Writer: Anashulya
Subject: My Fight For Freedom
Link: Tumblr / 04.02.2025 / Sacred Darkness / @anashulya / anashulya.tumblr.com
Author’s Notes: My violence and rage is divine — For I hold the elixir of life — And the sanctity of death
My Fight For Freedom — And The Opposition From Yahweh’s Angels
I grew up Catholic, but at the age of nineteen, I ended up questioning my faith and began searching for the truth. Yahweh’s angels tried stopping me by putting specific physical and mental pain on me every single time I would question Yahweh or when just simply viewing theistic Luciferian websites and blogs.
The pain they cast on me would sometimes be so intense that it would leave me bent over in pain on the floor. However, when I fought back and they realized they couldn’t completely stop me, they then tried shifting my focus to question Catholicism instead of Yahweh himself. So then it led me to leave Catholicism and become a Christian Baptist instead. But I still felt conflicted and after a few months, I finally broke free of the angels’ influence and no longer gave my worship to Yahweh.
It took some time after that to dismantle the major religious programming that was leftover, but after communicating with and feeling the presence of Lucifer and Lilith, I had finally decided that I wanted to walk the Left Handed Path as a Theistic Luciferian.
Fuck all religions that tell women that their greatest and most holy divine purpose would be to give birth to children.
Darkness is my place of devotion. It’s a sacred temple for me to honor myself and find comfort. My home lies within the paradises of Hell, away from the corruption of a tyrannical god.
As much as I didn’t want to feel my rage that had been caused by my pain and trauma, I would be doing myself a disservice if I didn’t express it and risk coming across as too hateful. If I didn’t say how much I can’t stand certain things, people, or Abrahamic religions, I wouldn’t be able to fully process my traumas. I tried healing my traumas the “nice and peaceful” way, but it didn’t work.
There are also other sides to my rage. One not fueled by pain and trauma, but instead by a love for justice and freedom. I will not stand by being silent and meek if I see others in my life being unjustly attacked. I will not condone abuse, oppression, disrespect, corruption, or mistreatment. Not expressing this rage would be a betrayal of my soul.
I will not coddle the preferences of others to uphold any sense of my social likeability. So I will choose to honor myself and heal from my wounds. For my rage is divine.
I cringe every time I see someone wearing a cross. It’s revolting. It reminds me of Yahweh’s corruption every time I see one.
I can’t stand Satanists/Luciferians/etc who proudly proclaim that hurting an innocent person or child is empowering and okay to do. The real Satan/Lucifer/Lilith would not tell you to torment innocent beings. So shut the fuck up and go torture someone who deserves it.
When you do something for others or give out of the “goodness of your heart” and feel entitled to get something in return, you never do it for others. You did it for yourself.
I can’t stand when someone complains about how “selfish” other people are by talking about all the good deeds that they themself have done compared to other people. You sound like the selfish one to me, trying to get a higher social status and trying to make people believe how good of a person you are.
When you give to others or do good things for others, never expect to get anything out of it.
It’s funny how the same Christians who say “God is love” will then shove fear propaganda in your face. Honey, love isn’t built on fear. By spreading fear, you are drawing away the people who have genuine love in their hearts because love can’t exist with fear involved. So you end up attracting a lot of people who lack love within themselves.
You are a woman. Not a man’s plaything or toy, so stop acting like one and reclaim your power. You are a divine being with a unique soul that has an untapped power you need to awaken. Stop acting like everything is okay with your fake smiles. Express your true emotions that are screaming to be let out. Including the ones you suppress because you don’t want to come across as “unlikable”. Step into your divine power. It resides within your heart. Your emotions.
Your rage is valid. Do not shame yourself for your primal inclinations and feelings. It is a part of nature. Most look down upon their darker primal natures, seeing them as inferior or “bad”.
But you are not like them, are you? Despite social conditioning, you feel like something isn’t right about it all. So rise above it all with the fire in your soul to burn the whole fucking prison to the ground.
I don’t think a lot of these pro-lifers, misogynists, etc understand that the divine rage is rising. The Goddess is done watching people attack the divine feminine and trying to enslave the feminine. She will eat you alive and give you no warning. For she is wild and free.