Writer: Sculpturaurum
Subject: My Confession To Father Jan
Link: Tumblr / 05.12.2024
My Confession To Father Jan
I come from a very religious, Catholic family. I was always very devout, I was an altar boy, and I served the priests who were celebrating masses. I was an unhappy boy. I was always different from others — I was skinny and weak. Colleagues laughed at me. But the church was always good to me. I liked to pray. When I was sixteen I started to change. My arms and legs became hairy. I began to masturbate.
I felt terrible because I knew it was bad. I was even more depressed. On that holiday to our parish came a priest from Africa. He was black, which in my country was unusual and weird. Father Jan — that’s his name. Father Jan was very tall. He looked like a worker dressed in a priest’s robes.
After one mass, he came up to me and said that he saw that I was sad. I did not want to tell him that I was doing sinful things. He touched my cheek and told me not to worry. Then I said I needed to confess. Father Jan took me to his private room. He sat down in his chair and told me to kneel before him. I came close to him and knelt in front of him. I knelt between his wide legs.
Father Jan leaned over me.
”In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit — Confess your sins,” he whispered.
He repeated the word “sins” again. And his voice was strange. Something happened at that time with me. I was afraid, but at the same time, I wanted to tell him everything.
“I masturbate every day,” I said.
”Yes. Tell me how you do it,” said Father Jan.
“Every day, I’m caressing my cock. I do it for a long time. I’m like hypnotized. I cannot stop. I love doing this.”
“Do you like your dick? Do you like it when he controls you?” asked Father Jan.
“Yes, Father.”
“What do you think about when you do this, son?”
“I just think about dick.”
When I said this, I realized that I was still looking right at Father Jan’s cock.
“Do you think only about your dick, or about other dicks?” asked Father Jan.
”I do not know,” I swallowed, “I have never seen other dicks.”
Father Jan ran his hand over his trousers. Then, I saw a big dick under his pants. I looked at his face. Father Jan smiled strangely.
“Your dick has become God to you. You are a sinner.”
“No, Father, I do not want to be a sinner,” I replied.
“You like this, son? Do you like to sin? Satan is glad when you do, son.”
“I do not want to be the reason Satan is satisfied,” I exclaimed.
“So, my son … you must renounce it!”
Father Jan unbuttoned his pants and I saw a big black dick. I have never seen anything like it! He was big, wiry, shiny … Like shining in the inner light. I could not take my eyes off him.
“So, son … you must renounce him!” Father Jan’s voice was dark, wicked.
And his cock throbbed, moved, and made even bigger. I wanted to renounce it, but I could not say anything. I wanted to touch him, I wanted him …
“I renounce… I renounce, I …” I stuttered.
“So, my son, can you do it? Can you renounce sin? … No … You cannot, you little pervert!”
Father Jan changed, his face was different, and his eyes seemed to shine. He looked like somebody out of this world. He grabbed my head and looked me in the eyes.
”Satan is proud of you, son!”
I was confused. I didn’t know if Father Jan was angry with me. Was he satisfied with me? Then Father Jan grabbed my head with both hands. He looked terrifyingly beautiful. His face was very close to my face. With his mouth — he touched my lips.
”If you cannot renounce him,” he said, “Adore him, son! Pray to him!”
And he pushed my face down. My mouth touched his wet dick. I started to lick, suck, swallow. I went mad licking his cock.
Father Jan lit candles. From the desk, he took out a silver chain with a large medallion and hung it to his neck. After a while, I saw that medallion with a goat’s skull. I saw that on the table, facing the candle stands a cross turned upside down. I was scared.
Father Jan grabbed me in his arms and started kissing me. It was like a drug. I could not resist. I was in a trance. I was naked on the floor with a huge black priest standing over me — his cock looked like a baseball bat. His black skin gleamed in candlelight, his muscles tensed, and his eyes hypnotized me.
“Dick is God,” Father Jan chanted.
“Yes, dick is God,” I repeated.
”Sodomy is the way to God!”
“Yes, Sodomy is the way to God,” I repeated.
“Satan is the one true God!”
“Father … but …” I stuttered.
“Repeat after me — Satan is the only God!”
His eyes … His cock … I could not stop …
“Satan is the only God,” I repeated to Father Jan.
And then something happened to me. My body burned in the fire. I was horny. My cock became hard as ever. My hole … My hole started to pulsate. I felt as if my hole had become elastic. I had to extend my legs. I began to put my fingers in my hole. It was so nice.
“Satan, Satan, Satan,” I whispered and repeated again and again.
“You are mine now,” I heard Jan’s voice.
But Jan looked quite different. He looked like a demon and was so beautiful. He grabbed me hard. I felt his cock plunge into my hole. It was so cool! One moment, he was in me. I felt possessed. Pain mixed with pleasure.
“You belong to me, boy. Your body and your soul are mine.”
“Yes, my lord, I am yours,” I answered.
And then he started to fuck me like a demon.
“Now you will be one of us, son. My cock will transform you into a slut. You will be the Temple of Satan … the altar for the brothers. You will change into a whore. Your hole will always be hungry. In the name of Satan, I fuck your hole.”
When I heard it, I was even more horny. I wanted it. I was a religious boy and wanted what the Devil was saying. His cock fucked me like a rag. He was so deep in me … I was only sixteen years old, but I felt like I was born just for that.
Every time he came inside me, I felt that I was made for it. It was more than pleasure … It was possessed! Yes, I was possessed! His cock had me possessed. I was all his. I surrendered to him. Yes, I wanted to be a whore, I wanted to be a slut, I wanted to be his slave. And I wanted to worship Satan … so that he sent me to his demon.
“Hail Satan! Repeat, little bitch!” ordered Jan.
“Hail Satan!”
“Now the devil’s seed will fill you,” groaned Jan, “Satan will bless you, my bitch. From now on, there is no return. Satan is in you!”
I felt his fiery cock explode in me. I got spasms and spasms. And then my cock shot. I was like a delirium.
“Satan is in me, Satan is in me, I have Satan in myself,” I said with pride.
“Oh yes, Satan is in you!”
Mmmmmm! Loved it!
Yes I agree mmmm I love a huge deformed nigger cock pumping my pussy mouth,
I suck for the dark master god Satan
I lick for the dark master god Satan
I swallow for the dark master god Satan
Every time I serve a bull nigger faggot
Hail satan
Hail Lilith