Writer: GarySix
Subject: Only For Christians That Are Exploring
Link: Email LS666 / 20.05.2022
For Christians Only Addendum: Please note as my post stated. I now have one student and there is a waiting list. If you can be patient I will do my best to work with you. The response from Christians has been overwhelming. If you contact me I will respond but cannot take on another now. I have to give my all to this person and bony Satan in it.
Only For Christians That Are Exploring
I am a Christian who is enjoying the amazing and glorious filth and sexual whoring and blasphemy sex acts that Satan offers, particularly to Christians. As a Christian (and I realize some people on this site will find this hard to believe), it is totally amazing and deeply intense to enjoy Satan, be his slave for filth, and still remain a Christian (of course not a good one). The combination is nothing short of stunning.
Over time I have come to a point where I can now, having been properly trained by Satan, work with / train other Christians who visit XP’s fabulous website (And that it truly is. This young man, XP, has given us a wonderful place to share our joy of Satan on many levels.) There is no other site like his. I hope many of you have thanked him for the tremendous effort and time it takes to maintain the site and provide his writing as well.
The Offer:
I am looking to train one person, either male or female, however, I may consider working with two depending on the desire. I will show you how to enjoy the most intense orgasms you’ve ever had, and (I mean this literally), by including Satan in your sex, masturbation and thoughts/actions.
- You must absolutely be over 18.
- A real Christian, active or not.
- Christian Clergy are welcome.
- Be willing to be trained through discrete phone and email.
- I have a fool-proof system for phone if you are married.
- You must be in the USA, preferably close to East Coast but not an absolute. It just helps with time zone communications.
If you sense you’ve been called by Satan and/or have secretly dabbled in satanic porn, you are ready for more, and likely feel drawn to have more. We will also spend time here on XP’s website for additional training/learning. I can guarantee if you are serious, you will experience sexuality as you never thought possible. I don’t even know how to put into words the ecstasy, the sensation, the pleasure, of Satan’s guiding and training you. You must be a serious candidate.
First Step: Send me an email. Share with me in some detail about why you want to be involved, and what have your encounters been with satanic sex, blasphemy sex, or extreme sex, porn, real time experiences etc. If you are married or not, my process is safe and highly discreet.
Fucking hot 😋 I love depraved sex
Thank you, Anthony
Anthony ,
Am a active X’tian .
Am married mature and am in Australia .
I would love to be educated and have been secretly
interested and wanting SATAN lust .
And hoping beyond hope of getting my sweet wife interested as well .
I am interested as well. Please
Contact me