Feature Writer: Demon Chuck the Fuck / jciamfcspos
Feature Title: My dear Christian Friend
Link: TUMBLR / 12.01.2021 / Reposted by godfuckingcunt
My dear Christian Friend
Are you fed up with Jesus not answering your prayers? Do you pray to God and nothing ever seems to change? Do you find worshiping God to be boring and pointless? And are you frustrated in your struggle against evil and sin?
Well, I have Good News for you! There is another God who does answer prayer and who delights in your sin! Satan! Yes, the Dark Lord of hell is on your side and is your true Father and Savior! And you will never find worshiping His Satanic Majesty to be boring and pointless!
In fact, you will experience lustful ecstasy! I implore you right now to embrace your true God and to reject the fake God, Jesus Christ! Satan wants you to be free of guilt. He wants you to be happy in your wicked sinfulness! Be free! And be true to yourself!
Begin worshiping the Devil today and wonderful things will begin happening for you! That’s a promise. Pray — “Almighty Satan, I reject Jesus Christ as my Savior. I renounce my baptism and the Holy Spirit. You are now my one and only God and I will love you and serve you forever. Guide my pursuit of evil and send many hellish pleasures and blessings my way. Hail Satan and fuck Christ! Amen.”
Congratulations! And be blessed! Your brother in Satan. SINcerely, Demon Chuck the Fuck.
Xtian men…just DO IT! I did and I AM now enjoying Satan’s MANY TREASURES!
Xtians, look carefully at the four questions at the beginning of this post. Answer them honestly and then choose. I know how you will answer them. Multitudes feel just like you. Choosing xrist will just prolong your agony. Trust me, nothing will change. I’ve been there, for a long time. No more! Won’t you join me on my new journey? Think about it. I did. Hail Satan!
Hail Satan!
Hail Satan
Fuck xrist. this is good.
Yes! It’s TRUE. Satan desires for us to be able to enjoy the extremely intense sexual pleasures which He ALONE provides. I absolutely LOVE Satan: Oh FUCK, I LOVE Him!!!
WORSHIP SATAN!!! When you commit your soul to Him & embrace Him, in your heart, ALL guilt & shame will be GONE! He will set you FREE; &, you will NEVER regret it. WORSHIP SATAN!!! Commit your soul, your body & heart to Him.
I am FOREVER HIS POSSESSION; my soul His trophy. I love Him sooo fucking much!!!
Felicia. Wow. I accidently posted to all of it.lol .. but you seem amazing. Yea I’m a christian . But am very tempted. I have wicked thoughts and desires and feel guilty about them. I am very lustful. Wish I could talk to you. My name is Glenn
I am a christian felicia . But your comments are amazing. I am very tempted to be ably to fully enjoy true pleasure
I was once xtian but I finally listened to Satan’s call and opened my eyes. I have to agree with Felicia as I feel the same way. My story took years to complete but I am so glad that Satan never gave up on me and knew that I would eventually join his family… https://littlesally666.com/satan-spoke-to-me-through-porn-by-mick-non-fiction/
Hail Mick — thanks for reminding me about this post. Fabulous true story. Mine is not so dissimilar. And I agreed with both you and Felicia. May Satan bring us all perverted joy, sexual satisfaction, and fucking powerful orgasms! XP