Writer: Hoku Lani
Topic: Oral Sex as Punishment
Link: MEWE / 28.12.2020 / Paster Jenny’s Porn Lovers Room:
Oral Sex as Punishment
In the book of Leviticus, Chapter 26, Yahweh dictated numerous statutes that he wanted followed. To ensure domination over his chosen people he had a few conditions beyond the Ten Commandments.
Make no idols or graven images, keep the sabbath, you know the rest … threats and punishments from a vengeful (evil) being. What are the penalties, you may ask? Terror, starvation, conquest at the hands of your enemies and death in foreign lands.
However, there is a bright spot, verse 29 states:
And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters.
That sounds like an encouragement to set up an idol of Lilith and then be forced to eat the flesh of sons and daughters. Such fun to be had for violating these statutes. I wonder if I may eat them together or must I eat my daughter more than I eat my son?
Thank You Hoku Lani
Daughter of Lilith
Your writings incite Lust in all Men and all Woman
Hail Lilith
Hail Zaman — I am asking Hoku if she would be interested to write a story for us … I hope she agrees
Thank You Xpanther
Hail Zaman — I love stuff from Hoku Lani