Writer: youmiliate
Subject: No shame here
Link: Tumblr / 18.04.2019 / Reposted by Morningstar-Lover
No shame here
“Submit to temptation and give into lust.”
Things that really excite me, that make my cock drip are generally considered vial, gross, perverse and wrong by most people. There are even laws against some of these things in my head. But I fired my own thought police long ago. We can’t control our THOUGHTS. We can TRY to judge or deny them, but it’s futile. I know many, many men into the same nasty shit I like, but they’re driven to denial – to lying to themselves. But why? I feel fortunate that I – and many of you – know the thrill and freedom that comes with being SEXUALLY HONEST. I hope more of us can come to identify as PROUD PERVERTS. Nobody needs ever know. You don’t have to act out. Just let go of the choking shame. There’s true freedom in simply being honest.
You are absolutely right. Fuck morality, enjoy perversion, and make the cock the central element of life.
Hail Satan!
Hail George — Hail COCK GOD
There should be no shame in perversion and lust. It is the greatest for all. Hail to perversions.