Of Life And Lust by Ynotsatan

Writer: Ynotstan

Subject: Of Life And Lust

Link: Tumblr / 02.01.2024

Of Life And Lust

Lust is not evil, sinful, or perverse, and by no means should anyone, especially the church, tell you otherwise. Do not let fear, judgment, or guilt stand in the way of the enjoyment and pleasure of something so fundamental to the human spirit and condition.

Giving in to nature is certainly not a weakness, but a strength that should be celebrated and nurtured. Be free to let your mind wander and explore all those wondrous platforms that feed your cravings and desires.

If you are a Christian that’s struggling to reconcile your thoughts and your actions with your faith I suggest you find another god. You can memorize that bible chapter and verse and it’s still not going to change who you are.

Our Lord and Father accept us for who we are without reservation. Your tortured soul longs to break free from the shackles of shame. So quit punishing yourself and give in to him and give in to your lusts.

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