Writer: Softening My Heart
Subject: Occultism & Chaos Magick Through The Lens Of Islam
Link: Tumblr / 22.04.2024
Occultism & Chaos Magick Through The Lens Of Islam
As I go on this journey to learn about Islam, I’m finding something very interesting about the entire framework of how Islam approaches the unseen.
Full disclosure, I am a former pagan, former occultist, and former chaos magician. Practicing, by the way, not just your typical crystal girlie. I was in the muck. And coming out of the muck, it’s interesting how everything I ever learned about spirituality before Islam fits into Islam, one way or another. Not the doctrine or the perspectives mind you, but the actions and the results. It fits in a way that it simply does not fit into secularism or any other religious practice I have seen.
Chaos magick for instance, also known as results-based magick, the secular world says, “No it is fake, what you saw and what you heard never happened, the story you lived is false. All your results were just one big crazy coincidence. Let us gaslight you and talk down to you until you change your story to fit our narrow view of reality.”
But that perspective is no less crazy than believing in magick in a secular world! I’m not only talking about atheism either. I’m talking about academic perspectives and cultural perspectives, I’m even talking about lukewarm Christianity and how they perceive it. If it’s not their narrow idea of what the non-physical can be, tightly wrapped up in a little box like they expect, then it is made up.
But what is rational about any of that? Ignoring your eyes and ears for the sake of books written by ordinary men with ordinary weaknesses and shortcomings? It’s senseless. No ordinary human being should ever be worshiped. Human beings are made weak. We cannot handle the burden of being worshiped the way Allah can. That is one of Allah’s gifts to us in my opinion, that He takes on that responsibility because He knows it would only break us to put it all upon ourselves, but I digress.
Think of it like this: you don’t watch the boiling pot on the stove turn bones and water into chicken stock and think, “Oh, it’s a coincidence that there’s chicken stock here now, the bones and water and heat did nothing. Our books say nothing about this, so it cannot be.”
If someone said that to you after you cooked dinner, you wouldn’t throw out your broth. You wouldn’t restart dinner to fit their views. You would, rightly, roll your eyes and tell them to read a new book! And then they have the nerve to act like something is wrong with you while you’re in the thick of the work they insist isn’t happening.
Islam is the first doctrine I’ve seen that doesn’t even attempt such nonsense. Islam tells me, “Yes it is real, but it is a farce. A fabrication. It is a twisted imitation of the power of Allah and that is why all you put out always comes back to hurt you no matter how good your intentions. These forces will only turn your desires against you. Allah is the real source of power and change,” and that is a much more sensible reaction to the reality of the situation in my opinion.
You can’t tell me if you saw a lightning bolt shoot down from the sky in response to your actions calling for such, that you would turn away and say, “Bah, a coincidence.” How many coincidences am I supposed to have then? Am I a lightning rod? A superconductor? If that’s the case, I should be studied for my electrical properties! But I think we all know that if you hooked me up to an amp reader, you’d find nothing out of the ordinary. I’m only a normal human being.
Islam doesn’t tell you, “Do not worry?” it tells you, “Give your worries to Allah.” and that is far more beautiful and far more practical than a bunch of self-absorbed academics who worship other self-absorbed academics telling you to just pretend it didn’t happen. You will not heal most people in need if your approach is to just take drugs as a first resort rather than a last resort, pay two hundred dollars a week to have a stranger gaslight you over a life they will never live, and then institutionalize them if they get worse instead of better.
And why would they get better? You have told them it is all up to them, that they must be strong, that they must rely on nobody but themselves even if they are at their weakest, that they must emerge from this stronger than before, that they must deny their own eyes and ears, that there is no point beyond themselves and no purpose beyond chasing their desires.
Who wouldn’t get worse hearing that? That’s awful. You are sabotaged, and then punished again when their actions break you down even more. The pressure that secular psychology puts on people is insane. That is why I now believe Allah is far more merciful than secularism or occultism.
And that is not to talk badly of therapy or medicine as a whole. When done right they are good and necessary, but that is not what secular medicine provides most of the time and it is a shame. I’m just thankful that the word of the prophets is not only in existence but free.
Islam is as merciful as Allah. Islam tells me that I don’t need to spend money I don’t have and put myself into debt to receive wisdom and be guided toward healing, and results. Good results. Results that will bring me the peace that occult practices never could, or would even if they could, because that was never what Satan intended for any of us. Satan is real, and he is selfish, and he is clever.
Satan is a lot like the idea of a genie in popular media, or a monkey’s paw. Wicked spirits will give you exactly what you ask for, and it will be your ruin. Your desires are taken and used against you, and you are powerless to stop them without help. Allah is all-knowing and all-merciful. Allah gives you what is best for you, even if you don’t know it’s what you want yet. Even in the thick of such sinful things, Allah is waiting for us to realize the truth and trust Him again, so he can truly help us.
That is why Allah will not tell me my eyes and ears are wrong because some random upper-class Western men from the eighteen and nineteen hundreds all said so. Rather than being told to suppress, ignore, and dismiss me as a credible witness, I am told instead to have patience in my heart and turn my gaze in the right direction. It’s not that my experiences are a farce, it’s the path I’ve been led onto that is a farce. Allah is the key and the answer, and He asks nothing of me in return but faith and patience. Alhamdulillah for that.