Writer: Zaman X
Subject: Never alone: A Message From Hecate
Link: MEWE / 31.12.2021
Never alone: A Message From Hecate
The path is dark
And it is steep.
You may fall down,
Or break down,
And you may weep.
But know this, my child,
You were never meant
To walk this path alone.
When real hands
Failed to catch you,
Divine hands were there
To break your fall.
When your tears
Were berated or bullied,
Divine hands were there
To wipe them away.
In times when you felt
Unloved or unwanted,
Divine hands embraced you
And surrounded you with love;
Whether you needed
A Teacher, Guide, or Friend,
A Mother, Father, or Sibling,
We were there to fill the void.
Even when you felt
Your most alone in life,
When you felt as though
You were on your own,
We were always there,
Walking beside you.
And you have my word
That this is how it will always be.
When you can’t hear our words
Or feel our embrace,
When you can’t sense our presence
Or you can’t see our face,
Know this, dear child,
We are still with you
And have been all along.
You are never truly alone.
Thank You My Brother Xpanther
You Honor me
I am just a messenger
I convey what Lilith inspires me to
Hail Her!