Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: My Two Cents
Link: MEWE / 29.02.2024
My Two Cents
Worries of this world are consumerism and making money. Occasionally a mix of following one of many organized religions.
iPhone 15 Pro-Max, car payments, rent or mortgage, cell phone service, life insurance credit card bills, meals at the next great restaurant, motorcycle, surfboard, other hobby equipment, dancing, clubbing, professional licensing, wardrobe, makeup, hair, giving god your money (if you’re into that), gas or electricity, blah, blah, blah.
Humanity does take a break for sex. And why not it makes more consumers get jobs, ‘re for as little pay as possible, perceiving they are well paid, so they may also struggle the same way. Add a sprinkle of religion and now you may level up by worrying about getting into heaven, confessing sins, begging for scraps from a minor storm god or another entity.
Lilith showed me that only a few things matter, like living your life, following your morality, and of course orgasms. Now I have shared many times that two things matter, orgasms and what we do to achieve the next one.
I will break it down for better understanding. The body is simply a shell or avatar. It is of a gender and this is by design. No not for reproduction necessarily, it is a prison meant to keep your spirit ignorant and imprisoned. It is placed on a planet which also is a prison.
See each of you is Divine, more powerful than the god found in the Bible, and inside each is what is called the Divine Spark. This is the energy of creation. The bodies were to imprison and deny this energy and the pursuit of the aforementioned consumer products are the chains of slavery.
If you are occupied by these services and products, career and religion, then you do not have time to research and discover your Divinity. Lilith has shared the power of Sex Magick, Sea Magick, Sigil Magick, and many more. These all require energy, so why not use the power of orgasms for Magick?
Some of you readers have enjoyed your orgasms with me. I thank you, for the energy I used to manifest my desires. Just as a vampire seeks out sustenance I seek out the power of creation and use what I produce from others for my Magick. So yes, orgasm is everything, just not for the reason you suspected.
An additional 2 cents to add to Hoku’s. While an orgasm is a special gift, I would rather see life, since the beginning of modern man about 100,000 years ago, as competing forces between the urge to hunt and kill, and the need to mate and multiply. These are our most primitive human drives. But they pale in comparison to the most powerful human drive of all — the need to love and be loved.
Hail The Scribe of Lilith
Hoku Lani
I can see why you like your Broom!
Comical post full of vulgarity against an entity you don’t even know and who is absolutely not what you say. It’s obvious that you don’t know anything about this kind of topic. The entity you spoke about is not at all as described by you, these articles then bring unpleasant things to those who write them. In magic now we only talk about Solomonic magic which is very serious and very far from the nonsense I have read here and in other posts. Site found by accident, what a shame. There are strange posts with vulgar photographs and full of slander against Christianity everywhere. Christianity is growing again and again and fortunately you have no followers or following. Site found by accident. I will never come back here again.