DISCLAIMER: The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity such as is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults. The following is fiction. The content of the story is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. All Rights Reserved © 2023 LITTLESALLY666.
STORY CODES: Lesbianism, Incest, Scat, WS, Blasphemy
CREATED: 21.12.2022 (V23) / REVISITED: 23.08.2023
ABOUT NIKKI & HELENA: We are Nikki (41) and Helena (42), a married lesbian couple living in the Netherlands. Our fetish is blasphemy and sacrilege, and in particular of the “Holy Blessed Fucking Virgin.” We are both raised as Catholics and really enjoy using, “Mary,” statuettes and crucifixes as our sex toys. We are proud members of COFA (Circle Of Female Authority). We have much more on our list, but that will come out when you chat with us. Most of the time it will be Nikki at the helm here.
CONTACT: For Nikki & Helena — [email protected]
This is based on emails between myself and the real-life characters. Yes, it’s based on a true story — with some slight elaborations, of course. Thanks to Nikki and Helena (and Helena’s daughters, Diana and Leah); and also to Mona, Andrea, Sanne, and the other incredible sisters of the Circle Of Female Authority (COFA) — Lesbian Scat Lovers and Sadists.
Leaving her abusive marriage behind, Helena finds love and sexual gratification in her two young daughters. After reading an interview on Littlesally666.com with Nikki, and emboldened by the Sisters of COFA, she invites Nikki to her house in the Netherlands — to explore her fantasies of sexual abuse, incest, blasphemy, and sexual perversity. Together, they seek the “perfect” lesbian-incestuous marriage.
- Helena (42) – protagonist, wife of Nikki, and mother of Diana and Leah
- David – Helena’s ex and the father of Diana and Leah
- Nikki (41) – writer from LS666
- Diana – older daughter of Helena
- Leah – younger daughter of Helena
- Mona (43) and Angie (45) – founders of COFA
- Lydia (62), Jacqueline (52), Andrea (51), Sanne, Anna (37) and her daughter, Angel, and Imke (40) — all sisters of COFA
Dreams can feel so real. So very real. I mean, I was awake and all I could think about was getting back into the dream. My heart was still beating so fast as if I had been running. I was wet between the legs. A religious dream? No. Religion had been part of it. I was somewhere old. The walls were old. The smell was old. Monasticism. Long white candles burned and flicked against oppressive stonework. An ugly gargoyle. A huge wooden crucifix. The twisted body of our savior. A place of punitive worship; of enforced duty; and of absolute servitude.
There had been a woman. A beautiful woman. We’d been about the same age or so it seemed. We were both dressed as cloistered nuns. My clothing felt rough upon my skin. Chafing. A hair-shirt. Irritating. Unforgiving. Uncomfortable. I felt the weight of my crucifix around my neck. As heavy as my heart.
We both knelt together before the Blessed Virgin.
“Sub tuum praesidium,” we both prayed.
It was the first Latin words that I had ever learned. It meant, ‘Your protection” … And as I gazed dreamily up at the tyrannous statue, her face looked so radiant — so devout — but then I saw a tear. A single tear. I swear. She was crying. Weeping for us? But how could that be? A sign of miraculous healing? Was this something undoubtedly supernatural?
“Sister, we must masturbate,” said the robed woman that knelt with me, “We must.”
I turned to look at my companion in prayer. She began to hitch up her dull robe over her waistline. I saw that she wore no undergarments. Her vagina was hairless and inflamed with lust. Her eyes never broke our mutual stare as she wantonly pressed her finger into the groove of her wet vulva and groaned passionately.
“You must do as the Blessed Virgin asks. Masturbate, Sister. Masturbate yourself for the Blessed Virgin.”
The words and actions seemed incongruent. This was sacrilege. Such wickedness could not go unpunished. But my eyes couldn’t look away. They were drawn to her; drawn to what she was doing in front of me … in front of the Blessed Virgin. Her supple fingers moved in and out of her juicy cunt-hole — she groaned louder — as she approach her climax. My heart beat faster and faster as if it wanted to leap from my very chest. Her clit was so prominent — pocking outwards from her labia, like a tiny erect cock.
That was when I woke. I was shaking all over. Sweaty. And very horny.
The beginning is always the hardest part.
When did I stop loving him? When did David stop loving me? The sex we had, had been okay — maybe a little unsurprising? We’d talked about a life together. Sharing everything. Well, not everything. Of course, I never told David about my bisexual side. But, back then, I hadn’t really given it much thought — too caught up in the whirlwind of “love” I guess.
We built our family home. We’d promised to love each other for eternity under the Almighty’s watchful eye. David was not sporty and somewhat of an average looker, maybe a bit kind of nerdy — but a good provider.
We’d had two beautiful daughters together — Diana was now twelve and Leah was eight. They both looked very much like me. They had my fair complexion and bright, smiling eyes. Though Leah had my long blonde hair, Diana was brunette. The family resemblance (to their mother) was very strong. He used to call us, “David’s Angels”.
What went so wrong?
Was the domestic violence truly my fault? Absolutely not. At the time I felt so guilty. It was punishment for my sins. God was displeased with me? I wasn’t devout enough? But looking back now, it was the alcohol. It turned a loving and caring man into a raging monster. And when he was drunk, the booze brought out the worst in him. Our marriage was supposed to be perfect. So much for his high-handed Christian values. To love and to cherish? In sickness and in health?
“You fucking ugly witch! You evil cunt! This is all your fault. I want to see my daughters! You’ll burn in hell! You can’t stop me! I hate you! I will get you for this — you fucking bitch!”
Well, fuck that. If Jesus wasn’t about to help me, a restraining order meant that he could no longer come within fifty meters of our house. Now he was gone. Permanently. There wasn’t a sense of loss, but more of relief. And it was just me and my two beautiful girls. Diana and Leah. Yes, they may miss him for a while, but I would give them all the love they need. I was their mother, their guardian, and this would be our new start.
I’m not quite sure when and where I began to get so perverted in my sexual appetites. Was I always like this? It seems so … secretly. My dream of being a cloistered nun in a place that represented everything that I saw as repressive and constraining, seemed to trigger some very unnatural desires.
Had the Blessed Virgin truly encouraged me to pursue such unholy thoughts? I knew that just the thought of masturbating before the Blessed Virgin would get me hot and steamy, instantly. In my masturbatory state, I would always let my mind wander back to that dream. My sister in carnality. She would be there, waiting for me. Urging me to do things. Wicked and perverted things.
And then my bisexual tendencies seemed even more prolific in my private fantasies. I had always loved looking at girls — young girls — the younger the better. Pornography became my escape. I sort after filth. Lesbian filth. Young females with nubile bodies. Touching each other. Kissing. Fondling. Masturbating. Scissoring. I loved it all.
As my daughters grow up, I found myself drawn to looking at their childhood friends. So delicious. It made my guilty cunt so wet, just imagining the things I wanted to do to them. Their soft features and flawless skin. They’re lithe bodies. Their small cone-like breast bumps. And their adorably narrow, bony hips. It seemed that the older I got — the younger my tastes became.
My insanely sinful fantasies of being an “evil nun” in the remote cloister only seemed to amplify the connection between my religious beliefs — my love of my Blessed Virgin — and the most profane of sex acts. The woman in my dream showed me that we had unfettered access to so many young acolytes — they were all alone; so naive; and so vulnerable.
In my mind, I found myself secretly forcing them, willingly or unwillingly, to perform all kinds of disgusting and degrading sexual acts to gratify my every sexual perversity. The Blessed Virgin looked on, sometimes in abject horror — but most times she seemed to have an enigmatic smirk of covenant. All those sweet, bald, young twats … mmmm … yes, I wanted to suck upon them, taste them out, have them squirt their immature girl juices into my hungry mouth and down my thirsty throat.
It was a dark, tantalizing, and slippery slope … Once upon a time, I would have considered these thoughts gross or disgusting or at least inappropriate. Now I found my guilt and shame changing to accepting this delirious and ever-increasingly dark and perverse journey.
Even before we separated (when David wasn’t around), the family altar became my blasphemous sexual playground — on countless occasions I’d thought about using my rosary and the crucifix as masturbation toys.
Now alone, blasphemy held a very special thrill — that become a very important element of my sexuality and freedom — and the statue of the Blessed Virgin seemed to have a very sacred role in my vulgar solo sex acts.
I had initially felt extremely adverse and completely ashamed of my incestuous thoughts. I mean taking a sexual interest in my own daughters. You know, a mother is supposed to be protective and nurturing — not desirous of being dominating and sexually abusive, right?
My interest in young pretty girls, only amplified after the divorce. Seeing that it was just me and the two young girls, my incestuous desires seemed to simply multiply manyfold. At the time of our separation, Diana would have been five, and little Leah was just one. And back then — with the strength of my belief in the sacred covenant of the Christian family designed by God — the very idea of sexual molestation just made me so fucking wet.
Undressing the girls for bath time or bed, held a hidden thrill. It also gave me ample opportunity to touch them in their private places. During nappy changes, I could resist touching myself. Knowing that the Blessed Virgin was watching and did nothing, seemed to only empower me more and to take things further each and every time. It felt so taboo. So nasty. So forbidden. And from simply touching my youngest, it soon escalated to kissing, licking, and tasting her tiny nipples, slit, and ass.
I encouraged the girls to always kiss me and each other directly on the lips. In the beginning, it could have been seen as something quite innocent — but in no time, I have progressed to thrusting my tongue onto their open mouths. I also encouraged my girls to sleep with me. Of course, we had no need for nighties.
And then there was the day, that during one of Leah’s many nappy changes, I got the strangest of desires. I was completely naked and very horny as usual. My wet cunt was purring and already leaking cunt juice. There was a heady smell of poop and urine, as my youngest daughter lay naked across the change table.
I was intrigued by the pungent aromas that came from her delicious little body.
Instead of grabbing the wet wipes and cleaning off her pussy and anus as I was used to — I began to press my fingers into her soft poop — I rubbed it over her small body, massaging the stinking amber-brown mess over her chest and nipples.
I rubbed the poop down her arms and legs. I rubbed it into her hair and over her face.
My cunt was going absolutely crazy. Smelling my fingers, I began to lick them clean, tasting the sourness of my daughter’s poop. The taste was nasty. Awful in fact. But the thrill — had me furiously rubbing my erect clitoris — while my cunt juices ran down the inside of my shaking legs. My cunt demanded to be finger-fucked. I smeared my daughter’s shit over my own breasts, over my ripe clitoris as I thrust my filthy fingers inside my aching cunt.
I bucked almost immediately in such a violent orgasm. Groaning with each successive wave of deviant pleasure. I panted, breathlessly. Fuck! Holy fucking Blessed Virgin! I was totally intoxicated by the way this made me feel … And my deviant cunt still demanded more.
I started to rub my greasy cunt juices over my daughter’s lips, who had begun to cry. Cry, you little fucker. I thought. Fuck God. Fuck Jesus. Fuck the Holy Ghost … Fuck the Blessed Virgin … I loved this new perverted sensation. I mounted the change table and draw my daughter’s face into my hungry cunt. Fuck. I wanted to rub myself off on her … but she was too small and delicate … I hatched a plan to use Diana that way.
After my initial foray into incestuous scat, I simply couldn’t get enough. On my own, while Diana was at school and Leah was sleeping, I found countless pornographic videos that depicted both the joys of lesbian scatology and pissing … as well as age-play between supposed mothers and daughters — though it was more implied than stated — and the girls were never as young as I wanted to see.
I masturbated for hours, wallowing in my own waste … drinking my own urine and smearing my feces over the Blessed Virgin, and coating my crucifix with brown filth. They were my sacred dildos. I fantasized about the possibilities. My mind was now wide open.
With a waterproof mattress cover in place … I brought my children to my bed with increased vigor … I openly encouraged them to, “Wet” the bed … as I got them used to the smell of our combined urine and feces.
I never rushed this. Though I knew exactly what I wanted. This situation continued. Months passed by. Night after night. As the girls got older, I taught them both about mutual masturbation, cunnilingus and anilingus. I inculcated them into my filthy world of incestuous piss-drinking and scat play.
By the time Leah was five and Diana was twelve, both my daughters were as perverted as I was, they were my lovers and my sex slaves … it was the “Blessed Virgin,” who had taken both their virginities … as they took turns (on my instruction) to ride my most sacred of statues.
Yes, they flinched in pain. There was some blood and discomfort. The youngest even cried tearing her hymen, as I masturbated furiously and drank a challis of their hot salty piss.
I had been working as a senior hair stylist in Central Rotterdam for quite some time. It was a small, but busy salon. We attracted a regular clientele of women, some young, some older. I’d seen Angie before in the salon, but she wasn’t one of my regulars. I got this feeling about her. You know, it was like a hot lesbian vibe. Maybe even a little kinky or even perverted in its feeling. It made me curious. Very curious. She’d caught me staring at her on more than one occasion. And I’d felt a little nervous. It was like a schoolgirl crush on this hot Venezuelan beauty. When I looked up, I found her looking directly at me. Shamelessly, she grinned back (almost knowingly).
Soon after this, she’d asked for me. Of course, I was excited. But I kept telling myself, that it could be nothing … that, I shouldn’t get ahead of myself.
Angie was a very sexy woman in her early forties. She looked strong and powerful. Not too thin and not too fat. She had amazingly shiny long black hair. On this visit, she’d worn a rather daring top that showed that she had worn no bra. I couldn’t help but notice — as her full, pert breasts stood so proud, like a teenager’s. Her makeup was light, but it emphasized her sparkling hazel eyes.
Being a hairdresser is a very intimate thing. You get to touch others in a way that normally would be thought of, as inappropriate. And I was very attracted to this delicious coffee-colored woman. My nasty cunt throbbed as I stroked her silky hair and held it back from her face. Pretending that I was just talking to one of my regulars — but of course, the situation felt far from normal. My heart was beating fast. We looked at each other in the mirror.
“What would you like today, Angie?” I asked.
She grinned back at me, flirting with her dangerous hazel eyes.
“You mean, besides going down on you?”
Okay. Forward? Maybe it wasn’t the response I expected. But it certainly excited me. She seemed to like to be in control. Angie’s hand reached up and held mine, as her gaze remained unbroken. She placed my hand on her generous beast. Her nipple felt rock hard, as I pressed against it. She licked her lips.
“You want to fuck me?” she asked, knowing the answer even before I could reply. I nodded wordlessly. My fingers twisted her nipple as she spoke. “I’m extremely kinky … Maybe, you’d say, deviant and perverted … Is that what you like? Are you a dirty girl looking for some discipline?”
It was as if she could see right through my charade of normality — seeing me naked, covered in my daughter’s poop, frigging myself as I blasphemed to the Virgin Mary.
Angie asked about my situation. I told her that I was divorced. That I lived alone with my two young daughters, one of eight and the other of twelve. I blushed when she asked me if I took them to my bed. I could see her hand was between her legs as we spoke. She made no effort to hide it.
Angie went on to say that she was part of a special group of women that called themselves the Circle Of Female Authority (COFA). Lesbians and bisexual women. Lovers of urophilia and coprophagia. Sadists. They were women of different ages, some older and some younger than Angie. They were all predatory female pedophiles, some of whom brought their own daughters to their regular meetings — meetings that always became ritualistic orgies, dedicated to that celebrated their dark desires for filth, incest, abuse, and molestation of young ones.
I had awoken from that same dream. The dream of the forbidden. The weeping Blessed Virgin. Mourning and weeping in her vale of tears. My sinful co-conspirator. But the dream had changed. No longer did I kneel and watch. Now I participated.
“Sub tuum praesidium,” we both prayed.
“We must masturbate, Helena,” said the woman, “You must do as the Blessed Virgin asks. Masturbate, my sister. Masturbate yourself for the Blessed Virgin.”
And I did. Soon we were both naked.
“See Helena,” she said, “You are not alone.”
Our mouths immediately locked together in a desperate wet tongue kiss, as we furiously mutually masturbated each other before the Blessed Virgin. Her divine fingers sank deeper in to me, lubricated by my substantive wetness. I wanted her fingers, her hand, her arm inside me. So juicy and wet. So fucking wet. We were both pissing over each other’s fingers. Squirting cunt slime. My body convulsed in demonized pleasure.
“Fuck the Holy Spirit! Fuck God! Fuck God!” we blasphemed together, groaning unabated into each other’s mouths.
As I awoke, horny as hell — I immediately began to masturbate upon the Blessed Virgin — thanking her for my dream and her vision — “See,” she said, “You are not alone.” — there were others like me.
Angie was the co-founder, together with a sadist — called Mona — a woman of similar age to Angie. There was Lydia. She was the oldest at sixty-two. Jacqueline was fifty-two and Andrea was fifty-one. There was Imke, a man-hater, who was about forty. Sanne was only fourteen. And thirty-seven year old Anna had a seven-year-old daughter, called Angel.
It was a motley crew of perverted women and young girls, who all had very few, if no, sexual boundaries. Absolutely nothing was off limits. They were all interested to hear my story. About my life and my discoveries. And, of course, they encouraged me to bring my daughters to their regular meetings.
It felt as if, I was no longer alone. I was not the only one in the world with these strange and taboo desires. They made me feel welcome. That I was one of them. They were all sadists, molesters, piss drinkers, shit eaters, and lesbian pedophiles — I could be completely open about my sexual tastes and the perversions I enjoyed and had inflicted regularly upon my own children — I looked forward to seeing Leah and Diana being used by the others — as they became initiated into the dark world of COFA.
We talked about my daughters’ virginity — how they had lost it using the statue of the Blessed Virgin. There would be an initiation ritual, a piss baptism, where the girls would drink the urine of the sisterhood; before having sex with each other and with every member of COFA. They were to be whores of the Goddess Lilith.
The place we met was owned by Angie. It was their secret temple dedicated to the worship of depravity. Inside the darkened hall, the red walls were covered in explicit images of lesbian pedophilia, urophilia, and coprophagia.
In one corner there was an ominous gyro chair. On the other, was an open wardrobe that was filled with an assortment of sex toys, vibrators and dildos, splitters, whips, gags, handcuffs, masks, paddles, and other medieval instruments that I was unfamiliar with (but was sure could be used for inflicting both pleasure and pain). There were showers and toilets off to one side and a long bar against the far wall. I couldn’t see anything that resembled an altar or a deity of any kind — though Angie had spoken about their love of a dark goddess — there was nothing explicitly satanic.
Just being there among it all, I was so aroused already. I was sure that the others could smell my fishy cunt. Everyone, including myself, wore simple black robes and nothing else. The stone floor beneath my bare feet was surprisingly warm to the touch … as if heated from below like they did in ancient Roman times.
Drinks had been served. Long champagne flutes filled with pale-yellow fluids. The women chatted as they sipped daintily at their serving of warm urine.
At first, I sat quietly, concealing my modesty behind the short black robe. I perched on the edge of one of the leather couches that were scattered around the periphery of the hall.
As the circle of twelve women and young girls gathered, they began to de-robe, revealing their delicious nakedness beneath. My predatory eyes stared at all the naked flesh on display … especially the younger ones. They showed no shame or guilty. On the other hand, my deep religiosity gnawed at me — telling me that it was wrong to be here … that it was sinful to congregate with these evil women … that it was surely to go against God’s natural laws.
Just as I thought I was losing my nerve, the high priestess chanted loud and obscenely, and all the now naked women joined her ritualistically. I wasn’t familiar with Latin phrases, only single words, that sounded like demonic names and wicked deeds to be indulged in.
Angie beckoned me to join the circle.
I stood up and joined the circle. My hands fumbled at the stubborn fabric tie that held my robe in place. My heart was beating loudly in my chest. Angie grinned in acknowledgment of my anxiety. She helped me untangle myself as I was shaking with nervous excitement.
At last free of my robe. It was like a metamorphosis. A moth shedding the cocoon. I wore my nakedness uncomfortably at first. But with every passing moment, I seemed to gain more confidence in who I was — among these perverted women — I was one of them.
Each of the twelve kissed me, in turn. Some gave me a gentle kiss on the lips, and others pressed their mouths hard against mine, as their tongues eagerly sort to explore my quivering mouth. My tongue dueled with theirs and my hands and fingers roamed over my most private parts. All the while, I could distinguish the salty taste of urine, on their lips, in their mouths, and on their breath.
Sanne was a slightly built fourteen-year-old. She reminded me of Diane, my oldest. So sexy and completely uninhibited about her body. Instead of me instigating the kiss — she pressed herself hard against me, her hand guiding my face to hers, open mouth to open mouth. As we kissed passionately (much more passionately than I had ever kissed a man). My fragile cunt began to quake from pedophilic joy.
The ritual had been obscene. It was an experience that truly liberated me. I had performed acts with the devil’s disciples. There were no limits. After my first solo visit to COFA — I promised my, “Sisters,” that I would bring along both of my girls — they would need to be initiated into the sisterhood. I couldn’t wait to see their mouths filled with shit, their hair soaked in piss and menstrual blood.
I had told Mona about my secret interest in blasphemy and she’d said that I should introduce myself to a girl named Nikki. Nikki was about the same age as me, single, and living between Pittsburgh in the US and Greece in Europe. Mona said that Nikki was a newer sister of COFA. She’d had sex with Anna’s daughter during one of her visits to Europe — even taking the girl home for an entire night of sex together. Mona confided in me that Nikki was a particular devotee to both blasphemous sex and incest.
Mona directed me to a website called Littlesally666.com, where Nikki had been interviewed by a writer, called XP. The interview was very explicit and described Nikki’s interest in blasphemous sex from an early age. The article showed an image of a woman dressed as the Blessed Virgin — with Nikki’s face — holding a naked baby boy with an adult-sized penis, that was fully erect. The picture was fucking awesome — it made me almost cum without touching myself. Was this a divine sign?
There were links to various stories that she’d posted — titles that included: “Invoking An Incubus,” and, “From Abstinence To Blasphemy,” and, “During Mass,” … she talked about the constant duality between sinning and remorse; about being both shy and deviant. Fuck, I thought … she sounded exactly like me … she told of how she broke her hymen on the head of the Blessed Virgin in a blasphemous expression of her dark love. She talked about actually masturbating in church — there was something about the scent, the chanting, the statues … that got her off.
“My perfect partner would be a woman who is as religious as me and shares my blasphemy fetish. I always fantasize about being a nun and living in the convent with my ‘roommate’ who is also my partner.”
I knew then that she was, “Perfect,” for me. I was already becoming totally obsessed.
Mona provided me with Nikki’s email address and I wrote to her immediately and waited anxiously for her response. I didn’t have to wait long. In fact, without an hour of writing to Nikki, she replied with a collection of naked images of herself. The photos had my cunt dripping.
In my email response to Nikki, I wanted to include some intimate photos of both myself and my beautiful young girls. The girls had posed naked for me many times, but this felt so special — knowing that these were not just for my benefit — it excited me even more, knowing that a perverted pedophile, like Nikki, would be masturbating as she looked at these pictures.
Excitedly, I wrote back to Nikki …
“My COFA sister Nikki, I am so aroused by your message, and I love the way you look. I want to kiss and lick you endlessly. We will have wild sex!! My daughters have been to two meetings now and had sex with several women and also with Sanne. That was so hot. I have done piss and scat now several times. I love it! But I love you especially because of your religious fetish. I feel so much the same. I read all your blogs on LS666. When you are here I want you to stay in my house and we will pray, blaspheme and piss on crosses (I have many crucifixes and Mary statuettes). Then I really very much want to watch you abuse my girls. We will lick them together, but I want to watch you violate their cunts with crucifixes. (They are not virgins anymore.) You can make them cry, I don’t care. I will masturbate and cum so hard while you do it!! I really want it very much, Nikki. I really really mean it! Last night I thought of it and masturbated wildly. I love you! Tell me that you will stay with me and do these things. Many licks on your cunt and ass. Love, Helena.”
Within minutes I got a reply. I thought about my dream. About the promise of the Blessed Virgin … that I wasn’t alone … dare I pray that Nikki could be the one? Her reply was better than my wildest dream …
“Heavenly Helena, How in the world could I resist your invitation! You are really so sweet and kind. I love you! And I just can’t believe that you showed my nudes to your daughters! I think I had many dormant pedo feelings. But they are fully awakened now! Your girls are beautiful, I really lust after them! But don’t get me wrong, I am not accepting your invitation because of your girls. It is first of all because of you!! You are really a dream come true. We are almost the same age and both into the same things, blasphemy of the fucking Virgin most of all. What are the odds? I so much want to kiss and lick you too my love. Ooh wow, and to think of the feces of you and your daughters … it just couldn’t get better!! I am so excited!! Just can’t stop thinking about it! And I think a lot about COFA too. I am so happy that Mona hooked us up, and I look forward to meeting all of the women. And the meetings … I can only begin to imagine … what a paradise! Kiss Diana and Leah from me. I hope though that we will manage language-wise… Yes, we’ll talk soon on the phone. A million kisses my sweetheart. I love you! Your Nikki.
I wanted her so badly. I wrote back one-handed, as my other hand thrust in and out of my horny cunt …
”My hot COFA sister Nikki, I am so happy that you accepted my invitation. I showed your nude pictures to my girls and told them they will have sex with you. They were excited too. They are learning to become real little whores of Lilith and enjoy lesbian sex with adults more and more. I pimped out the oldest, Diana, to Andrea for a whole night. That is good for her development. Andrea told me she greatly enjoyed her. Coming Saturday the girls will receive a piss baptism at our meeting. Dear Nikki, by the time you’ll be here they will be the best little whores. I have masturbated so much on thinking how you will shove a crucifix up their little cunts. That will be the first time they will experience that, I want you to have the honor. I will masturbate while watching and pray to the Blessed Whore. I want to make love to you too Nikki. You are so beautiful. I want to kiss you. I want to lick your cunt. I love you, my sweet sister! Eating your shit will be the greatest honor. Will you feed me? I want to chew it, taste it and swallow it … All of it … I will make my girls not go to the toilet for a few days or so so that we can feast on their shit too. It will be so great. I will call you later, and we’ll talk a bit. I love you. Helena.”
The reply came later that evening. I had been hovering over my computer. Checking my emails every five minutes. Again, my heart jumped with joy at Nikki’s response. Could she be the one? Could she? Was I getting too far ahead of myself? Was I setting myself up for a huge disappointment?
I prayed to the Blessed Virgin. Bring me, my pedophilic lover. Bring her to me … to us … make my darkest of dreams come true — I made promises — there was no way that I was going to let this pass … I read with absolute glee …
My Hot Heavenly Helena, I don’t mind at all!! In fact, I feel head over heels in love with you as well! Yes my love, I want to make love to you very much! It sounds wonderful to be a lesbian pedo family! The pictures of your pussies make my mouth water. I imagine crucifixes sticking out of your (our?) daughter’s pussies while we say a Hail Mary and piss on them. Oooh the possibilities … We will need to get to know each other, I mean the girls and me, and get comfortable, but the idea to make them cry is arousing I have to admit. Yes, it is sort of a COFA present that they arranged it like this. I will stay one night in Lydia’s house and they have arranged the daughter of one of the members for me. It is so great that there is no taboo at all between the women. And I am so excited to be part of the group. I will enjoy the girl for sure. But after that, we are going to spend a lot of time together definitely. Oh wow, it must be such a pleasure to sleep together, the four of us, naked. Daughters of Lilith … I have to do a lot of work to organize a more permanent move. But it is so fortunate that I have European citizenship as well. Makes things so much more easy. I may need some copies of papers from you, but I’ll let you know. We’ll speak real soon again! Many kisses my sweet love … also for Diana and Leah. Yours, Nikki.
I was there once again amidst my deviant dream of the divine and Blessed Virgin. She came to me. The candles seemed to burn even brighter and the Blessed Virgin looked even more radiant. There was a brilliant halo of light that emitted outwards from her like an incandescent glow of glory. Hallelujah. I watched a single tear run down her alabaster cheek.
For all its bountiful beauty, I found I was on my knees in that dank, old chapel. Surrounded by all that was hoary and decrepit. The damnable hair shirt felt unbearably itchy and irritating, and my crucifix felt so heavy.
But, at least I was not alone.
My savior was there. We both knelt in solemn prayer before the beautiful and Blessed Virgin. I knew the words. We began the prayer “Sub tuum praesidium,” … hallelujah, hosanna … but somehow the words of our adoration sounded different … still familiar, yet aberrant …
“We fly unto you, O virgin of virgins. To you, we cum. We cum on our fingers. Before you, we kneel, O virgin of virgins. Sinful and gleeful. Perversity incarnate. We prostrate ourselves unto you, with thy Sisters in sin. We fornicate for thee, O virgin of virgins. Bring us the joy of impurity, that we may be cast into the place of unholy whoredom for thee! Rescue us from our virtues, O holy and inviolate Virgin, and deliver unto the temptations of the devil!”
The sinister prayer echoes in my mind. I looked upwards. Maybe I expected to be smitten. Lightening to be my just fate. But, in the face of the Blessed Virgin, I saw the likeness of another … just like the blasphemous images of Nikki … it was her face looking back at me.
“You must masturbate, Helena,” said the Blessed Virgin with Nikki’s face, “You must do as the Blessed Virgin asks. Masturbate, Helena. Masturbate yourself for me. You are not alone. I have sent you my daughter … to fornicate with you … to abuse your young children … and to do unspeakable acts of depravity for my pleasure.”
We both hurriedly undressed. Each layer was an unveiling of the truth. And naked … I finally looked upon my new lover. Her breasts were small but shapely. Her nipples were as hard as nails. Her skin glowed with a sheen of sexual sweat. Her hips were curvy but with pronounced hip bones. Her cunt was unshaven. A trail of pubic hair extended from her navel to the corners of her thighs. Her vagina lips were bright pink and protruded, standing outwards from her wildly hairy groin. Her penal clitoris stood upright, almost like a fully erect cock. She stroked it (much like a man would stroke his penis). She grinned with an evil glint that made me shudder in anticipation … She was perfect.
To say that I was excited by Nikki’s acceptance of my invitation to visit, would be a complete understatement.
Here was the perfect partner, a woman who loved exactly what I loved. And was as perverted and blasphemous as I was. Her fantasy of becoming a cloistered nun and finding a roommate to indulge in blasphemous sex together — drinking each other’s urine and devouring each other’s feces — was more than a deviant dream come true.
Meeting Nikki for the first time was actually nerve-wracking. I was so excited, I could hardly breathe. Really. My heart was beating faster than it was ever supposed to. My mouth was like cotton dry. My armpits seemed to be like little waterfalls of anxiety.
We’d both agreed to meet alone — without my daughters — so that we could get to know one another better. And from the very first moment, I felt our unholy bond begin to bind us together.
I mean, without even thinking about it, my cunt was throbbing wildly. I tried to gain some sense of normality — but visions of my daughters urinating over the both of us whilst doing their little “piss dance” routine that I taught them … was almost too much to bear.
Nikki was sweet and unassuming. More like meeting a best friend after so many years — I liked it very much — but Inside I wanted to jump her bones. But I knew I needed to be patient and play along. It was a nice talk. A long talk.
We talked about things. About things. Nothing too direct at first. But that didn’t cool my horniness. And the longer we were together, the more I felt I was falling for her. I reluctantly began to tell her about my past — about my ex-husband, David, and what a jerk he turned out to be; how he never gave me any support and that I was practically left with all the responsibility of the children (from their birth); that I felt as if I had to face everything alone — I think she may have thought that I had become a complete man-hater in the process.
“I’m so sorry to hear that,” she said simply.
She was a good listener and I appreciated her giving me the time to let it all out! Nikki touched my hands reassuringly. My palms were so damn clammy, but she still held my hands lovingly. We talked a little about Nikki’s own family in the US and in Greece — and how she had dual citizenship — so the possibilities of moving to Europe, were there. As she talked I watched her closely — enjoying everything about her — and feeling my lust for her growing stronger and stronger.
The conversation turned when I mentioned that David could never satisfy me — sexually — with his vanilla ideas about sex, while I had so many dark sexual desires and blasphemous fantasies — fantasies that had only increased after I had started to explore these things online. I told her about all these things and how I finally decided one day that I just didn’t want to see him anymore.
I went on to say that after our divorce — I began to watch more lesbian and religious porn and masturbated frequently. And slowly I began lusting after my own daughters. Of course, I know that she already knew — but it still seemed an intense moment … sharing my sinful indiscretions … but Nikki’s response was her kiss. It was a delicious kiss that said that she understood me … that she found that side of my insidious nature a huge turn-on.
“You’re so beautiful,” she said as she touched my face so gently.
I put my shaking hand on her bare leg as I kissed her gently on the lips.
“You’re beautiful too,” I said.
So, it was time to meet the girls. Diana and Leah were both as excited as i was — and super nervous too. Nikki kissed them both sweetly and remarked how beautiful they were — just like their mother. I smiled at her compliment. They both showed off their skimpy-clad bodies … a bit like a fashion show.
Nikki didn’t speak much Dutch and my girls didn’t speak much English — but I tried my best to translate back and forth — as they became more relaxed around Nikki.
Shortly after the brief introduction, I said it was bedtime. I sent both the girls to their own beds. They were reluctant to leave. But, eventually Nikki and I were alone together. I poured Nikki and myself a little nightcap. With the girls gone, Nikki looked at me more amorously. The passion seemed to well upward between us. Silently we both held hands and I lead Nikki to my bedroom. Only a few scented candles lit the dark space — but even in the low light, I could see Nikki’s excitement.
I undressed in front of Nikki, and she undressed in front of me. Of course, we’d seen each other naked in my photos before that night. She’d seen pictures of me urinating and even voiding my bowels over my naked daughters — but this was different to looking at an image on a computer — this was much more personal… and face-to-face.
We were both smiling like Cheshire cats. Both were very horny. And both were eager to make love. I lay on the bed and gestured that Nikki should lie down next to me. My room felt overly hot and steamy. My cunt was quaking. I wanted if Nikki could smell my joy juices that had already dribbled down the inside of my thighs.
We kissed again, but this time it was much more passionate. Her sweet lips parted readily for my excited tongue. It was as if the barriers had fallen away. I gripped her tightly as we tongue-dueled like there was no tomorrow. We licked each other’s faces and continued to kiss open mouths in the most bizarrely sloppy way.
All that anxiety and anticipation — all the waiting, corresponding, talking — now nothing mattered except this moment … our dark and forbidden passion for each other.
In no time my hands groped at Nikki’s pert breasts. Rubbing her bullet-hard nipples against my palm. Her fingers had already found my soaking cunt. She rubbed my clit and I groaned into her open mouth.
“Oh, Nikki! Oh, Nikki! I love you — I love you more than the fucking Blessed Virgin!”
My blasphemous words seemed to open Hell’s doors.
“Yes, fuck that Virgin. Fist her fucking cunt!” she replied as she jammed three fingers into my overheated hole.
We ground against one another, scissoring our legs, so that our slimy cunt-holes pressed against each other. Our hands gripped our slippy limbs to gain purchase as we began to frantically rub our erect clits together.
“Aaaghhhhh … Fuck the Blessed Virgin! Fuck! Fuck!” groaned Nikki and she climaxed and her girl juices squirted over me.
Nikki panted as she recovered from her first orgasm. And on cue we switched positions, laying oppose each other in a sixty-nine position. Our hungry mouths latched onto each other’s over-heated pussies.
Nikki was wet. So dripping wet. Girl juices covered my lower body. Some of it was mine and some of it was Nikki’s. I leaned forward and kissed her divinity. She tasted of cunt juice and hot salty pee. I kissed her clitoris (thinking about my dream).
Nikki groaned and returned the pleasure. Her tongue worked its magic as I felt my orgasmic delight beginning to reach its fever pitch. My fingers had been toying with her anus as my tongue penetrated her hot wet hole — but the pleasure of Nikki’s mouth on me was just too much and I began to buck and quack all at the same time.
“Aaareghhhhhh …” I groaned as I reach my first climax.
I cannot remember much after that. I know my cunt juices soaked Nikki’s face and hair. We laid in each other’s arms. The stench of our sex filled the room. I began to drift into a deep sleep. I wondered if the Blessed Virgin would be there in my dreams again. All I knew was that I wasn’t alone anymore — with Nikki in my life — and tomorrow we would bring my children to our bed.
It was early in the morning. It wasn’t quite light yet. Between night and day. We kissed gently and held each other.
“I love you,” said Nikki, “I’m so happy to be here … to be with you.”
She smiled hesitantly and asked if I wanted to hear about eight-year-old Mina. Mina was the daughter of one of the mothers from COFA, that she’d spent the previous night with. The thought of her fucking Mina turned me on and I said that wanted to hear every detail.
Nikki said that she’d arrived in the Netherlands the day before we met. A mutual friend, Mona, from COFA had organized a “Welcome gift,” for her. She told me that it had made her feel a little uncomfortable — even a little guilty.
I was masturbating as she talked. I assured her that it wasn’t a problem and that I hoped that she’d enjoy it. She laughed softly and kissed me on the mouth. Our tongues wriggled together as we rubbed our clits against each other.
Nikki went on to say that she did enjoy it. She’d stayed the night at Mina’s house. Nikki had had dinner with Mina’s mother and her; and after their meal, the mother had suggested that it was time for the both of them to go to bed (meaning Nikki and Mina). She told her daughter to be a good girl and to do everything that Nikki wanted to do.
Mina’s mother said to Nikki that she should have fun and to (ab)use her daughter in any way she wanted.
Nikki had confessed to me that she had been overly excited and her pedophilic feelings were erupting like an unstoppable volcano … and couldn’t wait to start abusing the young slut.
Mina had been involved in lesbian pedophile sex, multiple times before. Nikki said she was not shy or fearful at all. As soon as they got naked on the bed, Nikki began touching, kissing, and licking her all over.
“What a delight!” Nikki moaned.
She pressed her tongue deep into the girl’s pussy and asshole and then kissed her on the mouth. Then she’d told Mina to lick her cunt out. Mina did as she was told, but not very passionately. Nikki had pulled her head up by the hair and slapped her in the face hard.
“Do it better! Understood!” she reenacted for me.
Nikki described the feeling of superiority, as being great and made her even wetter. She slapped Mina again, more on the cheeks and butt, and pulled the little girl’s hair. Mina’s efforts at cunnilingus improved somewhat. She even pushed her small fingers into Nikki’s wet cunt while she licked and sucked Nikki’s clit — giving Nikki a powerful orgasm. As her games with the young one continued, she got Mina to piss in her mouth. They kissed a lot and she eventually fell asleep with her head on Nikki’s breasts.
The morning light brought the second of many new surprises. As Nikki and I lay together in the rapture of our love, my daughters both appeared. Neither were dressed — their young nubile forms — on full display. They both jumped in the bed excitedly and I encouraged them to join in kissing and touching us. Nikki was very excited and sexually aroused by my girls — as was I.
I wanted both Diana and Leah to get used to Nikki and I being adult lovers — not to get jealous — but to be fully to the delicious possibilities that this new relationship could bring. Nikki was very patient, she played and laughed with them. They giggled nervously — but their sexual excitement was obvious, right from the start. Laughing and play gave way to touching and fondling — as we all began caressing, stroking and groping at each others’ breasts and eventually masturbating each others’ hot, wet pussy holes.
We formed a pussy sucking circle. It was sucking and licking fever. We all groaned in perverted heat.
I wanted to up the ante. I wanted it to become more perverted. I stood up on the bedding and held my labia open. I pressed down on my bladder and began to urinate over Nikki’s upturned face. She squealed in absolute delight, as she sank her eager mouth over my pissing urethra — trying to swallow my hot, salty piss — as she could. The girls too, giggled in a nervous thrill, as I encouraged them to do the same. First, it was Diana, the older of the two — her urine was dark yellow, very strong, and heady. The distinctive smell of girl piss filled the air. Nikki guzzled down my daughter’s piss as if it were a fine wine.
“Fuck Mary, it’s so fucking delicious!” she exclaimed.
Then it was little Leah’s turn. She stood nervously and had to hold Nikki’s shoulders, as she balanced above her face.
“Ik – Ik kan niet (I – I can’t),” she muttered in Dutch.
But Nikki held her thighs and began to lick amorously at her tiny piss-hole; soon Leah began to spurt her urine directly into Nikki’s waiting mouth.
We had all completely soaked Nikki and ourselves in the process of our first-ever piss baptism. The waterproof bed had pooled, with our combined urine, and we all lay naked and wallowed in our first piss bath together. Of course, this was the first of many — as both Nikki and I were completely addicted to urine love. Most of the time, we never changed the urine-soaked sheets, so that the master bedroom stank of dried urea.
Almost every night, I would make the girls do their little piss dance for us, while they masturbated in front of the adults. Sometimes laying on their backs, with their legs over their heads, so they could show off their dexterity of being able to piss in their own mouths. Nikki made sure she took lots of kinky incest videos and photos — that the both of us would masturbate too, for days afterward.
So the next day, after the girls returned from school, I locked the toilet. Nikki and I looked excited at each other when Diana announced that she, “Really needed to go, badly,” — so I told her to come upstairs. We had everything prepared. The mattress was covered in a soft plastic elasticated sheet. We all undressed.
“Give Mommy Nikki her welcome present!” I said to Diana.
I gestured to Nikki to lie down on the bedding. Diana did as I instructed, and stood over her. Nikki began rubbing her clitoris in anticipation. Diana hesitated.
“Ga verder (go on),” I encouraged her, “Ga door, nu (go on, now)!”
Stand above Nikki’s face my older daughter began to piss over her face. Nikki lay back with her mouth open as Diana’s urine drenched her hair and upper body, filling her mouth several times,as she drink her golden nectar.
Diana groaned and I could see a warm turd emerging from her bowels. This was followed by a sweet but pungent aroma. Her turd hung for a moment from her anus and then fell across Nikki’s face.
Nikki grinned in her own private rapture.
I too was completely intoxicated by what my daughter had done, and in all the perverse excitement — I couldn’t help myself, but to begin to kiss Nikki — my mouth pressed through my daughter’s soft brown shit as we tongued each other in complete euphoria.
I asked my youngest daughter, Leah, if she also had a gift for her, “Mommy Nikki”?
Leah climbed excitedly onto the bedding above Nikki and followed her older sister’s example. The smell of my children’s feces was delightful. The girls were excited and giggling. We pulled them onto the bed and began to smear them with their own shit.
It had been an incredible day of scat smearing and seeing Nikki’s reaction firsthand, I knew she was totally in love with us … with me, my daughters … and our unquenchable appetite for sexual perversion. I needed to give thanks, through blasphemy, to the Blessed Virgin for her gifts of unconditional love and depravity.
Up until then, Nikki and I had only talked shyly about our blasphemy fetish.
We’d both agreed that, unlike a lot of the other readers of LS666, neither of us really saw the need to worship sexual demons, succubi, or the Devil. COFA, though principally a lesbian pedophile and scat group, however, did pay homage to the Goddess Lilith on occasions, but to us, blasphemy was the means, we used, to communicate directly with the Blessed Virgin.
Religious tokens, like the crucifix (a cross with Jesus Christ crucified upon it), the Rosary, and statues of the Blessed Virgin — all had great significance to both of us. It wasn’t about defamation. It was something else — as if we were offering ourselves, our bodies or bodily fluids, and our souls to her holy divinity.
So, we’d both been edging ourselves towards orgasm. In this state of mind, it seemed that our initial shyness began to fall away. We found ourselves filled with the Holy Spirit of lust and pleasure. Retrieving the crucifix and my statue of the Blessed Virgin (our secret sex toys), we rubbed them against ourselves as we masturbated. Nikki laughed nervously as she slid the long arm of the crucifix into her steamy cunt hole. She spat upon the upturned face of Jesus Christ — her spittle mixed with her oily juices as she began to fuck herself — pushing it deeper and deeper, until her engorged clit pressed against the savior’s face.
‘Aarrrghhhhhhhh … FUCK CHRIST!” she groaned.
Inspired by my lover’s nerve, I held the statue of the Blessed Virgin. My piss flowed across my fingers as I rubbed her phallic head and shoulders against my cunt. Nikki looked on — energized and excited.
“Ohhhh … FUCK yer … Fuck yer …” she panted as her urine flowed over the crucifix, still half buried in her bald cunt.
I pressed the Blessed Virgin against my anus. Lubricated with piss and girl juice, it slipped easily inside. My stomach churned. I knew I was ready. Lifting myself up, I pressed against my guts. The smell preceded the offering. A pungent odor that we both loved so much.
“Ahhhh … Delicious!” moaned Nikki.
A long brown turd, hung from my ass for a moment before I mashed it over the head of the Blessed Virgin. To my absolute joy, Nikki, began to defecate over the crucifix, just as I had done to the Blessed Virgin. The desecration gave us both a totally freaky thrill. I knew, from that moment on, that we were pretty much on the same level with these things.
“Fuck! Fuck! Hail the fucking the Blessed Virgin. Fuck!” I cried.
We swapped toys and I licked the dirty crucifix that had been smeared in my lover’s shit; and she did the same to the statue of the Blessed Mary. Our faces were smeared with brown filth. Our teeth were stained brown too. We kissed the filthy statue of the Blessed Virgin. We kissed each other so passionately — so longingly — and the foul taste of our mixed excreta only amplified her perverted delight.
Afterward, it felt as if the floodgates of Hell had opened. We talked so openly about our blasphemous needs. Of course, we would need to initiate the girls in these delicious practices. I showed Nikki that I had smaller crucifixes for the girls — and told her that I wanted her to fuck my child with the crosses while she masturbated. I told her that though they have both lost their virginity — they were still very deliciously tight. Nikki gave me a “shit” grim of wickedness. She couldn’t wait …
If you have enjoyed this story or would like to offer praise to the author, who is always hungry for encouragement and affirmation, please email [email protected]