Text: phallicdeemonseedworship
Subject: Our Flesh and Souls
Link: Tumblr 04.01.2022 / Theistic Satanism / http://theisticsatanism.com/
Our Flesh and Souls
There is something so fucking hot about your blog, is it Satan that makes my loins throb at the thought of fucking the priest on the alter? I’ve been looking for answers and your blog makes so much sense to me, how would I go about converting?
Blasphemy is an Act greatly celebrated by Satanism,an Act which immensely enhances and heightens the Flame of Satanic Lust. Satanic Blasphemy is a major Dictate in Phallic Ecstasy wherein Satan is greatly pleased and honoured and through which He is mighty Glorified and Magnified in our flesh and souls.
It is the Satanic Flame that burns deep within me that is the sole reason for what makes you feel as you do,and as a result the posts are a reflection or a translation of this fire that blazes within the flesh of all men. First you must accept your self with all your desires be passions. Shake lose from all religious dogma and indoctrination that will stifle your progress. Believe in yourself first and let Satan mould you according to the degree of Darkness within you.
Let your Lust guide you. The first and best way I think you can begin to dedicate yourself to Him is to dedicate yourself to yourself. Live the life you want, live it how you want, not how some self-important bible-basher tells you. The X-ian religion (among others) teach us to repress our natural instincts and urges. Why? Fuck that! Satanism [in my opinion] isn’t about being ‘Evil’. It’s about being true to oneself and ignoring the ridiculous and idiotic christian rhetoric. Learn to kneel and serve all men who cross your path and desire your worship.
Our fundamental urges as human beings are our will to survive and our desire to fuck. So live your life in a way that pleases you and fuck who you please as much as you please. You may start to notice (if you haven’t already) a sense of connection or other presence when you are engaged in sexual activity, including both sex with a partner(s) or solo masturbation. During sexual activity, when your body literally throbs and tingles with pleasure, you are changing your state of mind to one that many cultures consider a different state of being, even so far as to heighten one’s magical prowess.
Is it Him you feel with you at these times? I think so. Dedicate these times to Him, offer up your sex as praise to Him, thank Him for the lust that burns through you. As you feast upon Phallus, experience the bliss of your own Phallus being worshiped, sink your Cock into warm ass-flesh or open your own cunt to the pleasure of the fuck, say, “Thank you Satan!”. Whether you say it inwardly, secretly or loud and proud, He hears you. If lucky enough to find another satanic brother to worship with, lose yourself in sexual, sinful bliss. Be thankful for it. Revel in it. Enjoy it!
This is the beginning of your path to following Lord Satan.Firstly you need to do is look inside yourself, what is it you feel/believe? There are many different types of Satanism, you will need to figure out which of these “fits” best with your own beliefs. It is no good trying to fit yourself into a belief system which you don’t truly connect with (more informnation: types of satanism.)
Once you have found your path, you will need to do some reading. If you have chosen the path of LaVeyan Satanism, there are plenty of sources for information. The most obvious being churchofsatan.com and/or purchasing a copy of the Satanic Bible. Not for me, but may be for you.
If you have chosen the path of Theistic (Spiritual) Satanism, again there are many sources for information. Every source I have found has something different to say about various aspects. Personally, I would say read them all, think about which aspects hold true to you. As with any belief system, I would question the infallibility of any human author. Many will say :You must do this” or “It must be done this way”, but I suggest a pinch of salt with everything you read. Try to separate good advice from dogma. In the end, what do you believe?
You may be told to hold a dedication ritual if you are serious on this matter. Dedicating your soul is about reaching out to your creator and acknowledging Him as the Father of humanity and entering into a spiritual bond with Him that lasts forever.However if you’re new to Satanism, I do not recommend a rite of “Dedicating your soul to Satan,” or “Making a commitment to Satan,” as your very first ritual. I don’t recommend a dedication rite until you’ve been a satanist long enough to know that you will, in fact, be able to keep that commitment. Wait until you’ve had enough experience to know that an exclusive allegiance to Satan would indeed be in accord with your own innermost Will!Meanwhile,do a lot of reading until that time is right for you.
Some information on Theistic Satanism:
http://theisticchurchofsatan.webs.com/ (has a forum)
As a theistic Satqanist, I could not agree with you more. One of my problems with some Satanists is they tell you it must be done “this way”, or you “must do this”. To me, following Satan is all about being myself and letting my luist guide me. Thanks for posting such wisdom.
This is wonderful. Anything leading to Diane Vera always is.