Writer: Fallen Angel
Subject: Passion Play
Link: ReligiousFetish.com / 26.06.2024
Passion Play
Jesus heard the rattle of keys and the clank of a rusty lock turning. With a loud creak, the door swung open on dry hinges. The guard entered carrying a torch.
“Your mother’s here to see you, Nazarene,” he announced, jamming the torch in a sconce, “Pilate’s granting you an hour.”
He departed, leaving the door open.
Mary entered, looking anxious. She gazed at her son sitting on the floor in the corner, his head bowed, his hands folded in prayer.
“Why have you come, woman?” Jesus sighed.
Mary looked about the tiny cell. To either side, thick iron bars set in the walls separated it from adjoining cells. The stone was rough-cut and dripped with condensation. The air smelled of mildew and sweat and the droppings of beasts.
“What a terrible place,” she grieved, “It breaks my heart to see you in here.”
“What do you want?” Jesus demanded.
Mary went to her son and knelt beside him.
“I just wanted to see you for the last time,” she murmured, “And maybe comfort you in your final hours,” she studied him closely, “You look so troubled,” she observed, “Am I interrupting your prayers?”
Annoyed, Jesus told her, “Nothing interrupts my prayers.”
Mary caressed his hair.
“Do you want me to leave? Please don’t send me away.”
“I’m asking my Father to give me strength,” he told her, and his hands began to tremble.
Mary clasped his hands, comforting him.
“May I help you with your prayers? Like I did when you were a little boy?”
Jesus shook his head.
“I know how to pray,” he snapped, then calmer he added, “There’s nothing you can do for me. It’s all in God’s hands. It’s almost accomplished – the salvation of mankind. I have only a few hours left to me.”
Mary sighed, helpless.
“You know, Jesus,” she began again, “There’s a thing we did when you were a child that always comforted you. I’d like to do it for you now.”
He looked at his mother quizzically.
“And what’s that?”
Mary opened her robe and withdrew her full, plump breast.
“Whenever you were troubled or hurt, I would suckle you. It always made you feel better.”
Jesus shook his head.
“I’m a grown man now, woman. I’m too old for sucking the tit.”
“Please, Jesus,” she begged tearfully, “For my comfort then, if not your own. I just need to feel like I’m nurturing you, helping you.”
Leaning close, she held her breast near his face, with the pert nipple an inch from his lips.
“Suck,” she said.
Jesus stared at the proffered nipple for a moment. Then he closed his lips around it, sucking and teasing it with his tongue.
“That’s my good boy,” Mary sighed, petting his hair, “You always did like my tits when you were little; I’ve missed that.”
Jesus cupped his mother’s breast, fondling it as he sucked.
“This reminds me of a story,” Mary cooed, caressing his face, “When I told Joseph that I was pregnant with you, he doubted me. So he brought me to a midwife to have me examined. Her name was Salome. She laid me out naked on the bed. She sucked my tits too, just like you’re doing.”
Jesus paused, looking up at her in surprise.
“Well, she had to see if I was with child,” Mary explained, “See, I had milk in them then.”
She pressed Jesus’ face back onto her nipple. Jesus resumed sucking.
“But then she had to test my virginity,” Mary went on, “She spread my legs and put a finger inside me …”
Jesus pulled away, shocked.
“Why are you telling me these things?” he demanded.
“It’s just a story,” she shrugged innocently, “I thought you might want to hear it, that it would take your mind off your troubles,” Mary continued, “Salome confirmed that I was intact, so all was well.”
She urged her son’s mouth onto her tit once more. Jesus continued sucking.
“But for the third test,” Mary went on, “Salome leaned down and licked my pussy …”
Jesus pulled away from her, cringing against the wall of his jail. Turned in anguish, he thrust his arms firmly between his legs.
“Stop this, woman!” he cried.
Mary stared at him, nonplused.
“It’s just how midwives do it, Jesus,” she told him, “There’s nothing wicked involved here. A chaste woman has a particular taste that midwives know, that’s all.”
“Tell me no more!” he ordered.
“Well, I thought this story would inspire you,” she said, “A miracle occurred, you see. And Salome witnessed it. It was truly wonderful, and I wanted to share it with you.”
Jesus looked side-wise at his mother.
“A miracle?” he asked, trembling.
“Yes,” Mary confirmed, “She found me so delicious that she couldn’t quit, and licked me to orgasm.”
In agony, Jesus pounded the wall with the flat of his hand.
“Stop!” he cried.
“But I haven’t even gotten to the part when I licked her, too,” She added, “She was a squirter …”
Jesus beat his hand against the wall.
“Stop it, I say! Be ye silent, woman!”
Mary touched his shoulder.
“I don’t understand why this is upsetting you.”
Jesus pressed his pained face to the wall.
“Get thee behind me, Satan!”
“Did you just call your mother ‘Satan’?” she gasped, horrified.
“Why are you tempting me?” he wailed.
“I’m just talking,” Mary observed, “The bigger question is: why are you tempted? And by your own mother, of all people?”
Noting that he sat with his arms locked tightly between his knees.
“Why are you hiding your cock?”
Jesus moaned, saying nothing.
“Are you hard for your mother?” Mary pressed.
When he failed to respond, she leaned close … very near his ear.
“Do you want to fuck Mommy, Jesus?” she whispered.
Jesus moaned again, clenching his eyes shut.
Mary stood and untied her sash. Then she shrugged out of her robes.
“Look at me Jesus,” she said, “Look at your naked mother. You know you want to.”
Slowly, as with enormous pain, Jesus turned to look.
Mary stood over him, legs slightly apart, rubbing her cunt with both hands.
“See how wet I am, Jesus?” she whispered, “You want to taste Mommy’s pussy? You want to do for Mommy what Salome did?”
Breathing shallow breaths, Jesus fixated on his mother’s cunt. Then he stirred as though in a trance. On his knees, he walked toward her, his erect cock showing plainly beneath his robe. Panting, he looked up into his mother’s eyes.
“Make Mommy happy, Jesus!”
His resolve crumbling quickly, Jesus grasped his mother’s ass and plunged his face between her legs. He kneaded her ass in his hands as he licked her.
Mary hugged her son’s head and churned her hips, gently thrusting her cunt against his mouth.
“That’s right,” she encouraged, “Eat Mommy’s pussy like a good boy. Get your tongue up inside Mommy. You like Mommy’s honey, don’t you, Jesus? Make Mommy cum!”
Jesus groaned and grunted, devouring Mary’s cunt in ecstatic delight. He licked her lips, gnawed at her clitoris, drank her cum, with a voracious appetite.
Mary’s shrieks grew louder and higher-pitched, and her hips thrust harder.
“I’m cumming, Jesus!” she cried, “Mommy’s cumming!”
She pulled him away just as a spurt from her cunt splashed his face. With a deep, contented sigh, she smiled down at her cum-anointed son. She sank onto her haunches.
“I told you a little fib before. I was the squirter!” she confessed.
Jesus pulled Mary’s wet cavity toward the bulge in his tunic.
“Oh, Mother, you’re delicious!” he sighed, catching his breath.
Cupping the back of her head, he clamped his mouth on hers and kissed her with bestial passion, hungrily plunging his tongue into her mouth.
Mary put her arms around his neck.
“What can Mommy do for her little boy?” she asked.
“I want my cock inside you, Mother,” Jesus groaned, “I want to fuck you so badly!”
Mary showed him a naughty smile.
“Lay down,” she instructed, “Let Mommy take care of you.”
Jesus reclined on his elbows while Mary worked the robe up his body. Her eyes sparkled at the sight of his hard organ, and she licked her lips in anticipation. Jesus hummed a soft laugh.
“I’ve always wanted you to see my cock, Mother,” he told her.
“Have you?” she smiled, “And have you always wanted to see me do this?”
Holding the base of his cock with one hand, she brought her mouth down onto it.
“Oh, fuck!” Jesus sighed.
Gasping, he watched Mary’s pretty face bob up and down as she sucked him.
“There,” she concluded, “All moistened up.”
She straddled her son’s hips, poising her cunt directly over his organ.
“Do you want Mommy to fuck you, Jesus?”
“Yes, Mother!” he cried.
“I want to hear you say it,” Mary teased.
“I want you to fuck me, Mother,” Jesus moaned desperately, “I want to feel your virgin cunt on my cock. Please fuck me, Mommy!”
Mary eased her son’s organ inside of her and sank slowly down onto it, making both of them groan with delight. Then bracing her hands on his chest, she began to churn her hips. Her gyrations grew harder, more frantic, as their ecstasies mounted.
“Talk dirty to me, Jesus,” Mary begged, “Do you like being inside me?”
Jesus drew his mother’s face toward his and kissed her.
“I’ve always wanted to fuck you, Mother. When I was a boy, I used to watch you bathing in the river.”
Mary gasped in surprise.
“Did you jack off for me?” she asked curiously.
“All the time,” he confessed.
“Such a filthy little boy!” she smiled, “You should’ve told me. I would’ve fucked you even then.”
Jesus grinned wickedly.
“Imagine me at twelve years old, slamming my cock into you.”
“I am,” Mary beamed, “And it’s delightful.”
“While Joseph is busy working in his shop,” continued Jesus.
“Not even that,” she giggled, “I would’ve fucked you in front of him!”
Astounded, Jesus gasped, “I had no idea you were such a slut, Mother.”
“You’re the Son of God,” she explained, “What woman could refuse you? Even your mother?”
“Oh, Father in Heaven, I’m cumming!” Jesus exclaimed. “Mother, I’m going to cum!”
Mary ground against her son’s cock.
“Cum inside me, Jesus!” she cried, “Cum in Mommy’s cunt!”
Groaning through clenched teeth, Jesus writhed as his cock pumped sperm into his mother. He gripped her ass to hold her still, while his hips thrust upward into her. As his throes slowly faded, he collapsed onto his back, spent and breathing heavily.
Mary slid off of her son’s dwindling member and massaged her dripping pussy, delighting in the fluids seeping out of it.
“My own cum mingling with yours,” she observed.
Maneuvering herself about, she knelt on either side of his face.
“Taste it,” she said, settling her cunt onto his face.
Though weary, Jesus grasped his mother’s ass and pulled her toward him. He licked her virgin pussy, sucking from it the juices of her passion and his own.
Mary then leaned forward, moving past his mouth until she laid her cunt on his chest.
“Kiss Mommy’s ass,” she bade him.
Jesus kissed each of his mother’s proffered cheeks, and then ran his tongue between them, licking first her taint, then her bunghole.
After a while of this, Mary righted herself again. She leaned over her son’s face.
“Open your mouth,” she said.
Jesus opened his mouth, and Mary dropped a large dollop of spittle into it.
Mary caressed her son’s face.
“You’ve made me very happy today, Jesus.”
He regarded his mother with half-closed eyes.
“Have I, Mother?” he asked.
“Oh, yes,” she affirmed, “And let me show you why.”
She rose to her feet and went to the iron bars separating his from the adjoining cell.
“Come forth,” she said, “He’s finished.”
Confused, Jesus peered into the next cell. From the darkness emerged three persons who, as they came into the torchlight, he recognized: Peter, John, and Mary Magdalen. Each of them glared at him with betrayal, outrage, and righteous indignation. Jesus sat up, reaching for his discarded tunic. His mother was already donning her robes and cinching her sash.
“You fucking hypocrite!” Magdalen accused him, her eyes spilling tears, “How dare you forgive my sins?! For all the wickedness I’ve done, I never fucked my father!”
She spat on him through the bars.
“May God bless Judas,” she declared and stormed out.
Jesus wiped the spittle from his face. He looked at his other disciples.
“John … ?” he implored.
John spit on him, also.
“Fuck you, Jesus,” he cursed, “We followed you, we believed in you. But you’re just another false prophet, preying on the hopes of simple people. I’m going to watch you die on your cross with joy, you fucking bastard!”
He followed Magdalen out.
Jesus turned to his remaining disciples.
“Peter,” he begged, “I called you blessed among men and named you first among my apostles. Unto you, I gave the keys to heaven …”
Peter blew a mouthful of spittle on him.
“There’s what I think of your keys to heaven,” Peter told him, “Shove them up your ass, Jesus. You’re a fraud and a liar. I denied you three times, but that wasn’t enough. Now I deny you seventy times seven times. And when that runs out, seventy times seven more. I curse you, and all who call you their Messiah.”
He followed his fellow former disciples out of the cell.
Smiling, Mary knelt beside him and petted his hair.
“I guess you’re not the Son of God anymore,” she laughed, “Now, you’re just a lying hypocrite. Of course, you always were that. But now, you’re a lying hypocrite who fucked his mother, and everybody will know it.”
Jesus turned his eyes to her, aghast.
“Why have you done this to me, Mother?” he pleaded.
“Why is a very weighty question, Jesus,” she told him, “I asked God why for thirty-three years, and got no answer. I was a faithful handmaid of the Lord, and what did it earn me? The Holy Spirit came to me and made me pregnant; He didn’t ask, He didn’t consult me, He didn’t give me a few days to think about it. He just magicked you into my womb, without even giving me an orgasm to enjoy. What makes you think I wanted to be the Mother of the Messiah? This isn’t the life I wanted, or deserved. But your heavenly father forced it on me. You robbed me of my life and my purpose. So now I’m robbing you of yours.”
Trembling, Jesus glared at her with swimming eyes.
“You ungrateful bitch!” he spat.
“Ungrateful?” Mary echoed, laughing, “You dare call me ungrateful, you sleazy little shit? I brought God’s bastard into the world and suckled him when I should’ve thrown him off a cliff; I wanted to, more than once. Instead, I raised a demanding, arrogant, condescending snot who doesn’t even acknowledge me. Are you even aware that, except while fucking me, you’ve never once called me ‘mother’? Now was that out of respect, or only because it made your cock extra hard?”
“You were blessed among all women!” he mourned, hanging his head.
“Yes, I know,” Mary dismissed, “Did you ever suppose that I didn’t want to be? I deserve better than future generations praising my perfect cunt.”
Jesus shook his head in agony and clasped his hands in prayer.
“Oh Father in heaven, if it is possible, take this cup away from me!”
Mary laughed again.
“You do realize you’re praying to God with your own sperm stuck in your beard? I don’t think he’s going to listen to you, Jesus. You’re not his sacrificial lamb anymore; you’re just a sinner like everybody else. You can’t redeem anyone, and you’re going to die for nothing.”
Jesus bowed his head and wept.
“What have you done?!” he cried, “My father sent me into this world with one purpose: to reconcile the world to him.”
“I’ll tell you what I’ve done,” Mary beamed.
She leaned close and, in mock affection.
“Judas didn’t want to betray you,” she whispered, “I really had to fuck him hard to persuade him. Never underestimate the power of a virgin pussy. He’s already gotten his reward, but I should find him again and give his cock a good sucking, just to say ‘thank you’. And Caiaphas, too, now that I think of it,” giggling, she added, “Sucking off the whole Sanhedrin might be overdoing it a touch.”
Outraged, Jesus growled at her.
“Woman, you’ve done terrible evil in the sight of God! The devil is acting through you!”
“Oh, spare me that nonsense,” Mary replied, rolling her eyes, “Don’t give him credit for my idea. And when you were pulling your little cock watching me bathe – was the devil acting through you? Can he even do that? Take responsibility for your own sins, and leave Satan out of it.”
Jesus buried his head in his arms and burst into tears, shaking and trembling.
Mary gathered him in her arms and rocked him gently. She caressed his tousled hair.
“You’ve failed, Jesus – so close, too,” she whispered, “All that’s left for you is the hardest part, and you’ll go through it for nothing. Pilate’s promised me that the better I fuck him, the harder he’ll punish you. I plan on doing things for him that would shame Jezebel. I think he’ll let me watch your beating if I ask him nicely. And when you’re up on your cross, I want you to know that I’ll be playing with myself underneath my robe. Do you think I’ll cum just as you realize your Lord has abandoned you? I hope I do. So your sacrifice won’t be completely useless; at least you’ll be giving me a Second Cumming!” Stroking his beard, she added, “Enjoy your crucifixion, my darling boy. You know I will.”
Mary rose to her feet. She gazed down at her devastated son.
“Oh, I almost forgot,” and spat on him.
Then she turned and strode through the door.
The guard grinned and playfully pinched her ass.
“Nice work, Mary!”
Giggling, she fondled the man’s groin.
“Come see me in three days. And bring a friend.”
“Why three days?” he wondered.
“I’ll explain it to you later,” she replied, smiling.
The door slammed, and the lock clanked shut.
Oh yes! Fucking love this! Thanks to Fallen Angel!
Loved the context! Such an arousing conversation between mother and son!
Love incest