My First Crush by XP

Writer: XP

Subject: My First Crush

Link: LS666 Blog / 05.08.2024 (Happy birthday) 

My First Crush

It was back in the 90s. 1994 to be more precise. I don’t know if you remember a movie, from back then, called “Stargate”. I’m not talking about the television series, but the original Roland Emmerich film. It starred a Kurt Russell and James Spader — but the actor that caught my eye was “Jaye Davidson”.

The Stargate plot centers on an ancient ring-shaped device that creates a wormhole, enabling travel to a similar device elsewhere in the universe. The central plot explores the theory of extraterrestrial beings having an influence upon our civilization.

Jaye Davidson as plays the part of the evil god “Ra” (you know how I love evil gods). Ra is actually a powerful alien in human form. After voyaging across the universe, searching for a new host that could sustain his dying body, Ra took the form of a curious adolescent boy and enslaved the people of his planet (supposedly, Earth).

I think it was that combination of being totally evil and androgynous that really got my attention. It was the first time, since my early childhood, that I had a huge crush on another guy.

Jaye as the evil Ra was totally hot! I mean, I wanted to fuck him so badly. I later found out that he also played the part of a transgendered character “Dil” in the movie “Crying Game” — again, he was totally hot and fuckable.

Jaye was born in Riverside, California in 1968, the son of a Ghanaian father and English mother — born Alfred Amey on March 21, 1968 — he is current ply an English model, fashion stylist, retired actor, and married to his male partner.

Talking about being gay, the heavily tattooed, Davidson, said that during his acting career, he said that his androgynous look alienated him within the gay community; he stated that gay men “love very masculine men. And I’m not a very masculine person. I’m reasonably thin. I have long hair, which isn’t very popular with gay men.

Maybe it’s still like that in the gay community. I certainly am aware of this in the gym. But for me, I find muscles do nothing for me. Jaye represents an ideal balance between masculine and feminine. And though I will never get to know him personally, I would wish my first crush every happiness in his life.

So, what about you? Who was your first crush? Unlike me, you ever do anything about it?

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