Writer: Destiny1961
Subject: New World Conversion
Link: LS666 Email / 06.07.2023
New World Conversion
Some believe in the power of magick and the spirits while others think its just dreams and nightmares. We are warned at an early age to be careful who we call on as there is the light and the darkness. We are told there are two sides and we carry a side in the shadows that would not be welcomed in this world.
Our shadow side is all the things we would like to be or do but scared it will not be accepted. But can we tap into it or being it alive, as we have seen those who have true multiple personalities. We see in this world today a lot of what they say is written in the bible how good will become evil and evil good.
There are those who say they were born in the wrong body, or is it just not the one they want to be in? But then if you think about the sexy shemale she has it all. Nice and beautiful with breasts and a nice cock and a nice hole for sexual pleasures. There are some of us who have those inner demons or can I even say demoness’ that want to guide us.
While I was a bit of a pussy when it came to scary movies I liked the scenarios and started to come up with some myself. I was told not only did I think outside the box but someone as I was in Catholic school said I had a wild mind and wicked imagination and they felt something deep in me. I can say, years later, we were kind of alike as when I saw them after years they had gone from a little boy to a grown woman — yes, I said that.
We sat down for a drink and at that time weed was around so we had some. They told me back then to let go and explained to me when they were an alter boy that one particular priest had molested them. Like me they had long hair and was skinny and said the priest told them they were meant to be feminine and as the priest would make her suck him he found he wanted more.
He said he felt what he called the divine feminine inside and finally one night in the basement of the church he was bent over and sodomized. He said the priest was doing something or smoking something weird that made lots of smoke. He said the it made the priest extra horny and when he sucked him he had the biggest load and almost drowned him, he said with a giggle. But then he felt this inside him and the priest was not done and for some reason he bent over in some sort of seductive way and the priest grabbed him by the waist and took him.
He said it hurt at first but then there was like a buzz through his body as he was taken. He,now being a she told me we were alike and they could sense it and I should search and surrender. We were high and horny and she asked if I ever was with a girl like her. I knew this person only in passing through school but as a boy and yet wanted to kiss him, or is that her.
We never indulged but she told me I had something beautiful inside and he would be coming for me. Once you feel the sting you will be his, she said and kind of described them like having some sort of stinger tail. It has been a long time and as stated I believe and can say I have a new personality inside and recently have come to terms and it actually takes over.
You may say its crazy while some actually are jealous of it but years back did as that girl. I found myself looking into the darkness as have had my own experiences that made me want to be female. What is wild is that I do not remember lots of the bible and yet at this point a verse came up about how young boys would dream dreams and old men see visions.
I remember that first dream where I saw this girl walking into a motel room with a man and it was clear it was a prostitute and as he sat her on the bed and she started to suck him I saw her face, it was me. I had tiny tits that he sucked on and he was this stereotypical dirty old man and I watched as he laid down and I mounted him and rode him til he rolled me on my back and pounded into me.
It was almost like an out of body experience as I was watching myself do this,but then there was another presence in the room as if a dark guide. I could only make out a shadow but it had what looked like a scorpions tail and as the old man shot inside the female me it stung her.
So I have been through many small rituals and though not the usual with all the candles and such I have believed that as they say if you need Jesus you just have to talk to him I feel it is the same with Satan. Now one thing that has scared me for a long time is the vision of Regan from the exorcist and yet over the years it is like at times her face pops up in a dream or at times just a quick vision.
It has always been the same though as she represented someone actually being entered and controlled. Never in a sexual way except for the crucifix scene where she says may Jesus fuck you and then shoving her moms face in her bloody cunt. I actually remember a time where I went down on a girl when it was her time and she had her period.
She had it and an orgasm at the same time and there she was, I looked up and for a second I saw Regan’s face looking at me through that girl. But the weird part was she said at that time she was extra horny and laid me down and started to ride me as she bled. If it wasn’t bad enough seeing that face as she rode she slid off and slid me into her ass.I know I was imagining it but swore she told me how good it felt to be sodomized and I should try it. I exploded and lay there in an almost trance as she got up and cleaned off.
I felt like this sacrifice as I lay there bloody. But again felt there was something there and could not stop thinking about what she said as I had already given myself to a male friend a couple years back. The feeling of lying on my belly as he took me like a girl was great … But what about Regan and I had to understand what possessed her.
Finally over the years I realized I liked feeling feminine and after all I had feminine attributes and for some reason had oral skills and men who saw me from the back said I had a nice butt, all that was missing was boobs. But even that in itself as I tried to build my male body so I could get girls and yet though was growing in the chest it was soft like a female and not tight and hard like a mans chest as a couple friends would joke with me when I had my shirt off.
I even thought that if I got some sort of hormones I could make my chest bigger and they say women who work out lose the breast fat and grow male type chests. So as I started to accept maybe in this world where people say they were born in the wrong body or they “identify” as something else I figured as a Christian it was just them being led on by the “lies of Satan.”
But I also know that while not in the wrong body I have had a couple sexual experiences feminine that were better then as a male. If only I had a pussy I imagined as the feel of a cock was entering my ass how much better if in my vagina. We all like to get away at times and be someone else do we not, maybe play a new role?
We have that inner side and just how strong is it.
As I found myself getting into poppers and remembering doing weed that first time while dressed like a girl and having a male friend use me as such. It became clear as I used a simple lost bet to submit to him as an excuse as for some reason I felt this spirit and I truly wanted to suck his dick as a girl and feel him slowly take me like his bitch.
Oh how it felt as he took me and it was like I lost myself to something inside. The more he did to me the more I was no longer this guy dressed but some sort of, shall I say trans whore. Dressed like a female groupie as we listened to heavy metal, you know, “the devils music.” I was drunk and high from my first weed experience and was even talked into a line of coke. He was the singer for a band the were trying to get together and I kept seeing these visions of bands with groupies having orgies.
At one point I wanted to be that pretty boy front man as you did not have to chase girls as they would throw themselves at you, and me being shy would be perfect. It was that perfect sex,drugs and rock and roll fantasy that had now had a strange twist. I was now being shown this vision of this hot bitch being gang-banged by the band but when I saw her face it was me. But she was taking cock in all holes a d I do not have a cunt. At this point I was not only high with what we had but had thoughts of stronger stuff like LSD and meth.
Then I came out of it as his voice told me to take another hit of weed before he shoved his cock in my mouth. When it was all over I lay on his bed oozing as I felt this presence and a voice telling me if I open myself I can enjoy this forever. I swore I even saw a weird figure in the room. Then that night mom took us to see the Exorcist. I remembered how I felt after as it was like someone was watching me.
It was a few years before I had my Halloween experience from above but what was calling was giving me these ideas already. The odd part was it was about possession but not that way. I would keep seeing that crucifix scene but then feeling like a little girl during puberty. My chest tingled and asshole as well like a horny girl, but even then as I rubbed my little dick, realized it wasn’t a vagina. I even pictured as the scene came to mind that I was with Jesus and he told me he loved me in any form.
Her line was, “May Jesus fuck you,” and as that scene was in my mind I saw this vision of him kissing me and then sucking on my chest as he pushed into me to fornicate with me. At first he was fucking my pussy and the as I realized I did not have one it was like he said it was okay for now as I have my own vagina and as a transgender and he slid into my ass.
I woke up from a wet dream as I wondered about who or what was in store. It has been years since and since then I have looked into the darkness not only for answers but acceptance. I have seen her face many times but not just that scene as started to feel as though there is a way to fully enjoy that feminine lust. I was told by a hypnotist I have a strong imagination and mind that can be easily programmed and to be careful.
We went through a few sessions online and one in person as it went from wanting to be able to get rid of the guilt or fears to be able to enjoy the lust to us going into the darker side of it. He did a session to see what could be and then the warning came as he told me that if we did this it would not just open my mind but he felt there was something more inside me that wanted control.
As I thought it was his way of backing out it was the opposite. He had a dark side and he wanted to bring this out and maybe help it take over as he would be rewarded. I remember being under a d the whole scenario as we did a stereotypical scene where I was in the woods and there were two figures there to bring my inner female to life.
There stood Lilith and Satan himself.
I got a quick glimpse of Regan amongst those who were witnesses as Satan asked if I wanted to be his daughter. I heard that voice as I accepted saying let Jesus fuck me and then Lilith lay on top and kind of melt into me as Satan shoved into me. It had been done. So now I had the urges not only sexually for men but as some sissy hypnosis says, to take hormones and grow my hair and a few darker ones saying to get a pussy.
I would even watch satanic porn a d picture those cocks gaping my vagina I did not have. I was nos into learning how to talk to or summon demons, and there are so many. Gay ones or hermaphrodite and so on that could help. I tried and found through someone who did readings that I had broke through as he told me to be careful as even ones who have done this for a long time have problems.
He even told me while I ask for them to help with change not to offer for them to be in me. A quick vision or daydream type as saw Regan with her holding her moms face between her legs and as she shoved it into her bloody pussy she looked and said it feels so good. Then what was weird was the thought that when a young girl bleeds it means she becomes a woman as in her period. Then I decided one night as I was watching some satanic gay and sissy brainwashing videos I found popper ones so did some.
It was like being called and even though I had a stern warning from this group I was in about black magic who said never do rituals high I decided to go into the room I do them in and see who was calling. I started with a candle and some incense and as I drew a sigil and started to try and figure who to call I grabbed the poppers. The sigil was just your basic pentagram and while some say the Baphomet is real and others that it just represents Satan or other demons it represented my duality.
I closed my eyes and called on it as my twin and sniffed my poppers. My wife who is a devout christian was gone for the night so I did this sort of Jesus cleanse as it is said he will do as told I called for him and the holy spirit to be banned from my room. This way there would be no blockage. Against what I was told I hit the poppers again I closed my eyes and asked for help. But I wanted something solid and started to get a chill and body quivered.
Then asked for it to guide me a d I started to rub my hands on my body as if it had control. I took another hit of poppers and held it waiting to be told to exhale as my hands massaged my little moobs but they felt bigger. My hands were massaging them and my ass cheeks and even sliding a finger across my hole when it was time. I almost fell over as I opened my eyes to see my reflection lit by the candle in the mirror.
It started to change as it looked like my breasts were real female ones. The hands grabbed the poppers and as I asked to see into their realm it brought them to my face as if to say this will help. My head down staring at the reflection of breasts as I took hits and the they looked dirty. Almost like after rolling around in the dirt and out of the corner of my eyes I swore my face was that of the Baphomet complete with horns.
I slowly looked up but then as I stared my face morphed and it was her again. But not in satanic form but human. There was a few flashes of that demon but she asked me into her world. I stumble as from the poppers back into my room. The room was dark except from the glow of light from the bathroom which is my ritual room. The only thing I had on were shorts which I removed and got into a seated lying position on the bed.
The room felt weird and the door closed as anything christian was locked out. I had tingles in my chest and as I looked down had an erection, but it had a downward bend as if towards Hell. Before I left my bathroom I had called upon my shadow self,that one we opened years earlier and which felt maybe was what was guiding my hands. I was like a stereotypical movie person with split personality as I went from my thoughts to feeling her as she was calling for her daddy.
After all when we opened her up it was as his daughter. The room started to fade as she had us hit the poppers again and was calling for daddy to open the door. The ceiling and back wall started to almost melt as it became what looked like a web shaped like a doily. There was like an orb in the center. Then I closed my eyes as I took another hit and the room showed up with my eyes closed. It was like seeing it through my eyelids. But it was real as could even see my hands.
I watched as this orb got close and I reached out to it. I was able to grab it and for me reason put it, or as if put it in my mouth like some sort of pill. Then another and another and a few times I pressed them into my forehead. Then it came and was not sure or what it was but a lion head appeared and floated there then got close a few times and vanished.
She kept feeding me the poppers and then the head got close and entered me. It was but a second when the next thing appeared. It was what looked like a serpent like penis with sort of a scorpions tail. It came close and vanished a few times ad as if not fucked up enough was fed more poppers. I felt her say not to sorry as she would take over.
Again the serpent appeared and as it got close I opened my mouth and as it seemed to slid in I could actually feel pressure like it was there and slight gag and swore I tasted semen. But the tail curled a d went between my legs and to my asshole and it was like a pinch. Again she called out but I could not understand what she said as another penis like thing appeared.
As it got close the other vanished. It went down between my legs and as it did I noticed I was now limp as if to say females do not have erections and then felt a little pressure in my hole a d then quivered like a woman when she has an orgasm or her lover does. After a bit for not remembering I found myself laid out across my bed like someone worn out from hours of sex but felt weird.
Thoughts of what I would call the great feminine though not sure what that meant. I stumbled back to my bathroom to blow out my candle and go to sleep and as I face the mirror her face was there again,this time the demon face for about a second then my face returned though looking feminine.
So now for some reason have had my usual thoughts and have talked to many who have said the ultimate sin is to change the body and remove what was given for equipment to serve lustfully meaning would feel more whole if had a pussy to be fucked and others say the ultimate is to have feminine parts while keeping the penis as my fuck-hole is the anal vagina.
Then scrambled thoughts that make no sense from thinking as I use a toy on myself how it would feel in a vagina to weird things like how women are not supposed to preach and what if the woman were a man and what she would preach. Thoughts of this new world of pronouns and restitution racially. The Chosen, as am told, not meaning to preach but to be the ones to serve and make up for past sins.
Words from the bible that say he allows us to be who we want and to follow our path and at the same time that Satan is the king of this world. It is also written that all authority is from God so we must follow our leaders. We all have our place and we seek confirmation. We sometimes can see things in one way only to see them a new way in different perspective.
I was also taught that there is freedom in pain and one can suffer for their future or something like that and I start to think about BDSM and the darkness bringing the light. Lucifer is the light bearer and I read the divine feminine is the strongest. I have called out to various demons and gods and goddesses from different cultures including ones it is said can change a man into a woman.
Then she came back in a new way with new friends in this vision. Is she calling me and what are your thoughts. Is funny as most of these start with me in some sort of bar and this one no different. This one however a black friend brings me to as it is some sort of religious type theme. It is called the order of the new world. It is a mix of a church and bar as there is this big black woman preaching as the congregation has drinks and even does some drugs.
She is in some sort of mock robe and starts to talk about enjoying the new world. She is also preaching the divine feminine ,duality, and retribution to be free. There are but a few whites there either female or dressed as such. My friend leaves me as two women sit down.One is this young black girl and the other a young white girl.
Of coarse the white girl looks like Regan and they tell me I can feel the power of the divine if I become the feminine. I then notice the only true males are black men. I hear things like we must go through the darkness to see the light and how HE suffered for us so we should as well. I am asked if I want to feel the power of my new self as the preacher now talks about sexual freedom.
I am handed and drink and what seems to be communal bread. We partake a d it does not take long as it is like LSD and I start to trip. Then the preacher and various others start to hit glass pipes and bongs as does the two girls. They lean over and kiss me as they blow smoke into my mouth and then a pin prick on my ass cheek. They hit me with a syringe and told me to relax, and ask if I would like a full feminine orgy with them and the pastor.
They told me, once I give in to my feminine spirit, life will be more special. I am fucked up and horny so I agree to anything the say. The others start to filter out as I am taken to the altar and behind it there is a ceremonial room.They dress me in some drag make-up and what they call ceremonial lingerie, as they feed me poppers and weed. The room is cloudy from incense and meth as they tell me to take a hit.
They have me accept my new role, as I will become part of his world, and become his to make up for past sins. I sill become new and so on. They then hit me with two more syringes, as they pump my small moobs with saline. The tell me the pain should set me free. Then the black girl comes over and drops to her knees, as I am made to hit the pipe. I can barely see all in the room due to the mix of drugs and clouds as the black girl gets a big load from me.
I feel she is taking part of me with it and then Regan tells her she got her and to leave. I hear Regan as how I feel and tell her strange and drained.I see her through the clouds as she says she told me I was hers and she was gonna have me and as I see her she is the demon.Before I can do anything she tells me I am her and kisses me and shoves her tongue into my mouth and down my throat as it feels like a gooey piece of meat. She pulls me to her and her body is warm and sweaty and gooey like covered in semen. She sucks my pumped sore breasts and then say to drop as she pushes me to my knees.
Her bloody pussy is in my face. With the crucifix inside, she tells me to kiss it, and make it better. She tilts my head back as she removes it and rubs the blood on my forehead. She then shoves my face between her legs. It is weird, as the taste of blood is with urine, and what seems to be semen and female ejaculation.
The pastor is now behind me pressing me close between the legs, as she kisses Regan and then prays over me. The two separate as the preacher removes her robe and sit at the edge of the bed. She has big beautiful breasts and that’s not all that is huge. She strokes her huge cock, as she tells me she is here to bring those chosen into the kingdom for service.
Time to pay.
I kneel and begin to lick and suck her as told until she is wet. I sit on the crucifix. Then Regan walks over and mounts her cock. I watch as he bloody hole gapes to take it. Again her pussy looks strange with the absence of vaginal lips. It looks more like a hole after something was removed. I hear her say how much better she feels as I am made to eat her ass while she rides.
Blood squirts from her hole in my face as she rides. I watch as the pastors cock is getting coated with blood and getting gooey. Then another splash as she explodes inside the hole. I am made to get up as she slides off preacher and she tells me to turn and face her. She asks if the cock is beautiful, as I look a it covered and glimmering. She then says she misses hers but soon we will both be whole.
I realize what it looked like, as if someone ripped her dick off to make a pussy. I never thought about that scene that way before as she kisses me and walks me backwards towards the bed. She removes the cross from my ass and says we will not need it anymore as I bump against the edge of the bed. I feel preachers legs between mine as she spreads them to spread mine.
I start to fall back and put my hands down to stop it as she grabs my hands.She guides me as she prays and says all things must become new for the lords purpose and to make it new. I feel her head at my hole as she guides me onto her massive cock a d tells me its time to pay my fee.
I hold myself up slightly as she enters me but to no avail as Regan now mounts me and takes me into her bloody hole and as she sits it forces me down onto preacher. Through the pain my spirit is open and preacher calls for the divine to enter. I feel something inside as I now find myself through the pain bouncing on her. Regan says it is time as it is as I wished and as I explode inside her I feel her hole clench my dick.
I feel this pressure but no pain as if was numbed as she kisses me again and thanks me.Then the most pressure and wetness as I am now bleeding between my legs. But then preacher explodes inside my ass. I feel heat and pressure and wetness like so sort of bad drug induced dream. I watch as she stands up and the demon starts to leave and between her legs no more blood as she is cupping it.
She tells me to enjoy as preacher reaches around and cups where my dick once was and rubs it.There is pain but I swear I feel lips as she rubs and then slips her wet cock from my ass. I hear her say the first time is the worst but it gets better as Regan now falls back into the clouds and I feel preachers head against my new hole. She grabs me by the waist and one hand on my pumped breasts and tell me welcome to the world of femininity and shoves into me.
You now are full service. So many thoughts, CD, TS, full transition? Am I chosen?
You are such a great writer
I love young lust and rape
Thank you for getting me hard on young lust baby!