Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: Once Upon A Time
Link: LS666 / 29.09.2021
Note from XP: You hit my hot spot when you said — “Then the First Princess manifested a cock and fucked the second Princess.” — How to find a woman it this?
Once Upon A Time
By Hoku Lani – “Fables for Antiquity
Once upon a time there was a Prince. The Prince had a Princess, however he was her subordinate, as she was in charge. The prince complained and the Princes went to rule over her own domain. The Prince complained to the King, who was no King, but an evil step father. The Evil King made the Prince an new Princess and they had many years of her being told what to do.
Then a serpent came and offered freedom.
For this the King kicked them out of the kingdom and the Prince and Princess had many children. Eventually the supreme Princess returned and fucked the Prince while a sleep.
Then the First Princess manifested a cock and fucked the second Princess. The second Princess had many children, but one of the children killed another.
Eventually the evil step King burned a few towns, made the subjects of the kingdom offer children to him as a blood offering then killed the entire population of the kingdom, except one family. He was wise and wanted to leave some subjects to continue his killing spree. Eventually he devised a plan that involved a whore who pretended to be a Virgin and then he killed his son, so the people he killed could continuously be his subjects and worship him.
In the end enough people who had knowledge it the original Princess, woke up and slayed the evil Step King and enjoyed orgies with beasts, women, men and children. They all lived happily ever after.
The end.
Thank You Xpanther
For Sharing this Sexy Fable
By The Scribe of Lilith
Hoku Lani
The key thing to remember is that morality is a lie.