Feature Writer: Ghost
Feature Title: My Story 8
Published: 16.08.2023
Story Codes: Supernatural, Transformation, Transgender, Demons
Author’s Comments: As I’ve discussed in my other chapters I have an intense fascination with an entity that has appeared to me since I was a teen. I’ve grown to accept and maybe even embrace the feeling that this entity seems to be training or guiding me, I’m just not sure where I’m being taught but I am enjoying the journey. When I’m having a bad week, I go to the altar I’ve dedicated to Lilith and ask her for guidance, I don’t always get an answer but live for the times I do.
It might be just a quick passing comment or bowing my head when I’m walking past the altar. And other times it’s more like I sit down with incense, black candles, and her sigil and hope for more of a connection. I’ve explained that I feel like, over the years, she is preparing me for something, I just don’t know what. I’ve surmised that I am being turned into a Succubus slowly over time.
There are times I ask and feel I get an immediate reaction but other times I only think guided to what to do. I know I must examine my actions like a lesson plan and then think about what I’ve learned from the experience. I know there are those who don’t believe such creatures exist but others who swear they do. For now, I’m simply following with reverence and hoping I pass the next test.
My Story
What’s happened so far
In my previous 7 chapters, I explained how Lilith appeared to me at an early age and how she seems to control me, and how I crave that connection. Something like a pet craves the attention and approval of their master. These stories are meant to help me make sense of all that is going on around me. I’m past trying to understand the events that happen around me but have settled into a feeling of being controlled or owned by Lilith and possibly others she lets play with me (or guides me to play with). I have accepted these feelings and seek more. I am now comfortable being seen as a little sissy by those I encounter on my journeys and hope this all has meaning. I no longer fear the dark but rather embrace it and seek it out!
My Story — Chapter 8
I found myself alone at home for a few days as my wife was traveling for work. I actually look forward to her travel and use that time to explore both my fascination and growing connection with an entity I believe to be Lilith. I had the whole weekend to relax and explore and laid out some familiar items around her altar in hopes of making a connection and helping me gain some insight and understanding. I’ve come to accept my feelings of being more feminine in her presence and have a need to know more. As darkness fell, I drew the symbols on the floor, laid out the incense, and black candles, and gathered all the other usual items.
I have recently purchased a long velvet hooded cape with a beautiful silver clasp at the neck and laid it out as well. I don’t even know why I bought it but when I saw it in a catalog it seemed to speak to me. Laid out around the altar was a bottle of fine red wine, a crystal goblet, assorted chocolates, and some expensive and exotic fruits. I set my alarm for 2:00 am so that all preparations could be completed by 3:00 am when the ritual would take place. I awoke and lit the candles, put on some dark sensual music, lit the incense, stripped, put on the black hooded cape, and began to meditate on Lilith’s Sigil.
As time went on the smoke from the incense got thicker and the room seemed to get warmer. I had written my intentions on a piece of old parchment paper and read the intentions aloud then picked up a small ceremonial blade and put a small cut on my thumb to sign the paper with blood. I’ve always felt this was a sign of devotion and respect. I took a drink of the wine and a bite of the fruit then let a piece of the chocolate melt on my tongue as I closed my eyes and began a short evocation to Lilith in Latin.
Once I had committed the evocation to memory I paused, lit the parchment, set it in a silver bowl, and watched as the flame consumed the words. When the parchment had been turned to ash, I added a small amount of wine to the bowl to make a paste and used that to draw assorted symbols associated with Lilith onto my chest, thighs, and the small of my back. I added more wine and drank deeply from the silver bowl, consuming the remaining ashes. I closed my eyes and continued repeating the evocation.
When I opened my eyes, I saw that the smoke from the candle and the smoke from the incense had begun to mix and appeared to swirl and dance in the candlelight. I was excited but tried to remain calm.
“Hello,” I said in a revered tone.
After watching shapes form in the smoke, I fell into a trance then saw a whisp of the smoke seem to drift off and down the hallway … and felt that I was being asked to follow. I walked down the stairs and out the door and felt I knew where I would be led.
There is a golf course near me, and I’ve been “summoned” to a particular place on the course several times before. It’s a dark place in a valley with a small lake and a stream leading out of a tangle of woods. In one of my previous chapters, I mentioned how I had to travel out of my personal driveway, down a long common driveway, and then go a short distance down a county road to get to a path that led to the golf course. I seemed to glide along the road and was only semi-aware that I was naked except for my cape.
As I neared the path a car came down the road and it was then that I realized the beauty of the black cape. I wrapped it around my body and since the hood was up, I blended into the darkness and was all but invisible to the car. I stood not a few feet off the road as the car drove by with its occupants unaware that I was even there. I felt a sense of calm and excitement knowing the spot where I was being drawn.
As I walked out of the woods and onto the golf course, I could see the little lake at the bottom of the valley. The lake was surrounded by a thick fog and that only intrigued me more. The path dropped into the valley and then to a wooden footbridge over a narrow part of the lake. The bridge was only about a foot off the water and about a hundred feet long.
As I walked into the fog I looked down at my naked body in the faint moonlight and liked what I saw. Maybe it was the mist playing visual tricks, maybe the shadow from the moonlight through the trees, or maybe it was all in my mind, but my body appeared softer and more feminine. My pecs looked more like small breasts with rosy bud-like nipples that were more pronounced and seemed darker. My waist seemed smaller and my hips shapelier.
I arrived at the narrow bridge and could barely see the other side through the mist. The bridge has become almost a symbol to me of “Crossing Over”. I stepped down the last few steps onto the wooden landing and then undid the silver clasp and let the black velvet cape fall off my shoulders and pool at my feet.
As I started to walk across the bridge, I began to feel even more feminine, I didn’t seem to feel my cock bouncing like I normally do when naked and I felt my hips begin to sway as I walked. When I got to the middle of the bridge I turned to my right and looked across the water and into the woods and swamp on the other shore. I got the feeling I wasn’t alone and was filled with both apprehension and excitement. I looked down at my reflection and it indeed appeared much more feminine.
This is not the first time I’ve looked into these waters and saw a similar reflection. The fog was thick and it made the night sky darker. What little moonlight there was still seemed to make the mist shimmer around me. I closed my eyes to take in the scents and the sounds around me and when I opened them, I realized that in the dim moonlight, I did not even see my cock. Not in the reflection and not when I looked down. It looked and felt like it was gone and all I could see was a little patch of pubic hair and a cute little mound. Maybe it was just the light and shadows, but I loved the image and it’s now burned into my memory. I didn’t bother to feel for it since I was enjoying the look and the feel. My hair appeared longer, and as I stared into the woods.
“Thank you,” I simply replied.
If I had left now, I would have been left with this image as a more feminine me and I would have been quite happy. Life was good! I was enjoying the image and listening to the sounds of the darkness around me when I began to hear footsteps – not plodding nor sneaking but at a slow confident pace. There across the bridge was a figure coming out of the trees and heading toward me.
I could not make out who or what it was, but it was coming my way in a slow and deliberate fashion. I froze! I could not move at all. I could process in my mind that I should run but, except for being able to turn my head slowly, I could not move. My hands were holding onto the rope rail, I was bent at the waist slightly with my legs spread in a very vulnerable position and I was absolutely frozen.
As the figure got closer, I was not sure if they held this power over me or if I was simply too scared to run. They were dark and the moonlight didn’t seem to reflect off them at all. There were no features, it was as though they simply absorbed the light. I felt them walk behind me and their hands touched my hips in a gentle but firm caress, I welcomed the feeling but was still concerned.
As it caressed my body, I began to realize it meant no harm but it was obvious it was in control and I was not. At times I swore I felt strong muscles behind me and at other times I felt like firm breasts were being pressed into my back. I could feel contact with my skin yet could not discern if they were male or female. The hands sensuously dropped to my hips, and I felt them draw me closer.
I began to get my senses back and now I could move a little – but really didn’t want to. The feeling was pure pleasure, and I wasn’t going anywhere! I opened my legs and tilted my hips to greet them and felt a strange sensation against my skin as I pushed back. It didn’t feel like the soft skin I was expecting but it wasn’t unpleasant either. It almost felt like soft leather and quite warm. We never spoke and I felt like I was simply responding to their wants and needs. I could feel every muscle and tendon move as they began to push forward against me, and our bodies seemed to fit like an interlocking puzzle.
I felt a warmth rubbing against my backside and realized that whatever it was had a cock and I was moving my ass to meet it with every movement. It felt wet and extremely slick and as it rubbed against my opening, I let out a long breath. As it began to slip into me, I pushed back, welcoming them inside me. I looked into the water, and I still looked completely feminine, I still could not make out any of their features – just a black shape in the shadows.
It was like I was looking at a Gothic painting of a demon having sex with a woman, and I was the woman. I felt them begin to slide into me and I welcomed every vein and ridge. My entire body begging for more. With every move I made they seemed to slip deeper inside me. Time seemed to stand still as I stood on the bridge completely submitting to them. I remember thinking that there was no place I’d rather be and got lost in the feeling.
I don’t know how long we were tied together but then I felt them get close and then start to swell inside me. I felt them start to pulse and knew they were about to cum inside me. The hands on my hips gripped tighter and I felt them pull me closer. I felt the first shot deep inside me and my knees went weak – I was in their complete control. After the first few shots inside me, I felt them pull out and spray cum over the small of my back as though they were marking their territory.
It felt incredible, then I felt them hungrily push back deep inside me as I willingly accepted the last of their cum. We stood there for a long time and the sense of being owned and it was overwhelmingly intimate. As they loosened their grip on my hips, I felt them finally slip out. I could feel their hot cum begin to run down my back and down the insides of both legs and it pooled between my feet. It felt great and wonderful, and I’ve never seen so much cum.
I reached back and put my hand on the thick liquid running down the small of my back and then raised my fingers and examined it, then took a lick, it was somewhat sweet and nutty and lingered on my tongue. After a while, I looked down in the reflection again and saw nothing behind me and realized they were gone. As I looked around, I realized they had simply vanished.
I stood there for the longest time, enveloped in the mist, with my hips still raised feeling the air on the wetness that now ran down my lower back and both legs. Several cars went by on the country road, but I never moved and just basked in my post-fuck glow. I eventually realized I should get home and gathered my cloak to walk home. The moon had gone behind some clouds and as I looked down, I realized I was glowing.
Not a bright glow but the very subtle glow that I have experienced before after having a fair amount of cum in me. The glow in the mist looked ethereal and I slowly made my way home. You can say, or believe, what you want but I feel like I belong to this entity and that she is Lilith. I think she comes in many forms to suit her will and I don’t question. I’ve grown to think that she sees me as some sort of pet, and I find that comforting.
This is the first time I feel like I was fucked by her (or something she sent to me) and I’m looking forward to the next time. I don’t know any other way to describe what happened, so I’ll just leave this here as my testament to her. I made it home and stripped off my cloak and stood in front of her altar and thanked her for the experience, then went to bed, the insides of both legs still covered in the thick coating of cum I so willfully received.
I slept well and awoke with no evidence of my late-night activities on my skin or the sheets but had the definite feeling, and soreness, that I had been thoroughly and fully fucked. I also had a renewed energy and a sense of purpose. There are some who might say I dreamed it or that it didn’t really happen and to them I say I know what I’ve been experiencing for years and now that it’s become more frequent and my experiences more vivid, I am content with my thoughts.
I share these stories as my way to process everything happening to me so believe what you wish – I’m content. I’ve mentioned before the feeling I have that I could be a Succubus in training in this life and that also brings me a warm feeling of belonging. I can’t tell you that I had sex with Lilith or if it was someone or something she sent. What I can tell you is I had sex and it was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before.