew; with eye-catching long-stemmed blooms that incorporated white gladiolus and eucalyptus that dripped heavenly over the altar where they would stand together and give their hearts to one another forever.
There were the two white stretch limos that a family of wealthy jewelry businessmen could afford; the fairytale white horse-drawn carriage for her and her father; and the white dresses of the tiny little flower girls (her nieces, Tiffany aged six, and Tabee aged three). Every single detail had been thought of, even down to white embossed hymn booklets, specially printed for their specially selected prayers and songs of praise.
Sally was torn between having “Amazing Grace” or “The Lord’s Prayer” as their theme. She’d loved the Andrea Bocelli versions of both these meaningful songs — but for the church, she’d wanted them to be played simply upon the chapel organ.
Everything was to be perfect for Sally on her day-of-days (and her night-of-nights). Even her older sister Susanne, (the mother of the two flower girls, Tiffany and tabee) had flown all the way from New Zealand, with her Asian-Kiwi husband, to be here for her too on this special occasion.
Her heart beat fast. She took a sip of champagne provided by her bridesmaids — they knew she would find it difficult to relax and the chilled bubbly champagne really did help to take the edge off — but she didn’t want to drink too much.
Their local parish priest, Father Mario, and their marriage counselor, Maggie, had both been so kind and considerate — especially Maggie. She was so sweet and understanding. To be honest she sometimes felt lost in their conversations that had touched on taboo subjects like masturbation and pornography — vile things that made her feel dirty and not in a good way. Looking back on their marriage journey, there had been so many thoughts, worries, and concerns — almost an insurmountable fear of failure. But, Ben had been the perfect gentleman, not pressing her for any premarital sex, resisting the devil’s urges, and understanding her strict Christian values.
Ben and Maggie had met up at the hotel suite.
It was one of the Tower Harbor Suites overlooking Causeway Bay at the Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers in the heart of Victoria Harbor, Tsim Sha Tsui. They had slept together there for about three days before the wedding. Maggie had told Ben to book an adjoining room for her — so she would be close at hand for their special night. But while Sally wasn’t around, the two of them made good use of the matrimonial bed for their sick perverted sex games. It seemed a long time ago that she had made him promise that she would be the first to fuck his cock on his wedding night … and though Maggie had bigger ideas than that now … she couldn’t believe how far things had changed.
Maggie had taken delight in being orally pleasured, by her nerdy lover, while she read stories and posts from “Littlesally666.com” out loud. She always selected the most perverted ones. Evil made her incredibly horny.
“…The room was circular, and bare, except for a large marble statue in the center of the room. The statue held Rainbow’s attention. It depicted a group of children of various ages, but no older than ten. What stunned Rainbow was that the statue showed the children engaged in all kinds of sex acts, vaginal, oral, anal, hand jobs, etc. It was a mass of twisting bodies, entwined around each other and spiraling towards the ceiling. The faces of each child showed that they were all at the point of orgasm. Rainbow was shocked and appalled. She was revolted by the statue but unable to take her eyes off it …”
This was from a new author going by the name of “AmandaBlonde”, who was a strong advocate for females assisting men with violent rape. Maggie felt particularly inspired by her twisted, evil stories, as she imagined all the humiliating things that they were going to do to poor little Sally.
“… In another roofed part of the huge room, tapestries lined the walls, and each one depicted adults having sex with children, women and children being raped, and even sex with animals. Towards one end of the room was another statue, this one depicting a handsome muscular man raping a female child, her head thrown back in pain and terror, while the man’s face showed intense delight. Rainbow stared at the statue in absolute horror …”
Ben, under Maggie’s artful direction, had started a foray into cross-dressing. He’d been wearing Sally’s delicate wedding knickers to masturbate himself in. Unfortunately, they had become so filthy and stained, they were not going to be returned for Sally’s use. He would have to replace them. Shame, Maggie had said to Ben — nice to have her wear a pair of cum-stained panties up the aisle. She planned for his forced feminization — but that was for another day.
Everything had all been arranged.
After the church wedding and the reception — Ben and Sally were due to stay overnight at the Sheraton and then leave the next morning for their overseas honeymoon. The flights and bookings were all made. Sally’s parents had spared no cost at making sure that everything was exactly the way their spoilt little brat wanted it — not that they thought their daughter was a brat — no that was what Maggie thought.
And similarly on this, the night-of-nights, was also to be the accumulation of weeks of planning on Maggie’s part. Of course Ben had been fucking Maggie behind Sally’s back, ever since she’d seduced him at the church’s marriage guidance counseling — but this was different — this was more heinous than just simply cheating. Ben was completely besotted with Maggie and her evil ways. He would do anything she asked … Anything! … No matter how profane or perverted. In fact, the more debauched it was, the more he got off on it. Was he under some black magick spell? Maybe.
The plan was to drug the bride. Zolpidem (nonbenzodiazepine) or the Z-drug as it’s known, is a powerful sedative and hypnotic — it is also the most popular date rape drug in South Korea — when the drug is taken with a large amount of alcohol, the side effects include loss of consciousness, memory loss, and impaired judgment and thinking occur. As an extra precaution — Maggie had planned to blindfold Sally and use a gag, to stop her from drawing any unwanted attention.
Once Sally was drugged and unconscious, Ben was to let two of his buddies, Brandon and Zhou, satanically rape all her delicate holes; while Maggie and Ben watched and masturbated. Zhou worked at the hotel and made sure that they would not be interrupted during the time they had her together. But of course, Maggie would be the first to take her virginity — piercing her hymen for the glory of Satan — using her large flesh-colored strap-on. They would video the entire wicked little ritual.
Maggie had enjoyed going to the Safe Haven Orphanage in Shenzhen Province near the borders of Baoan District and Dongguan. It had become something she did on a regular basis. The first time had been an amazing experience — finding the joy in punishing the young orphan girls and subjecting them to sexual abuse and physical torments that she’d previously been far too conservative to have inflicted. But under the guise of being one of the nuns, she had become addicted to the satisfaction gained through humiliation, object rape, and penetration (using a large strap-on — the same one she intended on using on young Sally).
Maggie would have never imagined the things she had involved herself in. A devout Christian woman, a senior church leader, a Sunday school teacher, a marriage counselor … and now a sadistic pedophile rapist. Maggie thought about one particular young girl — Jo had been her name — she must have had a torturous life under the administration of the Safe Haven Orphanage.
Maggie smiled to herself and sank her middle finger into her hot wet cunt. She recited her favorite passage …
“Seek always to corrupt the pious, seek always to seduce the chaste … guide those who seek to serve the light into darkness, lead those who seek out the blessings of God to know of the Benedictions of Our Lord Satan. One of the greatest services we can perform for the Dark Lord of Hell is to induce those of the Light into the raptures of the darkness, but do not halt that induction once commenced, continue their descent into the spheres of Hell until they are no more than the playthings of the Demonic.”
She’d added greatly to that suffering. Over the months that Maggie had been involved, her sadistic trait had somewhat bloomed. Looking back, at her first time, it all seemed so tame. There had been three young orphan girls and three perpetrators — herself (of course), Sister Louise (formally from the Church of the Saints), and the much younger novitiate nun, called Sister Lee Chin.
They had set the children up for failure, filling them up with copious amounts of sugary drinks until their tiny bladders were close to bursting. And then each of the wicked perpetrators lay beneath an orphan so that their mouths lay up against the naked little slits of the tiny girls. Their practiced tongues tormented the young girls’ urethras.
Of course, they would eventually wet themselves. But that is exactly what Maggie and the others wanted — the thrill of drinking their piss turned the three perverted women wild — but more so, was the punishment that the miscreant orphans would receive, inflicted in direct consequence of their loss of bladder control. Sister Louise, who had obviously done this before, came up with the idea that the young orphan that lasted the longest would be saved from the pain of physical punishment — but would, in fact, be required to assist with the punishment of those who failed first.
It was an excellent game. One that the Sisters and Maggie re-enacted multiple times.
But Maggie’s taste for delivering pain and abuse had just begun. With the help of Sister Louise, Maggie’s dark journey into bondage and discipline brought her much-perverted pleasure. Raping the dry cunt of several young virgins for the pleasure of Satan became the highlight of her visits to the orphanage. The children were whipped and beaten before being drowned in the nearby sewer. Nobody was going to miss this human garbage. There were simply hundreds of them — unregistered and unwanted — the fact that most of the sisters at the orphanage were active pedophiles made it easy for these activities to escalate from simple abuse to rape and then to snuff and ritual human sacrifice.
But, after the first incident with young Jo, Maggie developed a soft spot for her. Maggie provided extra income to the orphanage to keep her from the same fate as the others. Of course, she became an integral part of Maggie‘s sexual activities every time she visited the orphanage. She even encouraged the young one to participate in the vile and perverted activities for her personal pleasure. Maggie imagined that with a little help from Kris the orphanage provided a perfect location for her paedophile snuff movies. But as she had not heard from Kris for a long time she doubted whether this would ever happen.
Sally held her father’s arm tightly as they slowly walked together down the church aisle. All eyes were on them. Cameras clicked with flash photography.
“Isn’t she beautiful?” They all said.
The enchantment of the music made some of the older women cry. It was truly a splendid moment. Despite all the glamour, Sally’s veil disguised her nervousness — but her father felt her shaking.
“Don’t worry,” he whispered, “Everything is going to be perfect, Sally,” he reassured her.
“Daddy, it’s not that I am worried,” responded the gleeful bride-to-be, “It’s just the excitement of it all. I have been looking forward to this moment all the twenty-four years of my life. I have prayed to God every day to bring Ben and me together, in his Holy bonds of matrimony. I just cannot believe that it is actually happening — now — today!”
They came to a stop before the altar. Friar Mario smiled broadly as he held the large King James Version (KJV) of the Holy Bible in his hands. Sally’s father guided her to stand opposite the expectant young Ben, who was dressed in his brand-new suit. He looked so handsome, she thought to herself. She felt she had made the right choice. A good provider. A good husband. And if they were blessed by God, he would be a good father to their children.
The Chow’s wedding and the reception came to a close. It had been a wonderful evening. From the church to the reception, from engagement to their “happily ever after” marriage. Sally had thrown the bouquet over her shoulders. But she has stopped short of the removal of her garter. That was simply not her — she was far too prim-and-proper — even though it was a bit of a tradition. The white stretch limousine delivered Sally and Ben to their downtown hotel and again all eyes turned to look at the beautiful bride as she elegantly strutted through the Sheraton Hotel’s lobby — her heels clicking against the polished checked marbled floor.
The view across the harbor was stunning at night. All the lights of the office towers made it feel even more magical. But for some reason, Sally felt unexpectedly drowsy. Ben had carried her across the threshold like a perfect gentleman and she’d had her fifth glass of champagne for the evening. How could she resist, when they had arrived, she’d found that Ben had organized more champagne on ice with capers and other appetiffs. She’d recognized oysters and other exotic treats — intended as mild aphrodisiacs.
She wasn’t sure about losing her virginity. Would it hurt? She certainly didn’t want to spoil it for her new hubby, Ben. He deserved this night to be special for him too — as he’d remained celibate (she thought) — saving his desire for sexual release for their special night. But even as she thought about making Ben happy, she now found it hard to focus. Hard to stay awake. She must stay awake … This was her night-of-nights. To give herself finally to her loving husband. So that they could be joined as one.
But … everything was spinning faster and faster … like a merry-go-round.
“Are … Are … Are … You … You … You .. Okay? … Okay? … Okay?”
Ben’s voice bounced around like a squash ball in her head. His voice reverberated like a bad dream.
“Maybe … Maybe … Maybe … You ,.. You … You … Better … Better … Better … Sit .., Sit … Sit … Down … Down …. dow.”
She felt so tired. Suddenly she felt exhausted. Maybe it was all the excitement of her perfect day coming to an end. Their suite looked so beautiful. White petals scattered upon the white bedding. But now, everything was spinning around … she stumbled.
Ben gently held her hand and guided her to a chaise lounge. Sally sat down or more accurately fell onto the cushioned seating. Her head was lulling to one side, and her hands and legs had lost their mobility. Her eyes were fluttering in and out of consciousness.
“Fuck yer!” said Ben excitedly.
Sally lay motionless on the chaise lounge. Her beautiful wedding gown lay about her in disarray. Ben got the blindfold out, as Maggie had instructed, and placed it over her eyes. And then proceeded to drag her by the arms to the huge king-sized bed. There was a knock on the door that divided their room with the adjoining room.
“Come in. It worked!”
The door opened and Maggie walked in.
“Is the cunt out?”
“Yes,” replied Ben, his voice showing how eager he was to please his mistress.
Maggie was completely naked except for her black patent-leather stilettos. Her cunt lips were red and puffy from constant masturbation; as she had been waiting far too long for this moment.
“Take her fucking clothes off and tie her to the bedposts. Spread eagle her legs. I want to lick her ripe little cunt.”
Ben did as he was told.
Maggie climbed onto the marital bed. It felt different, now that Sally was actually here. Her body looked so young and tender. Maggie had long admired Sally’s tight white flesh. And leading up to the events of the evening, she’d masturbated herself frequently fantasizing about Sally’s little fist-sized bubble boobs. She had imagined sucking her dark little nipples and bringing them to an erect state. She’d expected the girl to have a neatly trimmed pubis mound. Maggie’s impression was very accurate … and now looking at her bound and gagged … Sally still looked so beautiful, so untouched … just like a ripe peach.
Ben had got undressed, discarding his wedding suit, and now picked up his mobile phone to record everything. He zoomed in on Sally’s sleeping face and then panned downwards across her naked chest and to where Maggie knelt between Sally’s bound legs with the blood-red silk ribbons that Maggie had brought with her.
“Hail Satan,” praised Maggie, looking directly into the phone’s camera, her fingers making the sign of Satan’s horns, “Pleasure has no boundaries …”
She first sucked the girl’s left nipple and then the right. Her hand mulled the soft white flesh of her baby tits. They tasted like vanilla. Maggie could still smell a hint of Sally’s perfume. So feminine. So pristine and hygienic. But soon she’d smell of Maggie’s cunt juices … smell of Maggie’s piss … and Maggie’s shit. Sally’s saliva-wet nipples hardened in Maggie’s mouth. Maggie rolled and pinched them between her thumb and forefinger as she imagined, for a moment, what it would be like to bite them so hard it would draw blood.
Maggie lay on top of her so that their nipples rubbed against each other. It felt intoxicating being about to do whatever she wanted to the little bitch. Maggie undid the ball gag and kissed her mouth. Without any resistance, Maggie was soon tongue-kissing “Sleeping Beauty” as if they were lovers.
Now Maggie’s mouth kissed its way down Sally’s neck, mauling her breasts … her concave stomach … and onwards over Sally’s warm pubis.
Maggie gasped out loud as her lips finally pressed against Sally’s labia. Her saliva dripped down between Sally’s white-skinned thighs. The bride’s opening was still very dry and tight, but Maggie’s eager tongue was already lapping up and down Sally’s little slit, wetting it, lubricating it, stimulating it … and after only a short while, Maggie’s tongue slipped right inside the virgin valley as she started to explore its delicious untainted taste.
Ben avidly recorded Maggie’s seduction of sleeping beauty for prosperity; as he furiously masturbated like a cuckold.
”Aaarrrghhhhhh …” Sally let out an unconscious groan as her body reacted to Maggie’s stimulation, disputing her being comatose.
Maggie slipped two fingers into her own overheated cunt as she continued her cunnilingus of the unconscious bride. Soon she would violate her. She planned to fuck Sally with her plastic strap-on cock. It was long and thick. She couldn’t wait to rape her — to spoil her — treat her like a street whore.
There was another knock on the door — this time, it was on the room door to the corridor. Ben jumped up and looked through the spy hole. It was Brandon and Zhou. Zhou was a mainlander working at the hotel. This had come in handy so they got rooms that were adjoining. He also knew the security and accounts systems — and had erased any footage of either Maggie or Ben as they had spent so much time in the Sheraton Hotel prior to the wedding.
He was too busy tongue-kissing Maggie to pay much attention to his co-conspirators.
Both Brandon and Zhou began to immediately strip down. They made no attempt to conceal their arousal at the situation. They were both going to rape Ben’s new wife. They had been looking forward to fucking her in her cunt, her ass, and her bitchy little mouth ever since Ben had suggested that they could.
They wanted to “cum-drench” her … creampie her fucking pretty little face. Fuck, Brandon couldn’t wait to cum inside her virgin tight cunt — and though he preferred anal, he hoped that maybe the slut would get pregnant — wouldn’t that be hot? Knocked up by someone other than her own husband. He thought to himself.
“I want to go first,” said Brandon excitedly stroking his rampant cock.
“No, I think I should,” complained Zhou as he furiously masturbated himself.
“Neither of you will take her virginity. That will be my honor!” Said Maggie.
Brandon and Zhou looked at each other. They didn’t utter a word of disagreement. Neither were game to take on Maggie. She, according to their friend Ben, was some kind of witch. She knew evil shit … like black magick … sex magick … and they didn’t want to cross her. They would just have to wait their turn.
Maggie felt the power well up inside herself. She had been praying to Satan for this opportunity — ever since the time that she first met young Ben and Sally at their, so-called, marriage interview at the Church of the Saints. What a farce that had been. She had gotten so wet thinking about their corruption.
Now, Maggie donned her flesh-toned strapless cock.
With her strapless dildo’s internal portion wedged firmly inside her own cunt, the fake cock stood outwards from her body. Even putting inside her felt perverted. Her heart raced with deviant delight. Now in place, her succubus cock seemed to have taken on a life of its own. To the onlookers, it was almost indivisible from her own flesh which made it seem even more than obscene.
Ben knew something about this. He had felt its evil when she pegged him — it was as if by dark magick, her strapless dildo could come alive. Brandon and Zhou would feel it too (when it was their turn to be pegged by the witch). He remembered how it felt when she orgasmed inside his bowels, that she actually ejaculated. Though it was impossible — he felt it had — filling his intestines with demonic semen. He didn’t pretend to know how — after all she was an evil witch and her power deserved all of their respect and even fear.
She’d fantasized about making Sally’s cunt like a wide gaping hole. To make it bleed. Completely spoil her little cunt hole forever … destroy it … she hated her for no particular reason other than she stood for all that Maggie hated about the church and God and fucking “know it all” Christians.
Even at the wedding dinner, Maggie had wanted to puke. The speeches were so predictable. Giving thanks to God Almighty — like it was all his orchestration. Fuck God, Fuck Jesus Christ. Fuck the Holy Spirit.
Now in the gloomy candlelight of their ritual, Maggie appeared to look more like a Baphomet. A shecock goddess. It was eight inches of throbbing cock. Its life-like girth would stretch any woman — let alone a little virgin like Sally — but then, that’s exactly what Maggie wanted. Her demon seed was much stronger and more potent than the sissy boys that would try to “follow her” inside Sally’s womb.
Though they weren’t allowed to be the first to fuck her, that didn’t stop either Brandon and Zhou playing with Sally’s unconscious body. They grabbed handfuls of her hair, pulled her head back, and tongue-kissed her open mouth, much like Maggie had done, but with no finesse. They tried to abuse her tiny tits. They slapped them hard enough to leave red marks on their hands. Grabbing and fondling her breast flesh as each of them suckled upon one of her aroused nipples that had hardened from the dark magick.
“Pull her legs further apart,” cried Maggie, as she pushed the first inch of her succubus cock into Sally’s tiny pussy, “Fuck she’s tight.”
Maggie pushed her shemale cock against Sally’s diaphanous hymen. It would take much to break. Maggie relished the thought that it was she who would take her virginity. Not the horny boys. Not her new husband. In Satan’s name. Maggie’s cock sank slowly inside of her virgin sacrifice. Maggie felt herself tingle all over — the dark magick made her deflowering something more than a simple rape as she began to truly fuck Sally for the first time.
She had used the strapless dildo on Ben, taking his anal virginity a few months earlier … and she had become addicted to the power it seemed to give her. It was as if the fake cock became part of her during their pegging. But even more so, being between Sally’s virgin labia, Maggie couldn’t explain it better, than it felt incredible, that the flesh of her cock really felt as if it were her own — as if she was actually fucking the unconscious bride with her own hermaphroditic phallus.
Sally’s drugged body stirred beneath her. It moved in rhythm with Maggie’s thrusts. She hoped the fucking little slut could feel her now inside of her — maybe on some unconscious level, she could. Sally’s mouth opened and closed silently in pleasure or pain or something else. It felt so wicked to take her. Unable to hold back or resist the sensation any further — Maggie drove her cock as deep as she could inside Sally’s cunt, right down to the root.
“Aaaarghhhhhhhh … Fuck the Holy Spirit!” moaned Maggie as she see-sawed back and forth as the root of the fake cock pressed pleasurably against her ripe clitoris.
Maggie’s breath had become labored. She grunted as she fucked closer and closer to her own orgasm. Yes! It was close. The feeling of euphoric pleasure swept through Maggie, from her toes to the top of her head. It was as if the entire length of her succubus cock was as sensitive as her over-charged clitoris. She was about the cum … Yes … to cum inside the virgin bride … to soil her for Satan … Maggie began to buck wildly as her climax reached the point of no return … potent demon seed now sprayed upwards inside Sally’s ripe cunt as Maggie began to scream in release!
Maggie pulled her cock from Sally’s disfigured cunthole. It gapped. She was still trying to catch her breath after the orgasm that had lasted several minutes (instead of several seconds). The dildo was slimy to touch. Semen. Yes, Sally would become impregnated tonight. What kind of child would come of this unnatural union?
She could see that Brandon and Zhou were eager for their turn. The pristine white silk sheets were already spotted with Sally’s hymnal blood. Sally’s hole was now permanently in an “O” shape. Defiled. Stretched. Not big enough for Maggie to fist her yet — that would come next. To get her whole hand inside her. Fuck the virgin up to her elbow. It felt so good to be twisted and evil. Nothing turned Maggie on so much as to rape a church virgin on her wedding night.
Brandon was first.
Maggie reluctantly pulled the fake cock from herself. It came out with an audible popping sound. No longer flesh, Maggie threw it aside as it returned to its flexible plastic texture. She was still panting heavily as she watched Brandon ready himself to put his much smaller cock inside the corpse-like girl.
Ben recorded all the deviant actions on his mobile phone.
Brandon slid his unimpressive penis into Ben’s bride and began to pump in and out. Zhou and Ben both encouraged Brandon to fuck her harder. He labored at it but was obviously overly excited by the situation. He slapped Sally’s face.
“Fuck yer, bitch!” he cried.
Within a few minutes, he ejaculated and pulled his limp little penis out. Then it was Zhou’s turn. He wasn’t that much better but fucked her with hard, long strokes and moaned loudly as he too ejaculated within minutes.
Maggie masturbated herself. Eager to get more of the bride. Maybe she would squeeze her fleshy sword into Sally’s nether hole. To sodomize her would be another thrill. To fuck her tight little shit hole. Demon sex. That would be so hot. Stir her bowels after all that rich food at the wedding feast … it sounded so wrong … it had to be right.
The witches had been disappointed with the outcome. They had wanted to rape and murder little Ginny. Poor little Ginny. So fucking naive. If it hadn’t been for Kris. They would have fucked her holes … tortured her for days … killed her in some deliciously evil way … and then … eaten her. It was what they loved to do. And usually, Kris was more than happy to join in. The Cat. The Bat. The Pig. The Goat. The Snake. The Dog. They never removed their pantomime masks. It was who they were. Evil. Wicked. And very perverted.
Sex was nothing without the pain and suffering. Not their pain or suffering of course. Their victims — usually small, vulnerable children, who could never hope to fight back. For the witches, we’re not physically endowed with strength. They were all too effeminate and lacked the ability to overcome stronger prey. Unless with black magick. No, they were very selective about their victims … their little sacrificial ones … their offering to the demons of sex. How they loved to cum over and over to the bliss of their extreme pedophilia.
Kris had made it very clear that Gin was hers. Her property. Not to be messed with. Ginny, of course, had no idea about the fate that could have befallen her at the hands of effeminate witches.
Little Ginny was safe. For the present.
It all happened very fast.
Maggie had not expected this outcome. Ben looked lost … no, he looked absolutely terrified. As Zhou reached his first climax, with his dick jammed inside Sally’s spoiled cunt, she began to stir. Consciousness began to return. Had they miscalculated the right amount of “Zee” to give her? Fuck! She stirred. Her hands pulled against her bindings. Her legs began to kick out as Zhou realised he wasn’t going to reach orgasm. He pulled out as Sally began to scream. Maggie hadn’t replaced the ball gag. Zhou quickly covered her mouth and pressed down hard to suppress the noise. Sally twisted against her restraints with all her strength. Left and right. She pulled this way and that way. Her entire body seemed to be squirming on the bed.
”Get the fucking ball gag back in her fucking mouth,” screamed Maggie as she jumped up.
“Let me go! Get off of me! Let go of me!” screamed Sally between Zhou and Brandon trying to contain the situation.
Finally, they put the ball gag in place. This didn’t stop Sally from trying to get free. Maggie sat on her chest and slapped her face hard. Not once but six times. Each time Sally’s face turned with the stinging of the blow.
“Shut the fuck up!” said Maggie, “If you don’t shut your mouth, and behave, I will kill you!”
The bride stopped. Her breathing was labored from all her efforts to escape … but also from Maggie’s weight across her tiny chest, crushing the air out of her lungs.
“That right bitch … I own you … shut the fuck up!” continued Maggie.
“What the fuck are we going to do?” Ben looked scared out of his wits.
His pals, Brandon and Zhou looked equally lost.
“Give her more Z,” said Maggie, “Give her twice the fucking dose. I will think better while she’s unconscious.”
The boys struggle to get her to drink it, forcing it down her throat. The struggle continued for a few moments and then Sally began to look vacant and in the end she was once again unconscious.
“We’re fucked,” cried Ben out loud, “She will go to the police and tell them that she was raped.”
“She doesn’t even know who we are,” said Brandon.
“It’s your cum inside her!” cried Zhou.
“And we’re supposed to be on our honeymoon in Inner Mongolia tomorrow!” Exclaimed Ben.
“Shut up. Get a grip. All of you,” shouted Maggie, “You will phone and tell everyone that you left for the honeymoon. That there wasn’t time for any goodbyes. And that you caught the flight out on time. You’re supposed to be away for two weeks, right?”
“Eeerrr … Yes … for two weeks,” replied Ben, as he began to see a bit of light at the end of this very dark tunnel.
“But what will happen after that?” Asked Zhou.
“You will have to be in quarantine … for another two weeks more. That’s a whole month …” added Maggie, “An outbreak. Maybe, you were detained. There’s nothing you can do. I think what we need here is something magical.”
“You’re the fucking witch!” Exclaimed Brandon.
“This needs something powerful. A lust spell. That will make her addicted to fucking.”
“It will never work! My life is over!” cried Ben.
Maggie wasted no time in calling her younger sister, Hannah, in London. If anyone knew where to find Kris — Hannah would. And Maggie knew Kris would be able to fix this. Kris knew some very dark magick. Totally evil shit. Magick that could possess a person. Make a person go completely mad … mad with lust … if Sally were a nymphomaniac, she couldn’t exactly claim to be raped? Not if she was a willing participant in this scenario? Maggie wasn’t sure at all — but she wasn’t about to let on about that to her wimpy co-conspirators — no, they needed to believe that this was fixable.
Maybe there was a way to turn this around. Turn Sally into a total fucking slut. A piss whore for Satan. Get her to the point where she wants it … over and over … get the boys to fuck her around the clock … get her addicted to their cum … addicted to fucking both boys and girls … Could it work? She had to talk to Kris.
The message came back from Hannah.
Through Hannah, Kris said that she would require Sally’s blood, urine, and cunt-stained panties for her black magick. She’d specified certain quantities of each. Maggie had got the guys to do exactly as Kris had asked. Kris had also told them to keep Sally in a constant state of sexual arousal. Oral stimulation of her clitoris … cunnilingus … fingering … masturbation … anal stimulation … and over the next few days, even without the full dosage of Zee, Sally seemed to become more docile … even more cooperative. She no longer needed to be under constraints all the time … she had become a willing cocksucker … Ben’s cock, Zhou’s cock, and Brandon’s cock.
The dosage of Z seemed to take the edge off, keeping her drowsy enough to solicit her continued abuse. Still, she made no effort to escape or to cry out for help. But Maggie made sure that she couldn’t. When the cleaning staff needed access to the hotel suite, to change the bedclothes and make-up the room, etc., they hid the doped-up Sally in the adjoining room. Maggie used Sally’s perfume to cover up the smell of sex that seemed to linger more and more with each day.
Kris had said that the magick would work … but they had to be careful and it would take some time … they were to keep her blindfolded and subjected her to constant sexual arousal … for the next few weeks … day and night. The boys continued to fuck her one after the other. They too seemed to also affected by Kris’s lust spell as their libidos increased and their desire to be fucking her never ended. Soon it was threesomes and foursomes; and Maggie wanted Sally not only to crave cock — but to crave the taste of cunt too — her cunt.
As the boys fucked Sally into a stupor, Maggie stood over Sally’s blindfolded face.
Sally’s body quivered and shook as Zhou fucked her for the fourth time in the same hour. Maggie’s unwashed cunt smelt fowl — it was a slimy cocktail of urine (both Maggie’s and Ben’s), her syrup-like cunt juice, and the remnants of Ben’s cum — Maggie lowered herself upon Sally’s upturned face. Closer and closer.
“Yes, smell me, you dirty little bitch … ” she whispered under her breath to the bound girl as she went low and low, “Smell me … Smell me … Smell my cunt, slut …”
Zhou was about to cum. He grunted loudly as he slammed his dick into her well-used cunt — faster and faster — as if nothing could stand in the way of his need to squirt another rope of slimy semen up her uterus.
Only an inch away, Sally’s drugged mouth opened wider and Maggie saw her little pink tongue extended out from between her lips. Maggie pressed her open labia against the girl’s mouth and drew a sharp breath as she felt Sally’s tongue penetrate her from beneath.
“Oohhhh Satan be praised … “
Sally began to tongue fuck Maggie.
”YES … Lick my filthy cunt … Taste all the cum, piss, and my cunt juices … ooohhhhh … That’s it, drink it … Feast on it you filthy slut …”
Kris took the vials of blood and urine from the package that had been secretly sent to Maggie’s younger sister, Hannah, in Enfield (north of London). There was also a sealed plastic bag containing, what appeared to be, a pair of silk underwear that appeared soiled. Kris took them out and placed the garment over her nose as she masturbated. She didn’t actually need them for the magick … but wanted to smell the bouquet of her victim. Yes. She smelled delicious.
It had been a while since Kris and Maggie had actually talked. The woman she had corrupted. Such a responsible member of society. A church-going woman. A teacher and protector of the young. A faithful wife and dedicated mother. It had been all too easy. Maggie had quickly fallen to her charms and had become embroiled in lesbianism, pedophilia, and satanic lust — just as this new woman, Sally Chow, would also be lost in the devil’s joys.
Kris knew actually how to cast this spell … this spell of provocation … of an almost insane proclivity towards perverted lust. It wouldn’t take her long to make it work — but Maggie would need to do her part. Maggie would have needed to have patience … as the dark magick was not instantaneous.
Ben had settled down too.
From being totally fatalistic about everything (like it was the end of the world), he seemed to accept the situation for what it was and now fully grasped the perverted opportunities. They had a month to sort it out — one way or another — As Ben, Zhou, and Brandon engaged in all kinds of sex with both Sally and Maggie, they occasionally crossed swords. Their initial shyness about it began to fade into the blur of lust. Lust was lust.
As Maggie had expressed it, “Same sweet, different wrapper.”
Ben lapped eagerly at Sally’s tight little sphincter; as Zhou fucked her juicy cunthole; and Brandon filled her mouth with cock. Ben started to fondle Zhou’s balls as he slammed in and out of her soaked cunt.
“Aaarghhhh …” groaned Zhou in response.
Then to his own surprise, Ben began to lick Zhou’s anus too … alternating between orally stimulating his wife and Zhou. Zhou made no protest and pulled his cock out from Sally’s leaking cunt and pressed it directly into Ben’s eager mouth … Ben sucked it eagerly, massaging his testicles. Without any warning, Zhou pulled his cock out of Ben’s mouth and with a screaming groan of ecstasy blew his load over Ben’s face.
These new sexual combinations were not lost on Maggie — the queen of sexual perversity enjoyed all forms of couplings.
“Hail Satan,” she said approvingly.
Maggie had been pegging young Ben on many occasions, so anal sex between Ben, Brandon, and Zhou was only a natural step forward. And while the boys played with each other, Maggie focused on young Sally.
Of course, while Sally was immobile and/or unconscious Maggie was able to do anything she wanted to her — and she did — but now she was more aware of what was going on, it spurred Maggie to want Sally to willingly serve her. The room literally stank of perverted sex. They’d left the “do not disturb” sign on the doorknob for several days in preference for their own sexual stench … sweat, cunt, cock, and cum smells filled Sally’s senses …
To be continued …
If you have enjoyed this story or would like to offer praise to the author, who is always hungry for encouragement and affirmation, please email [email protected]