Writer: Guardianwolff-666
Subject: My Brother
Link: Tumblr / 13.12.2022
Author’s Note: I feel that Satan brings to us what we ask for. I have felt that experiences come to me out of the blue even in my work surroundings that he has brought people for me to corrupt and enter into sexual contact with when least expected. I have found that even those he brings to me are open to satanic sodomy, the hailing of our master and blasphemy of the Christian God. Be ready to receive what you ask for.
My Brothers
My Brothers, they are my coven members. They are followers on Tumblr as well as those I follow and have gotten to know. We all have one thing in common, a desire to be closer to Satan and find a lust for life.
- It may be a hard thing to do for some, but take the risk. Tell your brothers and sisters you love them. Doing so will put you in a good frame of mind. It will put them in a good frame of mind. To say those words may be just the right amount of encouraging we all need.
- Make a short list of ways you are finding yourself evolving and coming closer to Satan and his demons.
- Thank Satan and his demons for making a great impact on your life.
- What things in your life are keeping you from moving forward?
- Go into your astral temple altar.
Write on parchment paper those things stated in #4. Kneel and say the following prayer:
“Satan, I am your child. I am your soldier. I am your priest. Do with me what thou will.”
Burn the parchment paper in your Astral.