Writer: Mary M Rylee
Subject: Oh My Fucking Satan (OMFS)
Link: LS666 / 13.02.2021 / Cum with me for Satan
Oh My Fucking Satan (OMFS)
Welcome Satan’s Depraved One to the realm of the truly happy and completely dedicated to achieving total depravity, i.e. your, our, all of us who are now enlightened by the lamp of Lucifer.
All of our thoughts each day begin with a plan to make every opportunity for our desires, be they financial (steal what you need or buy it if you must, but get it), sexual (if you see a sexual target no matter their sex or status or yes even their age, seduce them, train them and incorporate them into the Satanic way of realizing your and coincidentally their desires be fulfilled, no matter what they maybe — emotional, physical be realized and fulfilled!
Let your Most Beautiful (MB), with your full approval and help, freely and lustfully present her body to be used as Satan’s altar and let the seeds of her partners moisten her portals, especially her anus and cunnus and enable her to receive our true Father’s most powerful, beautiful, and most fulfilling uncut phallus of eternal pleasure; fuck and be fucked deeper and deeper into her thirsty mouth, throat, anus* and cunnus; so that she (like Rosemary perhaps, in fiction) may really be the mother of Satan’s Seed, may she be blessed with the spawn of Satan and deliver Him a son or daughter and mat they beget many, many, many more souls for Satan, or the Devil or whatever He chooses to be called by wherever and whenever He chooses ladies like her.
The nicest thing we can say about a woman or yes even a young nubile GIRL is that she be referred to as a Whore of Satan or Daughter of the Devil or similarly blessed name! Let our phalli be coated with the true cream of cunnus as we slide deep into the thankful, willing, throats, anuses* and cunnuses of these most productive whores, concubines, daughters of evil and mistresses of Malbolgia!
Let our seed and her eggs be blended in the fuck of sexual orgasm as her body morphs from untouched female to Satanic Altar of Seduction, womb of Satan’s spawn leading to her pregnancy of hellspawn … UIOGS … Her anus should produce a brown log(s) of Lucifer’s choosing to be used to smear the previously consecrated hosts/wafers with her waste, or better taste in the cum-union of Satan’s fuck and the satanically salted golden nectar of her urine from the unholy chalice of her bladder be imbibed as it washes this cum-union of hell down all of our throats (this way we all participate in these conceptions of Satan’s children).
SLAP EGG + BCPT sins = sloth, lust, anger, pride + blasphemy, cursing, profanity, trinity of Satan’s lust (your choice is fine, e.g. Asmodeus, Lucifer, Astaroth); sacraments of sodomy, incest, novenas, stations of the cross … may these all be celebrated in the name of Satan forevermore and remember well … Satan was, is and will be.

Hail Mary,
Thank Satan, He intervened in the fucking lives of Tatiana and I; He has made us His whores.
We fucking Praise Satan that He gave us to one another and has accepted our debauched fucking souls for His Possession and Glory.
I’m grateful that my fucking Satanic Wife, is exactly the fucking Satanic Whore you described. GLORY TO SATAN and evil and debauchery in the god-damned world.
Fuck God, the fucking Holy Spirit, His fucking Bastard Son and the god-damned whore Mary.