Writer: The living Erection
Subject: My Cock Babble Ritual
Link: Tumblr / 20.12.2024
My Cock Babble Ritual
Cock Babble — the almighty power of the cock — when realized and focused upon, the mind becomes enflamed with lust. The mind races and at the same time is still. The energy raises the spine and explodes in your mind. All that can be heard is words of cock. Every word and description of the cock is all that can be found.
Many, who masturbate their cock become lost — either, they are unaware of what they are saying, or are aware but cannot channel the energy. Even if the energy of a person is strong or their occult practices of mind and cock meet — they need the wisdom to allow their love to pour from the lips, intensifying the “Gospel of Cock” so that their lust can emerge.
In Cock Babble your rituals and practices must be “one with your cock” — how to achieve this, I will share with you now …
- Focus on your cock, The concept of centering your being into your cock, then focus on your breathing. Each inhale, see the cock glowing a bright white, each exhale see it and feel it expanding.
- Don’t masturbate like you normally would — instead, caress your cock — be gentle and kind to it. In your mind feel the love you feel for the cock, recognize it as the same love, you feel, when in awe of cock in general — feel this and continue to caress your cock.
- In your mind, in your heart speak to the cock I won’t give you the words because in truth it must be from the heart and original, consider the love you have for your cock, personally, I love my penis beyond anything I could even explain to another person.
- Finally, once you’re in this blissed state, see yourself in your mind, look down at yourself realize you are looking at yourself, and feel your physical self become aware of your astral body looking down at you.
- This is the hardest part, in your mind see yourself as a ball of energy or a simple form and see it going into your cock (so from a third-person astral perspective, look down on yourself and then realize that your consciousness is that being looking down, and in your mind see yourself going into your cock).
- This is how one mentally projects, but in this case, you are going into your cock, you should feel a sense of the love as if you were the cock, it takes practice and in time you will learn to simply “sink into” your cock.
- From this masturbate and slowly build up your sexual fire, when you are getting close you must edge, to do this you squeeze the muscles of your ass (like pinching one-off) this muscle connects to another muscle known as the pelvic floor, and tighten this muscle and the energy building in your cock will begin to flow down and up the spine, touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth and the energy will flow in a loop (microcosmic orbit).
If you do this every time you get close, you are nourishing your body with each cycle, instead of shooting your cum you transmute it.
This my friends is the key to sexual alchemy and coupled with cock love you will experience intense sexual power, now you who art witches, know that this power is the power of cock; Satan; Set; the Father and the Mother; Lilith; the Mother that flows through all things and using it in a ritual or a casting is the original intention.